Tuesday, March 13, 2018

In Idiot America the religious brainwashing of children is considered normal. It's become a lucrative industry. Assholes for Jeebus have created anti-science schools to protect their children from learning anything. This is child abuse and there's no excuse for it.

I answered a good question:

"Christians, do you label your children as christians before they're old enough to decide for themselves?"

Of course that's the problem. Do we have children who are Democrats? Do we have children who are Republicans? Of course not. But we do have Christian children, Muslim children, Jewish children, and children of every other ridiculous religious cult.

This is child abuse. It's legal child abuse but the child abusers belong in prison.

An asshole wrote "It's normal and right for parents to teach their children the truth about God."

Asshole, how do you know your bullshit is true? And if it is true why do you need to brainwash children? Why not let them grow up first? The reason is if they are not brainwashed at a very young age then when they grow up they will never buy your moronic bullshit. And you know it.


Someone else wrote this:

"Christers even made a documentary about their youth indoctrination program. It's called Jesus Camp. Don't watch it unless you have a strong stomach for child abuse. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486358/"

I looked at it but I had to turn it off. This child abuse is beyond disgusting. I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.

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