"Darwin was the first to use data from nature to convince people that evolution is true, and his idea of natural selection was truly novel. It testifies to his genius that the concept of natural theology, accepted by most educated Westerners before 1859, was vanquished within only a few years by a single five-hundred-page book. On the Origin of Species turned the mysteries of life's diversity from mythology into genuine science." -- Jerry Coyne
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
I found a dumb joke about atheists. Well done.
An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, “Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.” The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, “What would you want to talk about?” “Oh, I don’t know,” said the atheist. “How about why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?” as he smiled smugly. “Okay,” she said. “Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?” The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it and says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.” To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to discuss God, Heaven and Hell, or life after death, when you don’t know shit?”
The religious implications of evolution
"If anything is absolutely, rock-bottom true, it’s that life evolved, beginning about 4 billion years ago, and that the creation myth of Genesis is completely wrong."
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
Some stuff I found about Charles Darwin
The Origin of Darwin By OLIVIA JUDSON February 11, 2009
Some paragraphs from Olivia Judson's article:
MY fellow primates, 200 years ago today, Charles Darwin was born. Please join me in wishing him happy birthday!
Unlike many members of the human species, Darwin makes an easy hero. His achievements were prodigious; his science, meticulous. His work transformed our understanding of the planet and of ourselves.
He was not right about everything. How could he have been? Famously, he didn’t know how genetics works; as for DNA — well, the structure of the molecule wasn’t discovered until 1953. So today’s view of evolution is much more nuanced than his. We have incorporated genetics, and expanded and refined our understanding of natural selection, and of the other forces in evolution.
But what is astonishing is how much Darwin did know, and how far he saw. His imagination told him, for example, that many female animals have a sense of beauty — that they like to mate with the most beautiful males. For this he was ridiculed. But we know that he was right. Still more impressive: he was not afraid to apply his ideas to humans. He thought that natural selection had operated on us, just as it had on fruit flies and centipedes.
As we delve into DNA sequences, we can see natural selection acting at the level of genes. Our genes hold evidence of our intimate associations with other beings, from cows to malaria parasites and grains. The latest research allows us to trace the genetic changes that differentiate us from our primate cousins, and shows that large parts of the human genome bear the stamp of evolution by means of natural selection.
He published important work on subjects as diverse as the biology of carnivorous plants, barnacles, earthworms and the formation of coral reefs. He wrote a travelogue, “The Voyage of the Beagle,” that was an immediate best seller and remains a classic of its kind. And as if that was not enough, he discovered two major forces in evolution — natural selection and sexual selection — and wrote three radical scientific masterpieces, “On the Origin of Species” (1859), “The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex” (1871) and “The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals” (1872).
Some paragraphs from Olivia Judson's article:
MY fellow primates, 200 years ago today, Charles Darwin was born. Please join me in wishing him happy birthday!
Unlike many members of the human species, Darwin makes an easy hero. His achievements were prodigious; his science, meticulous. His work transformed our understanding of the planet and of ourselves.
He was not right about everything. How could he have been? Famously, he didn’t know how genetics works; as for DNA — well, the structure of the molecule wasn’t discovered until 1953. So today’s view of evolution is much more nuanced than his. We have incorporated genetics, and expanded and refined our understanding of natural selection, and of the other forces in evolution.
But what is astonishing is how much Darwin did know, and how far he saw. His imagination told him, for example, that many female animals have a sense of beauty — that they like to mate with the most beautiful males. For this he was ridiculed. But we know that he was right. Still more impressive: he was not afraid to apply his ideas to humans. He thought that natural selection had operated on us, just as it had on fruit flies and centipedes.
As we delve into DNA sequences, we can see natural selection acting at the level of genes. Our genes hold evidence of our intimate associations with other beings, from cows to malaria parasites and grains. The latest research allows us to trace the genetic changes that differentiate us from our primate cousins, and shows that large parts of the human genome bear the stamp of evolution by means of natural selection.
He published important work on subjects as diverse as the biology of carnivorous plants, barnacles, earthworms and the formation of coral reefs. He wrote a travelogue, “The Voyage of the Beagle,” that was an immediate best seller and remains a classic of its kind. And as if that was not enough, he discovered two major forces in evolution — natural selection and sexual selection — and wrote three radical scientific masterpieces, “On the Origin of Species” (1859), “The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex” (1871) and “The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals” (1872).
They said the driver screamed "Allah' akbar". Obviously this was the Religion of Peace. 8 people murdered for Allah in New York City. Muslims are scum.
At least eight people were killed and about 15 injured Tuesday afternoon when a driver entered a popular bike path in lower Manhattan and mowed down pedestrians and bikers, according to fire and police officials.
"This was an act of terror," said New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.
We need to stop letting Muslim subhumans enter this country.
Praying is the fucking problem. We need to get rid of this fucking praying bullshit. The Muslim asshole who murdered 8 people today prays 5 times a day as do all Muslim morons.
Religions are good for nothing but violence, brainwashing, and extreme stupidity.
Even worse than Muslim scum are the wimpy wimps who suck up to Muslim assholes. They have my contempt.
The White House says President Donald Trump has been briefed on the incident.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the president and New York native has been briefed by White House chief of staff John Kelly and "will be continually updated as more details are known."
Sanders says, "Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected."Praying is the fucking problem. We need to get rid of this fucking praying bullshit. The Muslim asshole who murdered 8 people today prays 5 times a day as do all Muslim morons.
Religions are good for nothing but violence, brainwashing, and extreme stupidity.
Even worse than Muslim scum are the wimpy wimps who suck up to Muslim assholes. They have my contempt.
2017/10 OCTOBER,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
What somebody wrote about Idiot America.
"I personally believe that it’s shocking in the year 2017 that we can have American congressmen who openly proclaim the earth is 6,000 years old and that the fossil record was put there to test our faith. And because it’s a religious idea, not only are we not allowed to question or ridicule it, we are debating whether or not to teach it in our schools, and that’s upsetting to me. I really feel that religion does itself no favors by declaring itself immune from rational scrutiny."
Dan Brown Offers Blistering Critique of Religion in Interview for New Book
"And because it’s a religious idea, not only are we not allowed to question or ridicule it"
I don't have a problem with ridiculing religious bullshit.
The time for being nice is over with. Religious stupidity needs to be ridiculed repeatedly.
Dan Brown Offers Blistering Critique of Religion in Interview for New Book
"And because it’s a religious idea, not only are we not allowed to question or ridicule it"
I don't have a problem with ridiculing religious bullshit.
The time for being nice is over with. Religious stupidity needs to be ridiculed repeatedly.
Human Chromosome Two makes the Magic Jeebus Man cry. In 2005 there was a trial to defend the teaching of evolution when some creationist assholes on a school board tried to force biology teachers to give equal time to the magical creationism fantasy. The Christian scum lost. During the trial there were numerous science lessons. Here is one of them and it's very interesting. The biologist is Ken Miller, a professor at Brown University in Rhode Island. Thanks to our Establishment Clause the Christian assholes will never be allowed to get away with anything.
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, Trial transcript: Day 1 (September 26), AM Session, Part 2
Q. Could you give us another example?
A. Sure, I'm very happy to. The next slide, this is another test of the evolutionary hypothesis of common ancestry.
We have, as I'm sure most people know, 46 chromosomes in our human cells. That means we have 23 pairs of chromosomes because you get 23 from mom and you get 23 from dad, so we've all got 46 total. We've got 23 pairs.
Now, the curious thing about the great apes is they have more. They have, as you can see from the slide, 48 chromosomes, which means they have 24 pairs. Now, what that means, Mr. Walczak, is that you and I, in a sense, are missing a chromosome, we're missing a pair of chromosomes. And the question is, if evolution is right about this common ancestry idea, where did the chromosome go?
Now, there's no possibility that that common ancestry which would have had 48 chromosomes because the other three species have 48, there's no possibility the chromosome could have just got lost or thrown away. A chromosome has so much genetic information on it that the loss of a whole chromosome would probably be fatal. So that's not a hypothesis.
Therefore, evolution makes a testable prediction, and that is, somewhere in the human genome we've got to be able to find a human chromosome that actually shows the point at which two of these common ancestors were pasted together. We ought to be able to find a piece of Scotch tape holding together two chromosomes so that our 24 pairs -- one of them was pasted together to form just 23. And if we can't find that, then the hypothesis of common ancestry is wrong and evolution is mistaken.
Go to the next slide. Now, the prediction is even better than that. And the reason for that is chromosomes themselves have little genetic markers in their middles and on their ends. They have DNA sequences, which I've highlighted in here, called telomeres that exist on the edges of the chromosomes.
Then they have special DNA sequences at the center called centromeres, which I've highlighted in red. Centromeres are really important because that's where the chromosomes are separated when a cell divides. If you don't have a centromere, you're in really big trouble.
Now, if one of our chromosomes, as evolution predicts, really was formed by the fusion of two chromosomes, what we should find is in that human chromosome, we should find those telomere sequences which belong at the ends, but we should find them in the middle. Sort of like the seam at which you've glued two things together, it should still be there.
And we should also find that there are two centromeres, one of which has, perhaps, been inactivated in order to make it convenient to separate this when a cell divides. That's a prediction. And if we can't find it in our genome, then evolution is in trouble.
Next slide. Well, lo and behold, the answer is in Chromosome Number 2. This is a paper that -- this is a facsimile of a paper that was published in the British journal Nature in 2004. It's a multi-authored paper. The first author is Hillier, and other authors are listed as et al. And it's entitled, The Generation and Annotation of the DNA Sequences of Human Chromosomes 2 and 4.
And what this paper shows very clearly is that all of the marks of the fusion of those chromosomes predicted by common descent and evolution, all those marks are present on human Chromosome Number 2.
Would you advance the slide. And I put this up to remind the Court of what that prediction is. We should find telomeres at the fusion point of one of our chromosomes, we should have an inactivated centromere and we should have another one that still works.
And you'll note -- this is some scientific jargon from the paper, but I will read part of it. Quote, Chromosome 2 is unique to the human lineage of evolution having emerged as a result of head-to-head fusion of two acrocentric chromosomes that remain separate in other primates. The precise fusion site has been located, the reference then says exactly there, where our analysis confirmed the presence of multiple telomere, subtelomeric duplications. So those are right there.
And then, secondly, during the formation of human chromosome 2, one of the twocentromeres became inactivated, and the exact point of that inactivation is pointed out, and the chromosome that is inactivated in us -- excuse me, the centromere that is inactivated in us turns out to correspond to primate Chromosomes Number 13.
So the case is closed in a most beautiful way, and that is, the prediction of evolution of common ancestry is fulfilled by that lead-pipe evidence that you see here in terms of tying everything together, that our chromosome formed by the fusion from our common ancestor is Chromosome Number 2. Evolution has made a testable prediction and has passed.
Q. So what you're testifying here is that modern genetics and molecular biology actually support evolutionary theory?
A. They support it in great detail. And the closer that we can get to looking at the details of the human genome, the more powerful the evidence has become.
A. Sure, I'm very happy to. The next slide, this is another test of the evolutionary hypothesis of common ancestry.
We have, as I'm sure most people know, 46 chromosomes in our human cells. That means we have 23 pairs of chromosomes because you get 23 from mom and you get 23 from dad, so we've all got 46 total. We've got 23 pairs.
Now, the curious thing about the great apes is they have more. They have, as you can see from the slide, 48 chromosomes, which means they have 24 pairs. Now, what that means, Mr. Walczak, is that you and I, in a sense, are missing a chromosome, we're missing a pair of chromosomes. And the question is, if evolution is right about this common ancestry idea, where did the chromosome go?
Now, there's no possibility that that common ancestry which would have had 48 chromosomes because the other three species have 48, there's no possibility the chromosome could have just got lost or thrown away. A chromosome has so much genetic information on it that the loss of a whole chromosome would probably be fatal. So that's not a hypothesis.
Therefore, evolution makes a testable prediction, and that is, somewhere in the human genome we've got to be able to find a human chromosome that actually shows the point at which two of these common ancestors were pasted together. We ought to be able to find a piece of Scotch tape holding together two chromosomes so that our 24 pairs -- one of them was pasted together to form just 23. And if we can't find that, then the hypothesis of common ancestry is wrong and evolution is mistaken.
Go to the next slide. Now, the prediction is even better than that. And the reason for that is chromosomes themselves have little genetic markers in their middles and on their ends. They have DNA sequences, which I've highlighted in here, called telomeres that exist on the edges of the chromosomes.
Then they have special DNA sequences at the center called centromeres, which I've highlighted in red. Centromeres are really important because that's where the chromosomes are separated when a cell divides. If you don't have a centromere, you're in really big trouble.
Now, if one of our chromosomes, as evolution predicts, really was formed by the fusion of two chromosomes, what we should find is in that human chromosome, we should find those telomere sequences which belong at the ends, but we should find them in the middle. Sort of like the seam at which you've glued two things together, it should still be there.
And we should also find that there are two centromeres, one of which has, perhaps, been inactivated in order to make it convenient to separate this when a cell divides. That's a prediction. And if we can't find it in our genome, then evolution is in trouble.
Next slide. Well, lo and behold, the answer is in Chromosome Number 2. This is a paper that -- this is a facsimile of a paper that was published in the British journal Nature in 2004. It's a multi-authored paper. The first author is Hillier, and other authors are listed as et al. And it's entitled, The Generation and Annotation of the DNA Sequences of Human Chromosomes 2 and 4.
And what this paper shows very clearly is that all of the marks of the fusion of those chromosomes predicted by common descent and evolution, all those marks are present on human Chromosome Number 2.
Would you advance the slide. And I put this up to remind the Court of what that prediction is. We should find telomeres at the fusion point of one of our chromosomes, we should have an inactivated centromere and we should have another one that still works.
And you'll note -- this is some scientific jargon from the paper, but I will read part of it. Quote, Chromosome 2 is unique to the human lineage of evolution having emerged as a result of head-to-head fusion of two acrocentric chromosomes that remain separate in other primates. The precise fusion site has been located, the reference then says exactly there, where our analysis confirmed the presence of multiple telomere, subtelomeric duplications. So those are right there.
And then, secondly, during the formation of human chromosome 2, one of the twocentromeres became inactivated, and the exact point of that inactivation is pointed out, and the chromosome that is inactivated in us -- excuse me, the centromere that is inactivated in us turns out to correspond to primate Chromosomes Number 13.
So the case is closed in a most beautiful way, and that is, the prediction of evolution of common ancestry is fulfilled by that lead-pipe evidence that you see here in terms of tying everything together, that our chromosome formed by the fusion from our common ancestor is Chromosome Number 2. Evolution has made a testable prediction and has passed.
Q. So what you're testifying here is that modern genetics and molecular biology actually support evolutionary theory?
A. They support it in great detail. And the closer that we can get to looking at the details of the human genome, the more powerful the evidence has become.
I don't understand these people.
A magic god fairy hiding somewhere in the universe, I can't imagine anything more childish. Why is this still a subject in the 21 century?
Update: I asked some Christians this question. After reading the answers I realize now it's a stupidity problem.
Who are we? This is a good question. The answer is fantastic. This is a must see video. Louise Leakey asks, "Who are we?" The question takes her to the Rift Valley in Eastern Africa, where she digs for the evolutionary origins of humankind -- and suggests a stunning new vision of our competing ancestors.
2017/10 OCTOBER,
Human Apes,
My favorite videos
Religions are boring. I prefer reality.
"The religious imagination is paltry and petty compared to the awesome reality."
-- PZ Myers, University of Minnesota biologist
-- PZ Myers, University of Minnesota biologist
2017/10 OCTOBER,
My favorite quotes,
PZ Myers,
When I lived in Chicago I would take the subway to and from work downtown (aka the loop because an elevated train loops around it). The subway was always very crowded. Most passengers had to stand. It was interesting but usually not fun. This excellent song is about the New York City subway. "The Train" by The Roches
Cowards for Jeebus
A magical 2nd life in a magical paradise is the wishful thinking of religious cowards.
I prefer the real heaven we are living in right now, the planet Earth.
Early this morning as usual I saw a very bright Venus and some red clouds. Not much later I saw another spectacular south Florida sunrise.
I prefer the real heaven we are living in right now, the planet Earth.
Early this morning as usual I saw a very bright Venus and some red clouds. Not much later I saw another spectacular south Florida sunrise.
Memo to President Trump: Drop dead you fucking retard.
President Trump, you stupid fucking asshole, read this New York Times article you fucking dipshit.
2017/10 OCTOBER,
Donald Trump,
New York Times
"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
I recommend click ROBERT FROST to listen to this poem.
The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Muslims, Christians, and normal people (aka atheists)
I already knew about this fact but I found this somewhere. It's a list of some of the ex-Muslims who need to have bodyguards the rest of their lives or else the Religion of Peace will kill them.
"Ex-Muslims—people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ali Rizvi, Sarah Haider, Faisal Al Mutar, and Maryam Namazie—all get death threats because they’re apostates, and apostasy is a capital crime in Islam."
"Ex-Muslims—people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ali Rizvi, Sarah Haider, Faisal Al Mutar, and Maryam Namazie—all get death threats because they’re apostates, and apostasy is a capital crime in Islam."
Imagine an atheist who throws out reality, throws out science, throws out common sense, and throws out his or her brain, all this to become an ex-atheist aka theist. Would this ex-atheist get death threats? Would he or she have to hire bodyguards?
Of course not. Atheists might laugh at the stupidity but there would be no violence.
Now imagine a Christian throwing out the Magic Jeebus Man. He or she would be harassed by parents but there would be no violence.
Only the Religion of Peace requires these people to be hunted down and killed. And by the way these are the moderate Muslims who want to enforce the rules which require killing anyone including relatives if a Muslim grows up and throws out Allah.
My point is these asshole lunatics should not be allowed to enter civilized countries, for example America, the UK, France, Germany, etc.
A nitpicker might point out the fact that America is not civilized. That's correct but that's not an excuse to let in Muslim scum.
A liberal crybaby might say some Muslims are civilized. Fine, we will send the "moderate" Muslims to your neighborhood. Just hope their children never read the Quran which requires violence against ex-Muslims.
2017/10 OCTOBER,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
Monday, October 30, 2017
The idiots of Idiot America
Evolution does not need defending because it's a basic scientific fact. The religious alternative, magical intelligent design creationism, is the most ridiculously stupid idea in the history of the human race. Creationism is more than an idiotic idea, it's a disease, a severe mental illness. Why do Christians deny the established truth of evolution, despite massive, powerful, and still growing evidence that's been accumulating for more than 150 years? There can be only one possible explanation. Christians (and their Muslim terrorist friends) are uneducated morons.
I answered the question "Can you be a Christian and believe in evolution?" (Evolution is not a belief FFS).
Most American Christians are evolution deniers.
Some Christians accept the established truth of evolution but always they stick Mr. God into it to invent or use or guide evolution as if natural processes require supernatural magic.
These idiots for Jeebus call themselves theistic evolutionists which is ridiculous. There is nothing theistic about any branch of science, especially not evolution.
These people are not accepting evolution. They are polluting evolution with magic.
Some Christians accept the established truth of evolution but always they stick Mr. God into it to invent or use or guide evolution as if natural processes require supernatural magic.
These idiots for Jeebus call themselves theistic evolutionists which is ridiculous. There is nothing theistic about any branch of science, especially not evolution.
These people are not accepting evolution. They are polluting evolution with magic.
Why did America elect a loon as President?
President Trump's previous career was celebrity clown. How did he get the job despite the odds?
To win the nomination for Republican candidate for president he had to defeat 12 other loons. That turned out to be easy. He just relentlessly insulted anyone who came close to him in the polls. Republicans like this behavior.
Before and after he won the nomination a lot of people who have never voted before in their lives decided to vote for Trump. They liked his "America First" idea. These are hard working people who felt the other politicians ignored them. They fell in love with Trump and most of them still love him.
Trump's opponent in the election was part of the problem. A lot of people including some Democrats didn't like her. Hilary Clinton screwed up when she decided to ignore the rules and use her own email instead of government email for when she was Secretary of State in the 1st 4 years of the Obama administration. That got her into trouble.
Even worse was when she insulted half of the American population, calling them "deplorables". This made the angry Trump fans more likely to vote.
Now we are stuck with a loon who wants to destroy the environment and who can't stop acting like a child, disgracing this country every chance he gets.
The upside is he might be doing something right because the economy is booming, lots of jobs are available, and the stock market keeps setting new highs.
He should lose in 2020 but I wouldn't bet on it. The Democrats will probably find a way to lose the election again. We will see what happens.
To win the nomination for Republican candidate for president he had to defeat 12 other loons. That turned out to be easy. He just relentlessly insulted anyone who came close to him in the polls. Republicans like this behavior.
Before and after he won the nomination a lot of people who have never voted before in their lives decided to vote for Trump. They liked his "America First" idea. These are hard working people who felt the other politicians ignored them. They fell in love with Trump and most of them still love him.
Trump's opponent in the election was part of the problem. A lot of people including some Democrats didn't like her. Hilary Clinton screwed up when she decided to ignore the rules and use her own email instead of government email for when she was Secretary of State in the 1st 4 years of the Obama administration. That got her into trouble.
Even worse was when she insulted half of the American population, calling them "deplorables". This made the angry Trump fans more likely to vote.
Now we are stuck with a loon who wants to destroy the environment and who can't stop acting like a child, disgracing this country every chance he gets.
The upside is he might be doing something right because the economy is booming, lots of jobs are available, and the stock market keeps setting new highs.
He should lose in 2020 but I wouldn't bet on it. The Democrats will probably find a way to lose the election again. We will see what happens.
The best speech ever written about evolution
Ken Miller is a biologist at Brown University in Rhode Island. He is one of the rare religious biologists. These people disgrace their profession. Science explains reality. Religions want to throw reality out.
Despite his god fairy disease he has done more than anyone to defend the teaching of evolution in Idiot America where there is a never ending Christian war against teaching evolution.
He also gave a radio speech at Rhode Island about evolution and it's excellent, extremely well done. The 1st sentence in his speech was the only thing I would complain about. He said "I believe in evolution" as if the strongest fact of science is a belief. It would be more accurate so to say "I accept the overwhelming evidence for evolution."
It was a fantastic speech. Here it is:
I believe in evolution. In America that's a controversial statement. More than half of us reject the theory of evolution, and for some, it's not only wrong, but the source of nearly everything that's wrong with society today. But to a biologist like me evolution isn't politics or sociology. It's a scientific idea. And it might just be the best scientific idea ever.
Darwin's great insight was that the living world today holds the key to our biological past. The fact that he worked in an age before genetics, before the discovery of radioactivity, before the identification of even a single pre-human fossil, makes his work that much more remarkable. Darwin didn't know about the gene, but today we trace the ways in which genes themselves produce evolutionary change. Darwin didn't know about DNA, but today we follow the course of evolution thru our own DNA and the story is unmistakable. Like everything else on this planet, we evolved.
The objections often raised against evolution, like the age of the earth, or their so called gaps in the fossil record, are remarkably easy to answer. And I've done that many times, in books and lectures and twice, even in a federal court. But the evidence isn't what really bothers most Americans about evolution. What bugs them is that evolution says something they just don't want to hear. Namely, that we not only live in a natural world, but we are part of it, we emerged from it, or more accurately, we emerged with it. To them that means we are just animals. Our lives are an accident, our existence is without purpose, meaning, or value. My concern for those who hold that view, isn't just that they are wrong on science, wrong about the nature of the evidence, and mistaken on a fundamental point of biology, it's that they are missing something grand and beautiful and personally enriching.
Evolution isn't just a story about where we came from. It's an epic at the center of life itself. Far from robbing our lives of meaning, it instills an appreciation for the beautiful, enduring, and ultimately triumphant fabric of life that covers our planet, and even this beautiful little state, from the deep forests of Hope Valley to the rich aquatic life of Narragansett Bay.
Understanding that doesn't demean human life, it enhances it. We may be animals, but we are not just animals. We are the only ones who can truly appreciate, as Darwin put it, that there is grandeur in this view of life. And indeed there is.
To accept evolution isn't just to acknowledge the obvious, that the evidence behind it is overwhelming. It is to open one's eyes to the endless beauty that life has generated and continues to produce. It is to become a knowing participant in the truest sense, in the living world of which we are all a part.
-- Ken Miller, Brown University biologist
Despite his god fairy disease he has done more than anyone to defend the teaching of evolution in Idiot America where there is a never ending Christian war against teaching evolution.
He also gave a radio speech at Rhode Island about evolution and it's excellent, extremely well done. The 1st sentence in his speech was the only thing I would complain about. He said "I believe in evolution" as if the strongest fact of science is a belief. It would be more accurate so to say "I accept the overwhelming evidence for evolution."
It was a fantastic speech. Here it is:
I believe in evolution. In America that's a controversial statement. More than half of us reject the theory of evolution, and for some, it's not only wrong, but the source of nearly everything that's wrong with society today. But to a biologist like me evolution isn't politics or sociology. It's a scientific idea. And it might just be the best scientific idea ever.
Darwin's great insight was that the living world today holds the key to our biological past. The fact that he worked in an age before genetics, before the discovery of radioactivity, before the identification of even a single pre-human fossil, makes his work that much more remarkable. Darwin didn't know about the gene, but today we trace the ways in which genes themselves produce evolutionary change. Darwin didn't know about DNA, but today we follow the course of evolution thru our own DNA and the story is unmistakable. Like everything else on this planet, we evolved.
The objections often raised against evolution, like the age of the earth, or their so called gaps in the fossil record, are remarkably easy to answer. And I've done that many times, in books and lectures and twice, even in a federal court. But the evidence isn't what really bothers most Americans about evolution. What bugs them is that evolution says something they just don't want to hear. Namely, that we not only live in a natural world, but we are part of it, we emerged from it, or more accurately, we emerged with it. To them that means we are just animals. Our lives are an accident, our existence is without purpose, meaning, or value. My concern for those who hold that view, isn't just that they are wrong on science, wrong about the nature of the evidence, and mistaken on a fundamental point of biology, it's that they are missing something grand and beautiful and personally enriching.
Evolution isn't just a story about where we came from. It's an epic at the center of life itself. Far from robbing our lives of meaning, it instills an appreciation for the beautiful, enduring, and ultimately triumphant fabric of life that covers our planet, and even this beautiful little state, from the deep forests of Hope Valley to the rich aquatic life of Narragansett Bay.
Understanding that doesn't demean human life, it enhances it. We may be animals, but we are not just animals. We are the only ones who can truly appreciate, as Darwin put it, that there is grandeur in this view of life. And indeed there is.
To accept evolution isn't just to acknowledge the obvious, that the evidence behind it is overwhelming. It is to open one's eyes to the endless beauty that life has generated and continues to produce. It is to become a knowing participant in the truest sense, in the living world of which we are all a part.
-- Ken Miller, Brown University biologist
What's the difference between the magic god fairy and the Easter Bunny?
What's the difference between the magic god fairy and the Easter Bunny?
The only important difference is nobody has ever been killed because they believed in the wrong magical rabbit. Countless millions of people have been murdered because they believed in the wrong god fairy.
What does a magic god fairy (aka Magic Man) have in common with a magical bunny?
Both fantasies are not real. There is no magic in the universe.
When was the god fairy invented?
Thousands of years ago the fairy was invented to explain what uneducated morons didn't understand. For example where did all these creatures come from? Answer: The Magic Man did it.
When was the Easter Bunny invented?
It was invented in Germany in 1682.
Wikipedia: "The custom was first mentioned in Georg Franck von Franckenau's De ovis paschalibus ('About Easter Eggs') in 1682, referring to a German tradition of an Easter Hare bringing Easter eggs for the children."
Wikipedia is my friend.
Should people donate money to Wikipedia which has no ads and depends on donations?
That would be nice but I'm a cheapskate so I contribute nothing.
What is a cheapskate?
Cheapskate: a miserly or stingy person; one who tries to avoid paying a fair share of costs or expenses
Do I contribute money to https://lichess.org where I play chess everyday?
Yes. $5.00 a month for the rest of my life. Sometimes I do the right thing.
Is this post ridiculous?
Probably yes but I think people need to understand there is virtually no difference between magical gods and magical rabbits.
The only important difference is nobody has ever been killed because they believed in the wrong magical rabbit. Countless millions of people have been murdered because they believed in the wrong god fairy.
What does a magic god fairy (aka Magic Man) have in common with a magical bunny?
Both fantasies are not real. There is no magic in the universe.
When was the god fairy invented?
Thousands of years ago the fairy was invented to explain what uneducated morons didn't understand. For example where did all these creatures come from? Answer: The Magic Man did it.
When was the Easter Bunny invented?
It was invented in Germany in 1682.
Wikipedia: "The custom was first mentioned in Georg Franck von Franckenau's De ovis paschalibus ('About Easter Eggs') in 1682, referring to a German tradition of an Easter Hare bringing Easter eggs for the children."
Wikipedia is my friend.
Should people donate money to Wikipedia which has no ads and depends on donations?
That would be nice but I'm a cheapskate so I contribute nothing.
What is a cheapskate?
Cheapskate: a miserly or stingy person; one who tries to avoid paying a fair share of costs or expenses
Do I contribute money to https://lichess.org where I play chess everyday?
Yes. $5.00 a month for the rest of my life. Sometimes I do the right thing.
Is this post ridiculous?
Probably yes but I think people need to understand there is virtually no difference between magical gods and magical rabbits.
2017/10 OCTOBER,
Easter Bunny,
Magic Man
I answered this question: "What has God ever done for anyone that can’t be explained by science?"
Science killed the moronic god fairy fantasy in 1859 when Charles Darwin published On The Origin Of Species.
Magic is not real therefore magic god fairies are impossible. There have been zero magical miracles, zero resurrections, and zero god fairies. This is called "Realty".
Atheism is an acceptance of reality. Theism is a denial of reality. Take your pick.
Feeble-minded cowards want to throw out reality but they can't do that. Reality is what it is and nobody can make it go away. Wishful thinking doesn't work.
Magic is not real therefore magic god fairies are impossible. There have been zero magical miracles, zero resurrections, and zero god fairies. This is called "Realty".
Atheism is an acceptance of reality. Theism is a denial of reality. Take your pick.
Feeble-minded cowards want to throw out reality but they can't do that. Reality is what it is and nobody can make it go away. Wishful thinking doesn't work.
For me nothing is more interesting than evolution by natural selection.
Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne.
"The evolution of whales from land animals was remarkably fast: most of the action took place within only 10 million years. That's not much longer than the time it took us to diverge from our common ancestors with chimpanzees, a transition that involved far less modification of the body. Still, adapting to life at sea did not require the evolution of any brand-new features--only modifications of old ones."
"The evolution of whales from land animals was remarkably fast: most of the action took place within only 10 million years. That's not much longer than the time it took us to diverge from our common ancestors with chimpanzees, a transition that involved far less modification of the body. Still, adapting to life at sea did not require the evolution of any brand-new features--only modifications of old ones."
2017/10 OCTOBER,
chimpanzee apes,
Human Apes,
Jerry Coyne,
My favorite quotes,
A poll of Idiot America shows who is more likely to be a god-soaked moron.
Females are more religious than males.
Older people are more religious than young people.
Republicans are more religious than the Democrats.
I noticed the same thing, especially the Republicans. Most Republicans are evolution deniers. Science makes them cry. Republican assholes want to destroy this planet if it's lucrative to do that because their god fairy magically created everything just for them.
I got this information from Jerry Coyne's website at Where did life come from: God or naturalism? The data from the U.S. vs. the U.K. Jerry Coyne wrote "the damn Republicans are goddier than the Democrats. Republicans are the bane of science in the U.S."
Numerous evolution deniers infest Trump's administration including the Vice president FFS. When Mike Pence was in congress the asshole gave a long speech about his love for the magical creation of species. Evolution makes our Vice president cry.
The stupidity in Idiot America is overwhelming and this stupidity is now in every branch of our federal government.
The Democrats need to get their stuff together and stop losing elections. It would help if they got rid of the extreme bullshit. Some of these people want socialism in America instead of capitalism. They want America to be like Venezuela.
UPDATE: A list of possible Democrat candidates who might run for president in 2020:
New York Times - Who Can Beat Trump in 2020?
Older people are more religious than young people.
Republicans are more religious than the Democrats.
I noticed the same thing, especially the Republicans. Most Republicans are evolution deniers. Science makes them cry. Republican assholes want to destroy this planet if it's lucrative to do that because their god fairy magically created everything just for them.
I got this information from Jerry Coyne's website at Where did life come from: God or naturalism? The data from the U.S. vs. the U.K. Jerry Coyne wrote "the damn Republicans are goddier than the Democrats. Republicans are the bane of science in the U.S."
Numerous evolution deniers infest Trump's administration including the Vice president FFS. When Mike Pence was in congress the asshole gave a long speech about his love for the magical creation of species. Evolution makes our Vice president cry.
The stupidity in Idiot America is overwhelming and this stupidity is now in every branch of our federal government.
The Democrats need to get their stuff together and stop losing elections. It would help if they got rid of the extreme bullshit. Some of these people want socialism in America instead of capitalism. They want America to be like Venezuela.
UPDATE: A list of possible Democrat candidates who might run for president in 2020:
New York Times - Who Can Beat Trump in 2020?
In Idiot America Christian assholes keep their children (aka victims) out of normal schools so they can teach them anti-science bullshit at home.
"But, as Lovan noted in his piece, “83 percent of home-schooling parents want to give their children ‘religious or moral instruction.’” I weep for those children. For many of them are simply being brainwashed by their parents. Yes, that’s what it is—brainwashing. For a parent to ignore 150 years of solid science, feeding their children lies based on theology, is to deprive those children of the wonder of the universe—a wonder based on truth rather than medieval superstition. It kills off the part of a child that most needs nurturing: her sense of wonder, and all the possibilities of life that are opened up by that wonder. How many budding biologists have been stifled by their parents’ willful ignorance of science, and on their insistence that the Bible is the real source of biological information? Generation after generation of ignorance and religious dogmatism, all perpetuated by religously based home-schooling."
-- Jerry Coyne University of Chicago biologist, author of Why Evolution Is True
-- Jerry Coyne University of Chicago biologist, author of Why Evolution Is True
Was the Magic Jeebus Man real? I looked it up.
Was Jeebus real? There is nothing about him except in the bible, an ancient ridiculous book that's full of bullshit fantasies.
I think probably Jeebus is just another invented fantasy but it doesn't matter. If Jeebus was real he was just a worthless preacher man, too lazy to get a real job.
Same thing for the dipshit preachers who live today. Too lazy to get a real job.
I think probably Jeebus is just another invented fantasy but it doesn't matter. If Jeebus was real he was just a worthless preacher man, too lazy to get a real job.
Same thing for the dipshit preachers who live today. Too lazy to get a real job.
Stupid fucking assholes (Muslim scum and Christian retards) believe in a magical 2nd life never caring about the thousands of murders this cowardly fantasy makes possible. What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal which is infested with Christian scum.
Security forces regained control of a hotel here after a suicide car bomber detonated an explosives-laden vehicle at the entrance gate on Saturday afternoon, killing at least 23 people, and five extremist attackers stormed the building."
"Two more blasts were heard, one when an attacker detonated a suicide vest."
The magical heaven fantasy is one of the most powerful weapons ever invented. On September 11, 2001 the heaven fantasy was used to murder 3,000 Americans.
I looked something up. In 2016 the heaven fantasy was used 392 times to murder 4,611 people.
These idiots for Mohammad would not be blowing themselves up if they didn't expect to have a magical 2nd life in a magical paradise, a ridiculous cowardly fantasy they share with American Christians.
"Two more blasts were heard, one when an attacker detonated a suicide vest."
The magical heaven fantasy is one of the most powerful weapons ever invented. On September 11, 2001 the heaven fantasy was used to murder 3,000 Americans.
I looked something up. In 2016 the heaven fantasy was used 392 times to murder 4,611 people.
These idiots for Mohammad would not be blowing themselves up if they didn't expect to have a magical 2nd life in a magical paradise, a ridiculous cowardly fantasy they share with American Christians.
Wall Street Journal - Somali Security Forces Retake Mogadishu Hotel After Extremists Attack Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for suicide bombings, siege that left at least 23 people dead in capital
University of Chicago - Suicide Attack Database
Suicide car and truck bombings by country
Wikipedia - List of terrorist incidents in 2016
University of Chicago - Suicide Attack Database
Suicide car and truck bombings by country
Wikipedia - List of terrorist incidents in 2016
Sunday, October 29, 2017
The religious implications of evolution
"Evolution poses a further threat to Christianity, though, a threat that goes to the very heart of Christian teaching. Evolution means that the creation accounts in the first two chapters of Genesis are wrong. That's not how humans came into being, nor the cattle, nor the creeping things, nor the beasts of the earth, nor the fowl of the air. Evolution could not have produced a single mother and father of all future humans, so there was no Adam and no Eve. No Adam and Eve: no fall. No fall: no need for redemption. No need for redemption: no need for a redeemer. No need for a redeemer: no need for the crucifixion or the resurrection, and no need to believe in that redeemer in order to gain eternal life. And not the slightest reason to believe in eternal life in the first place."
-- Paula Kirby
-- Paula Kirby
Fairy tale: a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands.
Christianity is a fairy tale.
This is one of the strongest and most interesting evidences for evolution.
"The correspondence of chromosome 2 to two ape chromosomes. The closest human relative, the chimpanzee, has near-identical DNA sequences to human chromosome 2, but they are found in two separate chromosomes. The same is true of the more distant gorilla and orangutan.
Wikipedia - Chromosome 2 (human)
Wikipedia - Chromosome 2 (human)
For me this is the most interesting fact of science: We are an ape species. Humans are apes. The Magic Jeebus Man was an ape. Christians worship a dead ape.
No matter how the calculation is done, the big point still holds: humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos are more closely related to one another than either is to gorillas or any other primate. From the perspective of this powerful test of biological kinship, humans are not only related to the great apes – we are one. The DNA evidence leaves us with one of the greatest surprises in biology: the wall between human, on the one hand, and ape or animal, on the other, has been breached. The human evolutionary tree is embedded within the great apes.

Maybe this is why Trump got the job despite the odds against him. 81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Evangelicals are anti-science bible-thumping morons. Evolution makes them cry. Abortions make them cry. Minding their own business makes them cry.
Christianity And Abortion
"Abortion is one of the most heated political, social and religious topics of our times. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year by “right-to-life” groups to raise awareness, fight for more abortion restrictions in the United States and around the world, and to support “pro-life” political candidates. It could even be said that abortion is the single issue that gave the 2016 U.S. Presidential election to Donald Trump, since 81% of white evangelicals, a group that is against abortion by 61% or more, voted for Trump. This is a margin that could have easily pushed swing states in the other direction."
For me this is a boring subject and I usually avoid it. Everything that could possibly be said about it has already been said thousands of times.
I think it's usually a bad idea but it's a private decision and I mind my own business. Christian retards should mind their own business but they are too dense to be able to figure this out. I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.
"Abortion is one of the most heated political, social and religious topics of our times. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year by “right-to-life” groups to raise awareness, fight for more abortion restrictions in the United States and around the world, and to support “pro-life” political candidates. It could even be said that abortion is the single issue that gave the 2016 U.S. Presidential election to Donald Trump, since 81% of white evangelicals, a group that is against abortion by 61% or more, voted for Trump. This is a margin that could have easily pushed swing states in the other direction."
For me this is a boring subject and I usually avoid it. Everything that could possibly be said about it has already been said thousands of times.
I think it's usually a bad idea but it's a private decision and I mind my own business. Christian retards should mind their own business but they are too dense to be able to figure this out. I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.
The Question of Abortion: A Search for Answers by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan
This 9 minute George Carlin video is worth watching.
The Religion of Peace
The phenomenon of girls of religious minorities kidnapped, raped and in some cases, enforced to Islamic marriage, is endemic in Pakistan. According to Fides sources, affects about one thousand girls every year. It is part of the condition of subordination of women in Pakistani society, especially in rural areas, but women belonging to religious minorities are even more helpless, given that Muslim men feel they are guaranteed impunity in committing such abuse and are often backed by the police and the judiciary. Burning female parts with cigarettes was a routine exercise for them.
According to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom USCIRF report
Komal, 15, was abducted from her home, raped and forced to convert from Christianity to Islam in 2015 June last year.
Mariam, 12, was abducted in Lahore, forced to convert and then forced into marriage.
Ann, 14 was abducted and raped in Narowal.
Susan was kidnap and forced to convert in Lahore.
Elizabeth, 14, was abducted and raped in Lahore.
Martha, 15 kidnap forced to convert and forced into marriage in Lahore.
Frances, 26 abducted, forced to convert and forced into marriage.
Sarah, 14 forced to convert and forced into marriage.
2017/10 OCTOBER,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
In Idiot America there are bible thumpers who believe this bullshit.
“And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and Jehovah caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left” (Exodus 14:21-22).
2017/10 OCTOBER,
Idiot America,
religious stupidity
Muslims kill Muslims. Christians used to kill Christians. Always these atrocities are about who believes in the correct bullshit. The stupid, it burns.
For more than a century following Luther, Christian reformers and their political allies across Europe battled with the Catholic Church-aligned Holy Roman Empire. Catholics slaughtered Protestants; Protestants slaughtered Catholics; and both persecuted groups like the Anabaptists, who championed adult rather than infant baptism.
Why Can’t Christians Get Along, 500 Years After the Reformation?
Why Can’t Christians Get Along, 500 Years After the Reformation?
2017/10 OCTOBER,
Catholic scum,
Christian retards,
Muslim scum,
religious stupidity,
religious violence
Two quotes from "Why Evolution Is True" by Jerry Coyne about ERVs and Natural Selection. Everyone should own this book.
"We also harbor dead genes that came from other species, namely viruses. Some, called 'endogenous retroviruses' (ERVs), can make copies of their genome and insert them into the DNA of species they infect. (HIV is a retrovirus.) If the viruses infect the cells that make sperm and eggs, they can be passed on to future generations. The human genome contains thousands of such viruses, nearly all of them rendered harmless by mutations. They are the remnants of ancient infections. But some of these remnants sit in exactly the same location on the chromosomes of humans and chimpanzees. These were surely viruses that infected our common ancestor and were passed on to both descendants. Since there is almost no chance of viruses inserting themselves independently at exactly the same spot in two species, this points strongly to common ancestry."
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
"Chance alone cannot explain the marvelous fit between individuals and their environment. And it doesn't. True, the raw materials for evolution--the variations between individuals--are indeed produced by chance mutations. These mutations occur willy-nilly, regardless of whether they are good or bad for the individual. But it is the filtering of that variation by natural selection that produces adaptations, and natural selection is manifestly not random. It is a powerful molding force, accumulating genes that have a greater chance of being passed on to others, and in so doing making individuals even better able to cope with their environment. It is, then, the unique combination of mutation and selection--chance and lawfulness--that tells us how organisms become adapted."
-- Jerry Coyne
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
"Chance alone cannot explain the marvelous fit between individuals and their environment. And it doesn't. True, the raw materials for evolution--the variations between individuals--are indeed produced by chance mutations. These mutations occur willy-nilly, regardless of whether they are good or bad for the individual. But it is the filtering of that variation by natural selection that produces adaptations, and natural selection is manifestly not random. It is a powerful molding force, accumulating genes that have a greater chance of being passed on to others, and in so doing making individuals even better able to cope with their environment. It is, then, the unique combination of mutation and selection--chance and lawfulness--that tells us how organisms become adapted."
-- Jerry Coyne
A comment I wrote at a Wall Street Journal article about Trump: Trump’s Approval Rating Falls to Lowest Level Since Taking Office Poll finds 38% approve of the job the president has done, a five-point drop from September.
President Trump has appointed numerous evolution deniers for his administration including the Vice-president. That's ridiculous. This is the 21st century and there is no excuse for this stupidity.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
I asked some Christians this question:
Christians, have you ever considered the advantages of being a hardcore atheist, 100% certain gods are not real?
If you realize there is no supernatural magic in the universe you become a free person. You don't have any god watching over you. You don't have to fear torture in a magical hell or boredom in a magical heaven.
There are no rules. You can do anything you want. You are a totally free person.
After you throw out the supernatural nonsense you will become interested in scientific facts like evolution. Instead of wasting your life denying this science you will find out how interesting it is, what are the mechanisms, and the numerous evidences for it. You will for the first time in your life understand how the world works.
You will for the first time in your life have real moral values instead of fake moral values. Instead of doing the right thing because you might be rewarded in a magical heaven, you will do the right thing because it makes you feel good.
Instead of being a reality denier you will learn how to love reality, including the fact you will be nothing but a stinking pile of garbage after you drop dead. How can this be a good thing? Because it's interesting. Reality is very interesting. You will learn how to enjoy the one life you have instead of waiting for a magical 2nd life.
Think about it Christians. Think.
If you realize there is no supernatural magic in the universe you become a free person. You don't have any god watching over you. You don't have to fear torture in a magical hell or boredom in a magical heaven.
There are no rules. You can do anything you want. You are a totally free person.
After you throw out the supernatural nonsense you will become interested in scientific facts like evolution. Instead of wasting your life denying this science you will find out how interesting it is, what are the mechanisms, and the numerous evidences for it. You will for the first time in your life understand how the world works.
You will for the first time in your life have real moral values instead of fake moral values. Instead of doing the right thing because you might be rewarded in a magical heaven, you will do the right thing because it makes you feel good.
Instead of being a reality denier you will learn how to love reality, including the fact you will be nothing but a stinking pile of garbage after you drop dead. How can this be a good thing? Because it's interesting. Reality is very interesting. You will learn how to enjoy the one life you have instead of waiting for a magical 2nd life.
Think about it Christians. Think.
Idiot America
"Religious tourists visiting the Creation Museum in Boone County and Ark Encounter in neighboring Grant County are a contributing factor for hotels opening in Florence, Kentucky."
America's idiot science deniers are good for business in Kentucky where a religious organization that claims the Earth is 6,000 years old has a museum about magical creationism.
I'm not making this up. 6,000 years old. The Earth. Every species on this planet. All magically created out of nothing 6,000 years ago.
From Wikipedia:
The Creation Museum, located in Petersburg, Kentucky, United States, is operated by the Christian creation apologetics organization Answers in Genesis (AiG). It promotes a pseudoscientific, young Earth creationist (YEC) explanation of the origin of the Universe based on a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative in the Bible.
Reflecting young Earth creationist beliefs, the museum depicts the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs, portrays the Earth as approximately 6,000 years old, and disputes the theory of evolution.
According to this nutjob museum human apes lived with Tyrannosaurus, aka T. rex, which could eat a human head with one bite.
There are so many Americans believing this bullshit there are hotels being built in Florence Kentucky to accommodate them. They bring their children so they can learn how to be stupid.
America's idiot science deniers are good for business in Kentucky where a religious organization that claims the Earth is 6,000 years old has a museum about magical creationism.
I'm not making this up. 6,000 years old. The Earth. Every species on this planet. All magically created out of nothing 6,000 years ago.
From Wikipedia:
The Creation Museum, located in Petersburg, Kentucky, United States, is operated by the Christian creation apologetics organization Answers in Genesis (AiG). It promotes a pseudoscientific, young Earth creationist (YEC) explanation of the origin of the Universe based on a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative in the Bible.
Reflecting young Earth creationist beliefs, the museum depicts the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs, portrays the Earth as approximately 6,000 years old, and disputes the theory of evolution.
According to this nutjob museum human apes lived with Tyrannosaurus, aka T. rex, which could eat a human head with one bite.
There are so many Americans believing this bullshit there are hotels being built in Florence Kentucky to accommodate them. They bring their children so they can learn how to be stupid.
In 2020 there will be another election for President of the United States. These days our economy is booming, there are plenty of jobs out there, and stock market has been repeatedly hitting new highs.
This good news would usually be a good thing for the President but will voters still want to vote for an idiot?
I don't know. I never imagined Trump would win in 2016. I was so certain Mrs. Clinton would get the job I didn't bother to pay attention the night the votes were counted. I slept instead. When I woke up in the middle of the night I checked the internet to see if Trump congratulated Clinton for winning.
By that time it looked like Trump was going to get the job despite the odds. A few minutes later he won it. I was very surprised but it didn't bother me very much. I decided to give Trump a chance. Maybe he would grow up and stop acting like a celebrity clown.
Now I don't think he's interested in growing up. He still sends the ridiculous tweets. I noticed he has been trying to destroy the environment. That bugs me. I also noticed the Republicans who control everything are not able to get anything done.
I have no idea who will be Trump's opponent in 2020. We will see what happens.
This good news would usually be a good thing for the President but will voters still want to vote for an idiot?
I don't know. I never imagined Trump would win in 2016. I was so certain Mrs. Clinton would get the job I didn't bother to pay attention the night the votes were counted. I slept instead. When I woke up in the middle of the night I checked the internet to see if Trump congratulated Clinton for winning.
By that time it looked like Trump was going to get the job despite the odds. A few minutes later he won it. I was very surprised but it didn't bother me very much. I decided to give Trump a chance. Maybe he would grow up and stop acting like a celebrity clown.
Now I don't think he's interested in growing up. He still sends the ridiculous tweets. I noticed he has been trying to destroy the environment. That bugs me. I also noticed the Republicans who control everything are not able to get anything done.
I have no idea who will be Trump's opponent in 2020. We will see what happens.
An anti-science moron for Jeebus answered someone else's question about evolution. I wrote a few things about what the asshole wrote. I try to be nice to people but I have zero tolerance for know-nothing science deniers.
"You have failed to distinguish between Old Earth Creationists and Young Earth Creationists. Read Darwin s Doubt by Stephen Meyer to become familiar with all the problems with the neo-Darwinian synthesis which is still passed off as science."
"You have also failed to distinguish between evolution and Darwinism. I, for one, refuse to play the game in which debaters point to finches when arguing with us and then try to lump the phyla together when our backs are turned. The fossil record does not support the claim of universal common descent. Our various discoveries in the field of genetics do not support species change by natural selection. Deal with it."
This is what I wrote:
Meyer is a crackpot. You are a crackpot. Grow up and educate yourself.
Meyer works for the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute which has never discovered anything. Biologists call this anti-science organization "Crackpot Central". You of course are a know-nothing uneducated moron.
How fucking hard is it to look things up and ignore the crackpots?
How fucking hard is it to read Why Evolution Is True" by Jerry Coyne?
I shouldn't tell morons they're morons but I have extreme contempt for you science deniers. This is the 21st century FFS. We know things these days. You know nothing and you always will know nothing.
You wrote "Deal with it." In other words deal with your breathtaking stupidity. I already did that.
Your Crackpot Central exists to spread lies about science and scientists. They're liars for Jeebus and they know it. Not one of these stupid assholes has ever contributed anything important to biology.
"You have also failed to distinguish between evolution and Darwinism." Only a moron like you would write this. Evolution is called "evolution" you stupid piece of sh!t. Biologists never use the word Darwinism.
Every time some new evidence for evolution is found, your crackpots write it up and lie about it. And you suck up to these dipshits.
"debaters" There is no debate. Evolution has been accepted as fact for more than a century. If you think there's a debate that doesn't mean there's a debate. It only means you're know-nothing science denier.
Much better and more civilized comments were written by a young woman:
I see no reason to distinguish between Old Earth Creationists and Young Earth Creationists.
Darwin's Doubt by Stephen Meyer is an example of quote mining.
Some creationists seem to labor under the impression that evolutionary biologists are obligated to worship Darwin's discoveries. They are not.
If Darwin had never published anything, if Darwin had never observed any finches, the science of evolution would still be what it is today. Darwin did not invent evolution. The physical process is a fact of nature, like gravity or heat. People have been trying to understand evolution for centuries.
It's YOU who's failed to distinguish between the science of evolution and Darwinism of the 1800s.
The fossil record DOES support common descent. Genetics does support species change by natural selection. You have been duped by misinformation.
Evolution is backed by overwhelming evidence—multiple lines of evidence—from all areas of science. To date, every bit of evidence gathered from every field of science (bacteriology, botany, entomology, genetics, geology, medicine, paleontology, zoology, etc.) fully supports the theory of evolution.
Further, each line of evidence corroborates the others (e.g., the DNA evidence corroborates the fossil evidence and vice versa).
Deal with it.
"You have also failed to distinguish between evolution and Darwinism. I, for one, refuse to play the game in which debaters point to finches when arguing with us and then try to lump the phyla together when our backs are turned. The fossil record does not support the claim of universal common descent. Our various discoveries in the field of genetics do not support species change by natural selection. Deal with it."
This is what I wrote:
Meyer is a crackpot. You are a crackpot. Grow up and educate yourself.
Meyer works for the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute which has never discovered anything. Biologists call this anti-science organization "Crackpot Central". You of course are a know-nothing uneducated moron.
How fucking hard is it to look things up and ignore the crackpots?
How fucking hard is it to read Why Evolution Is True" by Jerry Coyne?
I shouldn't tell morons they're morons but I have extreme contempt for you science deniers. This is the 21st century FFS. We know things these days. You know nothing and you always will know nothing.
You wrote "Deal with it." In other words deal with your breathtaking stupidity. I already did that.
Your Crackpot Central exists to spread lies about science and scientists. They're liars for Jeebus and they know it. Not one of these stupid assholes has ever contributed anything important to biology.
"You have also failed to distinguish between evolution and Darwinism." Only a moron like you would write this. Evolution is called "evolution" you stupid piece of sh!t. Biologists never use the word Darwinism.
Every time some new evidence for evolution is found, your crackpots write it up and lie about it. And you suck up to these dipshits.
"debaters" There is no debate. Evolution has been accepted as fact for more than a century. If you think there's a debate that doesn't mean there's a debate. It only means you're know-nothing science denier.
Much better and more civilized comments were written by a young woman:
I see no reason to distinguish between Old Earth Creationists and Young Earth Creationists.
Darwin's Doubt by Stephen Meyer is an example of quote mining.
Some creationists seem to labor under the impression that evolutionary biologists are obligated to worship Darwin's discoveries. They are not.
If Darwin had never published anything, if Darwin had never observed any finches, the science of evolution would still be what it is today. Darwin did not invent evolution. The physical process is a fact of nature, like gravity or heat. People have been trying to understand evolution for centuries.
It's YOU who's failed to distinguish between the science of evolution and Darwinism of the 1800s.
The fossil record DOES support common descent. Genetics does support species change by natural selection. You have been duped by misinformation.
Evolution is backed by overwhelming evidence—multiple lines of evidence—from all areas of science. To date, every bit of evidence gathered from every field of science (bacteriology, botany, entomology, genetics, geology, medicine, paleontology, zoology, etc.) fully supports the theory of evolution.
Further, each line of evidence corroborates the others (e.g., the DNA evidence corroborates the fossil evidence and vice versa).
Deal with it.
2001 and 1572
On September 11, 2001 Muslim scum murdered 3,000 Americans.
On August 24, 1572 Catholics slaughtered 10,000 Protestants in France.
Pope Gregory XIII wrote to France's Charles IX, "We rejoice with you that with the help of God you have relieved the world of these wretched heretics."
On August 24, 1572 Catholics slaughtered 10,000 Protestants in France.
Pope Gregory XIII wrote to France's Charles IX, "We rejoice with you that with the help of God you have relieved the world of these wretched heretics."
This surprised me. There are people in Iowa who suck up to Muslim scum.
Group protests Iowa man who authored books on Islam
"The activists said Kirby instills fear and misinformation into the public about Islam. Kirby says his work and research is meant to give people a clearer understanding on the religion."
"The executive director of the Iowa Chapter of the Council of American-Islamic Relations told the Des Moines Register Kirby is a well-known “bigot” that takes readings from the Quran and other Islamic information out of context to give a misleading impression."
Wimpy suck-ups and Muslims like to use the word "bigot" defend their disgusting violent cult.
Council of American-Islamic Relation = CAIR. Some facts about CAIR from The Religion of Peace:
CAIR has solicited money from sponsors of terror and received financial support from convicted terrorists. CAIR founders have praised terrorists to Muslim audiences and said that suicide bombers are acting on behalf of Islam. CAIR has raised funds for terrorists under the guise of helping 9/11 victims. CAIR board members have called for the overthrow of the United States and the imposition of Islamic law. CAIR has suggested applying Sharia punishment (ie. the death penalty) to users who criticize Islam on the Internet. At least 15 high-level CAIR staff members have been under federal investigation for ties to Islamic terror. CAIR has discouraged Muslim-Americans from cooperating with law enforcement and has spent more time and money advocating on behalf of convicted terrorists than for their victims.
Kirby, a retired Los Angeles police detective, sheds any claims of prejudice saying his work is based on authoritative sources in the Quran and teachings of Muhammad.
“My immediate reaction (on the protesters) is that they haven’t heard what I have to say,” Kirby said. “I’ve written five books, 21 brochures, have 40 some published articles and I have yet to have anybody bring up any specific examples of hate towards Muslims. I’m still waiting.”
“I wouldn’t say, (I’m) anti-Islamic,” Kirby said. “I am concerned about Islam. There are certain aspects of Islamic doctrine that concerns me very much.”
My comment: If Iowa loves Muslims then let's send every Muslim that enters this country to Iowa.
"The activists said Kirby instills fear and misinformation into the public about Islam. Kirby says his work and research is meant to give people a clearer understanding on the religion."
"The executive director of the Iowa Chapter of the Council of American-Islamic Relations told the Des Moines Register Kirby is a well-known “bigot” that takes readings from the Quran and other Islamic information out of context to give a misleading impression."
Wimpy suck-ups and Muslims like to use the word "bigot" defend their disgusting violent cult.
Council of American-Islamic Relation = CAIR. Some facts about CAIR from The Religion of Peace:
CAIR has solicited money from sponsors of terror and received financial support from convicted terrorists. CAIR founders have praised terrorists to Muslim audiences and said that suicide bombers are acting on behalf of Islam. CAIR has raised funds for terrorists under the guise of helping 9/11 victims. CAIR board members have called for the overthrow of the United States and the imposition of Islamic law. CAIR has suggested applying Sharia punishment (ie. the death penalty) to users who criticize Islam on the Internet. At least 15 high-level CAIR staff members have been under federal investigation for ties to Islamic terror. CAIR has discouraged Muslim-Americans from cooperating with law enforcement and has spent more time and money advocating on behalf of convicted terrorists than for their victims.
Kirby, a retired Los Angeles police detective, sheds any claims of prejudice saying his work is based on authoritative sources in the Quran and teachings of Muhammad.
“My immediate reaction (on the protesters) is that they haven’t heard what I have to say,” Kirby said. “I’ve written five books, 21 brochures, have 40 some published articles and I have yet to have anybody bring up any specific examples of hate towards Muslims. I’m still waiting.”
“I wouldn’t say, (I’m) anti-Islamic,” Kirby said. “I am concerned about Islam. There are certain aspects of Islamic doctrine that concerns me very much.”
My comment: If Iowa loves Muslims then let's send every Muslim that enters this country to Iowa.
"women's subordination to men" Guess what religion this is about.
Magical intelligent design creationism or whatever religious morons call it these days.
"Complexity therefore the Magic Man did it."
Christian retards and Muslim scum
Christians have a lot in common with Muslims, including magical creationism, a belief in magical miracles, a cowardly belief in a magical 2nd life, and brainwashing children before they're old enough to think for themselves.
Christians don't blow themselves up and they don't fly airplanes into buildings but they have a long history of atrocities. For evidence read "The Dark Side of Christian History" by Helen Ellerbe.
Christians don't blow themselves up and they don't fly airplanes into buildings but they have a long history of atrocities. For evidence read "The Dark Side of Christian History" by Helen Ellerbe.
PZ wrote about wimpy atheists. Well done!
"Tone matters, because too many have been insufficiently fierce in their criticism of pious excuses for sloppy thinking. Tone matters because we haven’t been rude enough in the face of special claims of privilege for religious inanity. We need to flip that tone argument around 180°—the problem isn’t that our tone is so harsh, it’s that yours is so inappropriately soft towards people who lie to children, who want to gut our educational system, and who want to taint science with a bias for magic."
-- PZ Myers, University of Minnesota biologist
-- PZ Myers, University of Minnesota biologist
What I wrote in 2011, 6 years ago: "Anything that conflicts with the childish bullshit in Genesis is wrong. Period. No need to study any scientific evidence because the magic god fairy is always right, and the magic god fairy wrote Genesis."
Christians don't trust scientists and that's a good thing. In science trusting is wrong. The only thing that matters is the evidence and there's tons of it for evolution. Do Christians study this evidence? Do they try to understand how evolution works? Do they wonder why every biologist in the world agrees with this famous quote: "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
Of course not. They don't do any of these things. They would rather go out of their way to know nothing which is quite a feat in the 21st century. They have no curiosity and no desire to learn anything. They would rather make fools out of themselves with dumb questions about evolution, never caring about the answer. Their goal is to waste people's time. Why do they waste people's time? It's because Christians are stupid fucking assholes and I can't stress the words "stupid" and "assholes" strongly enough.
These brain-dead Christian evolution deniers should know the Islamic State terrorists agree with them.
I recommend reading this old 2011 post:
Do you want to know whether or not evolution is true, but you're too lazy to study the evidence or you're too stupid to understand the evidence?
Of course not. They don't do any of these things. They would rather go out of their way to know nothing which is quite a feat in the 21st century. They have no curiosity and no desire to learn anything. They would rather make fools out of themselves with dumb questions about evolution, never caring about the answer. Their goal is to waste people's time. Why do they waste people's time? It's because Christians are stupid fucking assholes and I can't stress the words "stupid" and "assholes" strongly enough.
These brain-dead Christian evolution deniers should know the Islamic State terrorists agree with them.
I recommend reading this old 2011 post:
Do you want to know whether or not evolution is true, but you're too lazy to study the evidence or you're too stupid to understand the evidence?
Europe Is Killing Itself
Merkel has no regrets on open door policy Merkel regrets open door policy. “I wish I could turn back time.” Germany: Migrant sex crimes double in one year. Dozens of jihadists have entered Germany posing as refugees. Migrant crime in Germany rises by 50% in one year, mostly repeat offenders Afghan jailed for attempted murder in Greece. Freed in an amnesty. Lied about his age to get into Germany. Now on trial for rape and murder Half a million migrants on welfare in Germany. EU takes legal action against Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic EU court upholds migrant quota Four European countries agree to make it easier for African “refugees” to invade Europe Italy: Muslim “cultural mediator” says rape not so bad. Fewer than 3% of migrants to Italy are refugees Austria: Five months in prison for expressing the opinion that Islam is at war with the West 390,000 Syrians can bring their families to Germany by 2018 Elderly German woman fined, gets death threats, for sharing an anti-migrant joke on Facebook More than half the terror plots in Germany are by “refugees” Police find rocket launcher and other weapons in French no-go zone Swedish cops are quitting in droves 43% of rape victims in Sweden are children 86% of migrant “children” in Sweden are adults Austrians living in fear as migrant gangs carry out daily attacks in Vienna Swedish police make urgent appeal for public help as violent crime spirals What Thomas Jefferson really thought about Islam
The pope wears a funny hat and he wears a very expensive dress.

"The sale of salvation through indulgences"
The Catholic Church was always about making money and that continues today. I remember when our Pastor spent the entire sermon, two Sundays in a row, explaining why we needed to donate more cash for the wealthy Vatican. That was the last time I went to church.
2017/10 OCTOBER,
assholes for Jeebus,
Catholic scum
Thanks Muslim scum.
"He told his wife that the smoke was getting thicker and that he was worried about his breathing. He was going to head for the roof."
102 Minutes: The Unforgettable Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers
The "moderate" Muslims brainwash their children, they throw out most of science, especially evolution, they think suicide bombings are sometimes justified, and these cowardly assholes force their wives to wear a black tent.
If Muslim scum had any sense of decency they would throw their disgusting anti-science violent moronic cult in the garbage where it belongs.
Christian retards often criticize the wimpy atheists who suck up to Muslim morons. They should visit this place. Not all atheists are liberal loons.
More information about the world's largest terrorist organization (aka Islam) is at The Religion of Peace.
"He told his wife that the smoke was getting thicker and that he was worried about his breathing. He was going to head for the roof."
102 Minutes: The Unforgettable Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers
The "moderate" Muslims brainwash their children, they throw out most of science, especially evolution, they think suicide bombings are sometimes justified, and these cowardly assholes force their wives to wear a black tent.
If Muslim scum had any sense of decency they would throw their disgusting anti-science violent moronic cult in the garbage where it belongs.
Christian retards often criticize the wimpy atheists who suck up to Muslim morons. They should visit this place. Not all atheists are liberal loons.
More information about the world's largest terrorist organization (aka Islam) is at The Religion of Peace.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Typical Christian asshole: "I don't know anything about science therefore the Magic Man did it."
A retard at the Wall Street Journal wrote this anti-science comment. The moron for Jeebus also wrote about the magical resurrection of a decomposing corpse. Here it is:
How to know there is a God/God of the Bible
1. The creation of the universe from nothing requires a creator God. You can't get something from nothing otherwise. Physics and Philosophy. Only the bible claimed the universe was created from nothing. The Days in Genesis 1 are long periods of time and the Universe is about 13.8 BY old
2. What science has figured out about the development of the Earth looks a lot like Genesis 1. This can be seen in History Channel documentary on How the Earth Was Made. Requires Divine Revelation for the bible to get it correct
3. There is no explanation for the origin of life and it only happened once – therefore it’s a miracle that requires God
4. The historical evidence for Christ and the resurrection is beyond a doubt. Multiple atheist authors have investigated. See Case for Christ – Lee Stroebel
God created us to find out who wants to be with Him. If you don’t want to be with God, you’re in luck. If you do want to be with God, just ask Him.
My reply:
"There is no explanation for the origin of life and it only happened once – therefore it’s a miracle that requires God"
Scientists who are working in that branch of science would disagree with you sir. It's still a research opportunity but they know enough to know it was not a magical event.
"You can't get something from nothing otherwise."
Again the scientists working in this branch of science disagree with you. This will always be a research opportunity but none of these scientists think the Magic Man did it.
Scientists understand invoking God is giving up. For them it's better to figure out what really happened.
If a religion depends on a god of the gaps then that religion can't last forever. Religion is permanently stuck in the Dark Ages while scientific progress never ends. Science always wins because it works.
How to know there is a God/God of the Bible
1. The creation of the universe from nothing requires a creator God. You can't get something from nothing otherwise. Physics and Philosophy. Only the bible claimed the universe was created from nothing. The Days in Genesis 1 are long periods of time and the Universe is about 13.8 BY old
2. What science has figured out about the development of the Earth looks a lot like Genesis 1. This can be seen in History Channel documentary on How the Earth Was Made. Requires Divine Revelation for the bible to get it correct
3. There is no explanation for the origin of life and it only happened once – therefore it’s a miracle that requires God
4. The historical evidence for Christ and the resurrection is beyond a doubt. Multiple atheist authors have investigated. See Case for Christ – Lee Stroebel
God created us to find out who wants to be with Him. If you don’t want to be with God, you’re in luck. If you do want to be with God, just ask Him.
My reply:
"There is no explanation for the origin of life and it only happened once – therefore it’s a miracle that requires God"
Scientists who are working in that branch of science would disagree with you sir. It's still a research opportunity but they know enough to know it was not a magical event.
"You can't get something from nothing otherwise."
Again the scientists working in this branch of science disagree with you. This will always be a research opportunity but none of these scientists think the Magic Man did it.
Scientists understand invoking God is giving up. For them it's better to figure out what really happened.
If a religion depends on a god of the gaps then that religion can't last forever. Religion is permanently stuck in the Dark Ages while scientific progress never ends. Science always wins because it works.
This is more evidence for the idea that Christians are stupid fucking assholes.
A Christian asshole wrote some gibberish then he wrote this ridiculous bullshit:
"You are scared to death that He will judge you one day."
My reply: "As if I fear your loving god fairy. You have no idea how insane you are."
It's amazing how dense these fucktards are. They think everyone is afraid of their idiotic fantasies.
"You are scared to death that He will judge you one day."
My reply: "As if I fear your loving god fairy. You have no idea how insane you are."
It's amazing how dense these fucktards are. They think everyone is afraid of their idiotic fantasies.
I found something in this blog I wrote 6 years ago. It's about some research I did.
I asked some Christian fucktards a question about their magic god fairy. What does the thing look like?
What does the God of Christianity look like? Does it have male sex organs? And does your answer have any evidence that isn't from the bible?
Best answer so far:
What does the God of Christianity look like? Does it have male sex organs? And does your answer have any evidence that isn't from the bible?
Best answer so far:
"For some reason he looks remarkably like Zeus. Most of Christianity is plagiarized from older religions."
The most ridiculous answer so far:
The Bible is the ultimate source of knowledge because the writers were inspired by God to pen it for our benefit. We look to it to explain things that have caused us concern. Intelligence requires a mind. The great mind responsible for all creation belongs to the person of God. Yes, God has a body, not a physical one like ours, but a spiritual body. “If there is a physical body,” says the Bible, “there is also a spiritual one.” (1 Corinthians 15:44) Explaining the nature of God, the Bible clearly states: “God is a Spirit.” (John 4:24) A spirit has a form of life that differs greatly from ours, and it is invisible to human eyes. (John 1:18) We accept the Bible is God's word of truth.
The most ridiculous answer so far:
The Bible is the ultimate source of knowledge because the writers were inspired by God to pen it for our benefit. We look to it to explain things that have caused us concern. Intelligence requires a mind. The great mind responsible for all creation belongs to the person of God. Yes, God has a body, not a physical one like ours, but a spiritual body. “If there is a physical body,” says the Bible, “there is also a spiritual one.” (1 Corinthians 15:44) Explaining the nature of God, the Bible clearly states: “God is a Spirit.” (John 4:24) A spirit has a form of life that differs greatly from ours, and it is invisible to human eyes. (John 1:18) We accept the Bible is God's word of truth.
Somebody asked a good question. Will religion be around in the year 3000? My answer:
Will religion be around in the year 3000?
Probably not thanks to scientific progress and much better science education. Science kills the god fantasy.
If there are any religious morons they will be forced to live in mental facilities which is where they belong now.
Probably not thanks to scientific progress and much better science education. Science kills the god fantasy.
If there are any religious morons they will be forced to live in mental facilities which is where they belong now.
Atheism is an acceptance of reality. Theism is a denial of reality. Take your pick.
You can't choose what's real. Reality is what it is. Realty is not an opinion. Reality is not a belief. Reality does not require faith.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Once a week the Wall Street Journal has an article about religious bullshit. I used to write comments there but always I was harassed by Christian assholes all day. This is the comment I would write there today but I stopped doing that.
"Luther wanted the Bible translated and read as widely as possible."
He achieved his goal. 500 years later there are millions of know-nothing bible thumpers who read that disgusting ridiculous book.
Wall Street Journal: HOUSES OF WORSHIP How Martin Luther Advanced Freedom. The Reformation brought a radical egalitarianism to Christendom.
I saw two comments there I liked:
"Half a millennium later, his message of freedom has not lost its power." The descendants of European Jews would beg to differ.
I have read an interesting account of Luther's notorious antisemitism...he thought his Church reforms (nicely outlined in this article) would make Jews willing to convert to Christianity. When this did not happen, his typical hatred of Jews (typical of 16th century Europe that is...remember that England still banned Jews at this time) turned into a vicious obsession.
He achieved his goal. 500 years later there are millions of know-nothing bible thumpers who read that disgusting ridiculous book.
Wall Street Journal: HOUSES OF WORSHIP How Martin Luther Advanced Freedom. The Reformation brought a radical egalitarianism to Christendom.
I saw two comments there I liked:
"Half a millennium later, his message of freedom has not lost its power." The descendants of European Jews would beg to differ.
I have read an interesting account of Luther's notorious antisemitism...he thought his Church reforms (nicely outlined in this article) would make Jews willing to convert to Christianity. When this did not happen, his typical hatred of Jews (typical of 16th century Europe that is...remember that England still banned Jews at this time) turned into a vicious obsession.
I think this is wrong.
Authorities have charged an Iowa couple with murder in the death of their 4-month-old son, whose maggot-infested body was found in a baby swing in the family's home.
Parents charged in death of infant found rotting in swing
Parents charged in death of infant found rotting in swing
I answered a good question.
Theists, who created God?
I hear all the time "The universe is so complex how do you think it just got here? If there is a creation there has to be a creator. Humans are way too complex to have appeared just by accident."
Ok well a being who can create an entire universe, designed every organism etc. must by definition be extremely complex so by your own logic since anything complex has to be created that means god also was created so what super god created god? and then what super super god created the super god?
--------------------------------------------Ok well a being who can create an entire universe, designed every organism etc. must by definition be extremely complex so by your own logic since anything complex has to be created that means god also was created so what super god created god? and then what super super god created the super god?
Your questions, well done.
The idea is the Magic Man with unlimited magical powers always existed.
Where did this thing get its magical powers? The god-soaked don't want to talk about it and they don't want to think. These cowards only care about the magical 2nd life they pretend is real. Their brain damage can't be fixed.
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