Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Virtually all of America's Bible thumpers are evolution deniers. Why does science make them cry?

Virtually all of America's Bible thumpers are evolution deniers. Why does science make them cry?

If you think American stupidity is interesting then click the link. The stupidity is overwhelming. The USA is called Idiot America because we are a nation of idiots.

UPDATE: A bible thumping moron wrote "Where on the earth today can you find any one form of life in between stages of evolving into another form of life?"

I wrote this which he will never understand. Extreme stupid can't be fixed.

We have numerous fossils that show the transition from fish to land animals, to whales from land animals, to human apes from ancient apes. The most powerful evidence is from DNA sequencing which shows chimpanzee apes are more closely related to human apes than gorilla apes and orangutan apes. Look things up. There is tons of information out there. Google is your friend.


Why are countless millions of Americans so fucking stupid? The problem is of course religion. Religious brainwashing can cause permanent brain damage.

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