Saturday, September 16, 2017

An airhead from Idiot America wrote the most fucking stupid bullshit I have seen in a long time. There is nobody more insane than an American idiot.

I'm not making this up. This was a real Christian and she thought what she wrote was brilliant. Here it is, 100% pure stupid only an educated moron could write:

"If we came from monkeys why are there still monkeys? and why haven't we seen a human/monkey being transitioned into a human?"


As everyone who isn't an American idiot knows, we share an ancestor with monkeys but we are more closely related to the other ape species. Also, it takes more than one generation to develop a new species, for example about 6 million years for human apes.

The problem is these airheads grow up and brainwash their children to be equally insane. It never ends. It's an out of control disease.

Science education in Idiot America sucks. The vast majority of our high school biology teachers know virtually nothing about evolution. The best teachers who make evolution part of every lesson are harassed and threatened by Christian assholes. For example please see These cowardly Christian assholes harassed, threatened, and yelled at an elderly female biology teacher.

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