Saturday, September 23, 2017

A question I asked at Yahoo Answers: Christian creationists, why do you deny the established truth of evolution even though the evidence is overwhelming and growing every day?

One of the answers was a link to the anti-science Discovery Institute which has never discovered anything. It's a Christian creationist organization. The morons who work there are constantly trying to dumb down science education to accommodate their Christian fucktard customers. Biologists call the Discovery Institute "Crackpot Central" and of course they ignore the dipshits who work there.
One of the answers was written by a normal person. He explained why creationist retards are disgracing their religious cults with their breathtaking stupidity. His internet name is "Lighting the Way to Reality". I had to look something up: LSoS means Lying Sack of Shit. Here it is:

When you ask Christian creationists why they deny the established truth of evolution even though the evidence is overwhelming and growing every day, the only thing you will get in response is nonsensical crap. 

You could present evidence for evolution that would be overwhelmingly accepted by anyone who would be open to looking at that evidence objectively. 

But creationists hate evolution because it contradicts the ancient myths and superstitions that they have been brainwashed into believing, and they will reject any evidence that contradicts their beliefs no matter HOW overwhelming it is. 

They are abetted in their rejection of the evidence for evolution by being gullible in believing the crap they find in the LSoS creationist web sites they visit, and they regurgitate that crap here on Y!A. 

But the evidence for evolution still exists regardless of whether they choose to believe it or not. And even more evidence is found as time goes by. 

And that accumulating evidence confirms even more the words of evolutionary biologist, and Eastern Orthodox Christian, Theodosius Dobzhansky when he said 

But what might be really ironic is that the creationist Christians, by being so adamant in tying their anti-evolution rhetoric so closely with their religious beliefs, to the extent that those beliefs are weighed down by that rhetoric, might eventually cause the downfall of their religion. 

When the evidence for evolution continues to accumulate and becomes even more convincing, those who might have otherwise been swayed toward accepting the Christian religion will see how wrong the vociferous anti-evolution creationists have been, and they will be convinced that the religion that motivated the vociferous anti-evolution creationists is likewise wrong.

Index to Creationist Claims

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