Monday, June 15, 2015

Wall Street Journal "How Your Emotions Get in the Way of Smart Investing" A comment I wrote.

Most investors are doing it wrong. What they do is equal to gambling. It works sometimes but eventually they could get wiped out.
The way to go in my opinion is buy only safe dividend paying stocks. By safe I mean those corporations who have been increasing the dividend every year for the past several decades. They raised their dividend even during the last very bad recession. Investors should keep the shares they buy for the rest of lives, never caring if the price goes up or down. The idea is to have a growing dividend income. People who use this method starting at a young age will probably be able to retire long before they can collect social security, while never having to worry about anything.
Conservative dividend income investing is boring but it works. Not only do these people become wealthy, they can sleep at night. They have nothing to worry about because they're doing it right.

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