Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Comments I wrote at a god-soaked blog where an idiot tried to explain why evolution is "weak".

"I’ve come to conclude that Darwinian Evolution is a weak theory."

You write this after admitting you're not a biologist. You talked about that but said something like "so what?" as if you're still qualified to say virtually every biologist in the world is wrong. You will easily convince your audience you're right because they want you to be right. The problem is a real biologist, if you were honest enough to let him or her write here, would be able to explain in great detail why you're wrong about everything.

I suggest if your religion completely depends on the denial of the foundation of biology (evolution) which thanks to DNA sequencing has become the strongest fact of science, then your religion is doomed. It will go extinct eventually. Science education will kill it.

I doubt you will do the right thing and let a real biologist explain everything. By the way evolution is called "evolution", not "Darwinian Evolution". Darwin no longer has anything to do with it because there's been 155 years of scientific progress since 1859. Today the evidence is many thousands of times stronger than Darwin could have imagined possible. And still you want to throw out the whole thing.

By the way sir, sorry to bother you again, but you should know biologists call your Discovery Institute "Crackpot Central".


When the fucking idiot asked me to explain why his moronic bullshit was wrong I wrote this:

As if I should spend the next several hours explaining why your anti-science sources are wrong, even though it's very unlikely I would be able to convince you evolution is how the world works. I learned a long time ago it would be a waste of my time. Creationists will always find any excuse to deny scientific evidence. That's why they're still creationists.

Your Discovery Institute, like I wrote before, is the laughing stock of the scientific community. The Discovery Institute is famous for their dishonesty. 

I recently found a website that has largest list of evolution evidences I have ever seen, written by a real scientist, explained to make it easy to understand, and not that it should matter but this scientist is religious (which is unusual). There is so much evidence explained it would take you years to get through the whole thing.

It's at http://christadelphianevolution.blogspot.com.au/p/the-evidence-for-evolution.html

Even though the evidence at that website is overwhelming, it's still only a fraction of the always growing evidence for evolution, including our evolutionary relationship with the other ape species. There is no excuse for denying the established truth of evolution in the 21st century.

The FUCKTARD, not wanting to let his moronic brainwashed customers see evidence for the science that kills his moronic cult, solved the problem by deleting the entire post. At another post I wrote this for the fucking cowardly asshole.

Hello. Off-topic. That's one way to solve a problem. Just delete the entire post. It's called censorship which is something religions need to exist. You solved the problem but you disgraced yourself. These things I remember. It's not good for the reputation of religions. Have a nice day sir.

http://www.weareglory.com/blog/charles-darwin-evolution-and-intellectual-suicide WAS DELETED.

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