Friday, August 17, 2012

The James Webb Space Telescope will make the Magic Jeebus Man cry.

The Magic Jeebus Man, also known as the god fairy of the gaps, is once again going to get his teeth punched down his throat. Scientific progress has repeatedly killed the idiotic god fantasy and it will never end. The Christian Death Cult forever stands still in the Dark Ages while amazing scientific discoveries made possible by the hard work of the world's scientists continue forever.

There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works.
-- Stephen Hawking

Meanwhile, Muslim scum blow themselves up, Jews say "we are the fairy's chosen assholes", bible thumpers thump their worthless bibles, and full-of-shit agnostic retards say "we can't be certain there's no magic in the universe."

Agnostic scum are actually stupid enough to believe philosophy is a real subject instead of bullshit for effeminate morons.

I don't even want to talk about Muslim scum. Everyone knows they only know how to do one thing, which is destroy other people and themselves. If Muslims think they're human they are wrong.

Most of the Jews I've met are actually atheists but they still call themselves Jews, perhaps because they love their "god's chosen people" bullshit.

The Christians (American Christians, they hardly exist anywhere else except in the most backward countries) are the most retarded assholes in the history of the human race. When they aren't praising their Magic Jeebus Man, they are sticking their noses into other people's private lives, they're brainwashing their children and everyone else's children if they can get away with it, and they are threatening biology teachers because of their cowardly fear of evolution.

But this post is not about my complete contempt for theistic assholes and agnostic retards. This post is about a new space telescope that's many times more powerful than the Hubble telescope.

NASA is hoping for a 2018 launch, only six years from now.

What surprised me about the James Webb Space Telescope is how far away it will orbit the Earth, nearly 4 times farther than the distance between the Earth to the Moon. Our moon will be closer to Earth than the new telescope. Wow. That will make it a bit more difficult to service it, but not to worry, NASA will solve this problem if necessary, with a robot or astronauts.

From the September 2012 Popular Mechanics magazine:

Thanks to collaboration from more than 17 countries, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be a formidable successor to the 22-year-old Hubble. The JWST will be the most powerful space telescope ever built, designed to peer back almost to the big bang. It will allow astronomers to track the evolution of galaxies, observe star formation, and measure the chemical makeup of planets beyond the solar system. Looking back in time presents engineering challenges. With a 21.3-foot-diameter primary mirror--nearly three times that of Hubble's--and a polymer-film sunshield the size of a tennis court, the $8.8 billion JWST will be packed into an Ariane 5 ECA rocket in 2018 and will unfurl in space en route to its orbit almost 1 million miles from Earth. "The solar array and high-gain antenna deploy first, then the mirror sections unfold, like leaves on a drop-leaf table," says Paul Geithner, Webb's deputy project manager. "This is as complicated a space deployment as NASA has ever done."

More information about JWST:

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