Monday, July 23, 2012

The fucking idiots of the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute should be ignored.

My policy is all creationists, both the professional idiots and the amateur idiots, are stupid fucking assholes and it's a complete waste of time to communicate with them. It would be like trying to reason with a flat-earther. If anyone is stupid enough to still deny evolution in the 21st century then they are incurably retarded and equal to dogs.

The brilliant Carl Zimmer who has a blog at Discover Magazine talks to creationist scum anyway, no matter how pointless it is. His wasting time is described at Four Days of Fusion Chromosome Freak-Out.

At this post Carl Zimmer shows how the fucking idiots of the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute defend their Magic Jeebus Man with dishonest quote mining.

If it was up to me the Christian scum of the Creationist Discovery Institute, who are constantly attacking science education in America, would be put in prison for treason.

All Christians are assholes. Fuck off Christians.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Fuck off Mr. Really of hick infested Memphis Tennessee. Consider yourself permanently banned you fucking retard. This blog does not tolerate full of shit assholes.


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