Friday, July 27, 2012

A fucking idiot wrote "Evolution has way too many flaws, Darwin himself rejected it, because he realized it wasn't real/ true. Neither do I. Scientists use evolution to reject Gods hand in any part of the creation of earth. Evolution is wrong."

These are very young Christians but they're no less insane than older Christians. Christians are permanently stupid their entire lives.

"Evolution has way too many flaws, Darwin himself rejected it, because he realized it wasn't real/ true. Neither do I. Scientists use evolution to reject Gods hand in any part of the creation of earth. Evolution is wrong."

Only a Christian asshole could write so much dishonesty and burning stupidity in one paragraph.

I wrote a comment for the asshole to demand an apology for lying about the father of modern biology.

As if Darwin would throw out his life's work and all the evidence he accumulated. What a fucking moron.

Scientists use evolution to explain the history of life. They don't give a shit about your god delusion you bloody retard.

Evolution has flaws? I noticed the tard didn't list any of those imaginary flaws.

The Christian website has a poll that asks "Do you believe in evolution?" as if basic scientific facts are beliefs. The majority voted against basic scientific facts. Apparently there are anti-science Christians. What a surprise!

The minority of Christian morons who voted for evolution most likely stick their magic Jeebus man in there somewhere which is the same as or worse than denying the whole thing.

I never met a Christian who wasn't an idiot.

UPDATE: I was banned by the cowardly Christian scum at the website I linked to at the beginning of this post. My contempt for Christian assholes grows every day.

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