Creationism is only a symptom of a disease and that disease is religion. The creationist must be told his god fantasy is insane and if he’s not willing to throw that out, he’s a waste of time.
If the creationist idiot forever remains a creationist idiot, who cares? It’s his wasted life. Maybe the moron enjoys the ridicule. Let him continue being a laughing stock. Just make sure he understands that if he ever tries to stick his breathtaking stupidity into our nation’s schools, he will be ridiculed relentlessly until he learns how to shut up about what he knows nothing about.
At another blog a cured victim of religious indoctrination said “I was never convinced of anything by mealy-mouthed atheists pretending to think that religion was a reasonable position that they just didn’t personally agree with.”
Exactly right. Atheist wimps and god-soaked scientists like Ken Miller are worthless. The source of the problem must be attacked. And that would be the magical master of the universe, the most disgusting and most idiotic fantasy ever invented.
Eradicate all religious superstitions and then all other problems will be fixed.