Saturday, July 4, 2020

Some Jerry Coyne quotes

AZ Quotes - Jerry Coyne

Harmonizing religion and science makes you seem like an open-minded and reasonable person, while asserting their incompatibility makes enemies and brands you as “militant.” The reason is clear: religion occupies a privileged place in our society. Attacking it is off-limits, although going after other supernatural or paranormal beliefs like ESP, homeopathy, or political worldviews is not. Accommodationism is not meant to defend science, which can stand on its own, but to show that in some way religion can still make credible claims about the world.

My comment: I attack religious stupidity every chance I get. Everyone else who has a brain should do the same thing. A belief in a magic god fairy is a mental illness and it needs to be eradicated. There should be zero tolerance for the brainwashing, the stupidity, the violence, and the insanity.


If the history of science shows us anything, it is that we get nowhere by labeling our ignorance “God”.

If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator.

The fact that both Jews and Christians ignore some of God's or Jesus's commands, but scrupulously obey others, is absolute proof that people pick and choose their morality not on the basis of its divine source, but because it comports with some innate morality that they derived from other sources.

Faith is a padlock of the mind, and few keys can open it.

Now, science cannot completely exclude the possibility of supernatural explanation. It is possible though very unlikely that our whole world is controlled by elves. But supernatural explanations like these are simply never needed; we manage to understand the natural world just fine using reason and materialism.

All scientific progress requires a climate of strong skepticism.

Religion is based on dogma and belief, whereas science is based on doubt and questioning.

Evolution tells us where we came from, not where we can go.

Science has only two things to contribute to religion: an analysis of the evolutionary, cultural, and psychological basis for believing things that aren't true, and a scientific disproof of some of faith's claims (e.g., Adam and Eve, the Great Flood). Religion has nothing to contribute to science, and science is best off staying as far away from faith as possible. The "constructive dialogue" between science and faith is, in reality, a destructive monologue, with science making all the good points, tearing down religion in the process.

In the end theologians are jealous of science, for they are aware that it has greater authority than do their own ways of finding "truth": dogma, authority, and revelation. Science does find truth, faith does not.

We now have many of the answers that once eluded Darwin, thanks to two developments that he could not have imagined: continental drift and molecular taxonomy.

In religion, faith is a virtue. In science, faith is a vice.

There is no horror, no amount of evil in the world, that a true believer can't rationalize as consistent with a loving God. It's the ultimate way of fooling yourself.

We don't have faith in reason; we use reason because, unlike revelation, it produces results and understanding. Even discussing why we should use reason employs reason!

Can a geology teacher blithely tell his students that the earth is flat, or a European history professor that the Holocaust didn't happen? That's not academic freedom, but dereliction of duty.

We humans have many vestigial features proving that we evolved. The most famous is the appendix.

Damn, but science is just a constant feed of cool new facts and theories. Theology doesn't come close.

Theology is the post hoc rationalization of what you want to believe.

We are the one creature to whom natural selection has bequeathed a brain complex enough to comprehend the laws that govern the universe. And we should be proud that we are the only species that has figured how we came to be.

The biogeographic evidence for evolution is now so powerful that I have never seen a creationist book, article, or lecture that has tried to refute it. Creationists simply pretend that the evidence doesn't exist.

Come on, readers, give me one example of a question that religion has answered to everyone's satisfaction - one example of a "truth" found in religion's quest for truth.

If you can't think of an observation that could disprove a theory, that theory simply isn't scientific.

The battle for evolution seems never-ending. And the battle is part of a wider war, a war between rationality and superstition.

These mysteries about how we evolved should not distract us from the indisputable fact that we did evolve.

You can find religions without creationism, but you never find creationism without religion.

Because of the hegemony of fundamentalist religion in the United States, this country has been among the most resistant to the fact of human evolution.

A well-understood and testable hypothesis like sexual selection surely trumps an untestable appeal to the inscrutable caprices of a creator.

Some believers are fundamentalists about everything, but every believer is a fundamentalist about something.

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