Monday, July 27, 2020

I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.

A ridiculous conversation I had with a god-soaked science denier. Evolution makes the stupid fucking asshole cry. And this is typical in Idiot America. The stupidity is overwhelming.


I put what I wrote in bold.

While there can be changes within a species no one has ever demonstrated one species changing to another species. If Darwin's Theory of Evolution were true, we should be able “to find intermediate species at any given point in time” and follow the “fossil trail and see how everything evolved,” from single-cell organisms to man, but that trail is not there.

Glenn S, I noticed you're a science denier. I suggest educate yourself. Coyne's book would be a good place to start. We also have something called Wikipedia which is free. Or you could continue to be a know-nothing science denier. Nobody cares.

"As far as being a science denier.....absolutely not."

Then why do you refuse to educate yourself? Google "Wikipedia evidence for evolution". If you don't want to look things up, then you're a science denier.

"Please prove me wrong."

Look it up. I'm not going to hold your hand. Don't be so lazy. Just pretend you're an adult and do your homework. I could spend a year explaining the evidence for evolution. That's how much science you are throwing out so you can have your childish magical creationism fantasy. Look it up. You can do it. Don't be afraid.

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