Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Everything you always wanted to know about the Easter Bunny, written by a Christian moron.

I found this stuff about the Easter Bunny and the Zombie Jeebus. Some of it is interesting but most of it is ridiculous. The idiot loves her zombie fantasy.


In the 8th century, Bede (673-735) wrote that the feast of Easter was previously an Anglo-Saxon festival in honor of the goddess Eostre, but that by his time no-one revered the goddess. For over 600 years before then, the European Christian celebration was originally called the Christian Passover and was a major time for Christian baptism after preparation throughout Lent.

Needless to say, the world and his wife have jumped on the party bandwaggon whilst giving Lent a body-swerve. Just like Christmas, the ungodly use any excuse to party and over-indulge themselves, so now they go on about chocolate bunnies and candy eggs as if THAT was what Christians were doing by way of remembering Jesus' resurrection! Dear me. For over 2,000 years Christians have been rejoicing every spring at the miracle of Jesus' triumph over the grave - long before chocolate bunnies or candy eggs were invented. Millions of Christians will not eat any of those things when they celebrate the risen Christ. Not all the hollerin' in the world about chocolate bunnies and candy eggs will stop the public proclamation that Jesus Christ is alive today.

Regarding the Easter Bunny: the author of the tale, Georg Franck von Franckenau, openly admitted it was fiction. Rabbits and eggs have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus being resurrected from the grave. Of course, those who hate the fact that His resurrection continues to be proclaimed with joy by Christians for over 2,000 years, cause Christ's enemies to try to rubbish the account. They love to make sport of things that have nothing to do with Jesus' resurrection, in the hope that this will deflect from Christ's triumph over the grave. Let them rabbit on.

-- Internet name: Annsan_In_Him


Why do Christians believe their dead Jeebus magically "rose from the dead" after decomposing for 3 days? Is it because they're fucking stupid, insane, gullible, brainwashed, or all of the above?

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