Thursday, July 30, 2020

I asked a question about Idiot America's creationist assholes. There was a very interesting answer.

Christian creationists will waste the rest of their pathetic lives being completely wrong about everything. They are wrong about evolution. They are wrong about Jeebus. They don't know what reality is. And there is no cure. Do you feel sorry for them?


I honestly don't feel sorry for them.

I do feel sorry for their kids though - because their parents are idiots.

I was sitting in a Sunday school class one time (I'm atheist, but my wife is Christian) when some young-earth creationists tried to hijack the conversation. A lady had asked about her son, who was interested in dinosaurs, and what she should tell him.

The sheer amount of misinformation and disinformation that followed was stunning. The YEC's proceeded to misrepresent science (quickly showing that they had no idea what they were talking about), and attempted to repeat the nonsense they had read (or more likely heard third or fourth hand) from creationist websites.

I was quiet for a while, but then a guy started in on 'Carbon Dating isn't accurate', and I had heard enough. 'What about Uranium–lead dating?' I asked. The guy (who had obviously never heard of Uranium-lead dating) was silent for a minute, and when he started to respond, I asked 'Or Samarium–neodymium? Or how about Potassium–argon dating?'

He stuttered a few times, but another guy came to his rescue by screaming 'we didn't come from monkeys', and was ready to throw down. I let him know that nobody has ever claimed 'we come from monkeys', but that we share a common ancestor with the great ape family.

It pretty much shut down the discussion (the YEC's were mad AF), but afterwards I had several other people from the class come up and thank me. Apparently they were tired of listening to nonsense from these guys too.

-- River Euphrates

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