Saturday, August 24, 2019

What someone wrote about the disgusting Catholic Church, and my comments.

"Catholicism was invented by the Roman elite while Rome was in decline to persuade peasants to pay taxes to Kings who then paid money to the Pope and Roman elite. This was necessary because centuries of mismanagement and corruption made peasants disloyal to old Rome, which fell apart. Unfortunately, the myths stuck and people built societies around it while Rome parasitically lived off of everyone's money for almost 2000 years."

Everything you wrote, well done. The Catholic Church is a business. The customers are suckers.

Also, the Catholic Church is the world's largest child abuse organization, and this has been going on for several centuries.

Catholics who are still Catholics have zero moral values. They have other problems including stupidity and gullibility. Catholics, like people of every other branch of theism, are insane. They actually believe a magic god fairy is watching them and the thing loves us. Batshit crazy. The brain damage can't be fixed.

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