Saturday, August 24, 2019

Faith is an excuse for cowards to believe any bullshit that makes them feel good.

"Christians, do you ever challenge your faith?"

If they challenged their faith they wouldn't be Christians.

If they did challenge their faith they should start with the word "faith" which means believing in impossible fantasies that have zero evidence. They should ask themselves is faith a virtue? In other words, is believing in things that have no evidence a good idea?

They should take every belief and throw it out. Then ask themselves is this fantasy really true? Why is it true? Is it because of wishful thinking?

The idea is people should doubt everything. Once they start doubting it gets harder to believe.

This, by the way, is how science works. Scientists doubt everything and they try to prove their ideas are wrong. They accept an idea only after the evidence is overwhelming. Until then they assume it's wrong.

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