Thursday, August 29, 2019

I wrote a ridiculous moronic god-soaked question about evolution and I got this excellent answer.

How could anyone believe in evolution? There is no evidence for evolution. We know God created all life.


You yourself prove evolution is a true theory.

1. You are a Eukaryote. This is where we split off from other bacteria/viruses in evolution. A Eukaryote is simply when the genetic information is contained within the nucleus of the cell (as your cells attest to).

2. You are a Unikont. Meaning you are driven from behind by a single flagellum. To understand this you need to look at the sperm cell.

3. You are a Metazoa. In other words, you are an animal. I.E. you are a homo-sapien zoologically.

4. You are Bilaterally Symmetrical. You have a body cavity that splits you down the middle with an opening on one end for food and an opening on the other end for excrement. If I remember correctly it was a sponge like creature that first exhibited this effect.

5. You are a Deuterostome. The Anus is the first hole that forms. You can see this in your growth as an Embryo. The Anus is the first hole to form as a Blastocyst in your mother's womb.

6. You are a Chordata. You have a spinal Chord. This first formed among a primitive fish if I remember correctly. This provided a flexible rod which allowed for faster movement.

7. You are a Craniata. Meaning you have a Cranium.

8. You are a Vertebrata. Meaning you have vertebrates that formed along the spinal chord.

9. You are a Gnathostomata. Meaning you have a Jawed Cranium.

10. You are a Terrestrial Vertebrate. You have digits on all 4 extremities adapted for walking on land. We knew the geological strata we would first find this in and the location where we should find this type of species. With this information scientists made a prediction that this fish would be found in the fossil records (which is a transitional species) and where we would find it. They then looked for this fish and found it. It is called Tiktaalik and has the exact same bone structure you do on your arms. This fish walked on land. Of course it is not the only fish to do such but it is your ancestry.

11. You are an Amniota. The egg contains amniotic fluid.

12. You are a Mammal. I shouldn't need to explain this one at all.

13. You are Eutheria. A Placental Mammal.

14. You are a Primate.

15. You are a Hominidae.

16. You are a Homo.

17. You are a Homo-Sapien.

Most Clades we actually do have the fossils for and slow progressive stages between each Clade is shown in this fossil record. Literally Thousands of these "Transitional Fossils". Let me give you some examples of fossils between modern Homo-Sapiens and the ancestors we share with other Apes. Remember this is only one lineage we are following if we include other species it progressively becomes even more insane.

7.0-6.0 MYA Sahelanthropus Tchadensis 6 individuals
6.3-5.6 MYA Orrorin Tugenensis 5 individuals
5.8-5.2 MYA Ardipithecus Ramidus Kadabba 5 individuals
4.4 MYA Ardipithecus Ramidus Ramidus 50 Individuals
4.2-2.96 MYA Australopithecus Afarensis 120 individuals
4.17-3.9 MYA Australopithecus Anamensis 10 Individuals
3.5-3.0 MYA Australopithecus Bahrelghazali 1 individual
3.3 MYA Kenyanthropus Platyops 3 Individuals
2.9-2.4 MYA Australopithecus Africanus 130 Individuals
2.7-1.9 MYA Parenthropus Aethiopicus 8 Individuals
2.5 MYA Australopithecus Garhi 4 Individuals
2.5-1.4 MYA Parenthropus Boisei 43 Individuals
2.3-1.6 MYA Homo Habilis 25 Individuals
2.0-1.5 MYA Paranthropus Robustus 28 individuals
1.9 MYA Homo Rudolfensis 5 Individuals
1.9-0.4 MYA Homo Erectus AKA Ergaster 210 Individuals
1.8 MYA Homo Georgicus 4 Individuals
250-25 KYA Homo Neanderthalensis 77 individuals
900-800 KYA Homo Cepranensis 1 Individual
800 KYA Homo Antescessor 5 individuals
700-100 KYA Homo Heidelbergensis 60 individuals
600-125 KYA Homo Rhodesiensis 7 Individuals
160 KYA Homo Sapien Idaltu 3 Individuals
130 KYA - present Archaic Homo Sapiens 154 Individuals
94-13 KYA Homo Floresiensis 8 Individuals

Take a quick look at these species. Look them up, study the images. Notice their distinct changes through time. Then ask yourself, What are they? The closer and closer you get through time to the present the more clear the answer becomes.

Yes, the Piltdown man was a Hoax. One perpetrated against evolutionary science and revealed by the same science as the fraud it was because it didn't match the data of the other fossils. The Nebraska Man was also faulty. It was blown out of proportion by a magazine (not a scientific journal) and they drew whole images off a single fragment later found to not be related to us. The scientist who found it tried to get the magazine to retract its article as they sensationalized the finding and in doing so reported it wrong. Homo Neanderthalensis was not a man with Rickets. It was whole communities of people with many distinct differences to their skeletal structure (shorter and much stalkier, thick bones, flared out rib cages, differing pelvis, etc...) and thankfully is young enough that we have some DNA from them that we can show is not the same species as Homo Sapien. In certain sections of our DNA we have an average of 8 differences between each of us Homo Sapiens. Neanderthal has over 4 times that many differences in those areas.

Let us not forget things like the Endogenous retroviruses we share with other apes. In the distant past one of our ancestors got infected with a virus that is preserved in our own DNA. Well when we look at the exact same section of DNA on our distant ape relatives what do we see? That's right the same virus in the exact same area. Or how most animals can synthesise their own Vit C but we and other apes have the genes to synthesis it but the genes are coded with a stop turning the gene off. Why would God specially code in 99% DNA match with other apes, give us both the exact same virus in the exact same area, and give us the DNA for vit C only to not allow us to produce it?

Final thought. Remember this, the thing is, this can be traced in reverse via genetic sequencing and it reveals the same pattern in our DNA as the fossil record and Phylogenetics gives us (as I just laid out for you). You know the same science that establishes paternity and convicts killers in a court of law. But it isn't just this science that says this. All of Biology, phylogeny, genetic sequencing, fossil records, anthropology, geological strata, comparative morphology, embryology, and even medicine all agree to this pattern of our history. All these different branches of science from people the world over who never talk to each other all come to the same conclusion. Is it some giant conspiracy to keep God down in every area of the world even where they don't believe in one specific version of God and even by many who do believe in some specific version of God?

Evolution is true and Religion will do good to figure that out.

-- Dane

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