Friday, August 31, 2018

Why are Americans so fucking stupid? The problem is religion. Young people are brainwashed to believe in bullshit. They learn how to be uneducated morons.

I found a science website for very young students. If students learn this stuff before morons destroy their brains, they have a chance to be normal instead of retarded.


Welcome to!

Our mission is to promote the teaching of evolution by emphasizing its greatest lesson: LIFE ON EARTH IS ONE BIG EXTENDED FAMILY! Every human being is related genealogically not just to all other humans, but to all other creatures that have ever lived! All living things on Earth are cousins. This view of life can be thought of as 'Evolutionary Genealogy'. In fact, evogeneao (pronounced "ee-voh-gee-nee-oh") is short for 'evolutionary genealogy'.

Biological evolution is one of the three most profound discoveries in science. The other two are the vastness of the universe and the depth of geologic time. As such, these three discoveries deserve to be the foundation of all science learning and should be taught from an early age.

If the typical fourth grader can name planets in their order from the sun, she should also know that life is all related by descent from common ancestors. Life on Earth is One Big Extended Family.

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