Sunday, August 19, 2018

Google search: Why do American Christian fucktards believe the bible is the word of god?

2017 Gallup poll - American morons who believe the bible is the word of the Magic Man.

From the mid-1970s through 1984, close to 40% of Americans considered the Bible the literal word of God, but this has been declining ever since, along with a shrinking percentage of self-identified Christians in the U.S. Meanwhile, the percentage defining the Bible as mere stories has doubled, with much of that change occurring in the past three years.

Still, while biblical literalism has waned, the vast majority of Americans -- 71% -- continue to view the Bible as a holy document, believing it is at least God-inspired if not God's own words.


24% believe Bible is literal word of God, the lowest in Gallup's 40-year trend

View of Bible as secular stories and history at 26%, up from 21% in 2014

The largest segment, 47%, still think Bible is inspired word of God


Christian retards say the bible is the word of god because the bible says the bible is the word of god.

Christians are so fucking dense they don't realize how ridiculous their logic is. There is no cure for these idiots. Extreme stupid can't be fixed.


I found what I was looking for. The bible says the bible is the word of the magic god fairy:

2 Timothy 3:16 New International Version (NIV)

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

That's good enough for a gullible Christian fucktard. The bible is the word of god because the bible says the bible is the word of god.

Somebody called it "Circular reasoning at its best."

These fucktards are evolution deniers, aka uneducated morons.

These fucktards voted for President Fucktard Trump.

I think it's fair to say at least 80% of the population of Idiot America are idiots.



A Christian fucktard wrote "The Bible is the word of God because it has proven to be the word of God."

I asked "Would you like to provide that proof?"

I'm still waiting for it. Normal people would have provided the evidence without having to be asked for it. Christians would rather just make stuff up and then call it a fact.

I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.

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