Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Somebody asked what I thought was an interesting question so I looked it up.

"Did native Americans believe in a heaven or hell in their traditional religions?"

They believed in the heaven thing. I found nothing about the hell thing.

Did they have a creation myth?

Yes. Like all religions they just made stuff up to explain what they didn't understand.

This is from Native American religions.

Creation myths

Even though they differ in detail, creation mythologies play a singularly important role in the religious life of many South American tribes. These myths describe the origin of the first world and its fate and sometimes include narratives of the creation and destruction of subsequent worlds. In some narratives creation is the work of a supreme being, and some myths describe creation from nothing while others involve creation from a preexisting substance. Moreover, many creation myths describe in dramatic ways the exit of the creative beings. They may be driven off, sent into the sky in the form of stars, or moved off into the forest, or they may take refuge in other levels of the universe. The manner of a being’s disappearance figures in the ritual celebrations that commemorate it.

The myths of the destruction of multiple worlds place a great question mark at the beginning of existence. Why should powerful worlds fall prey to disaster? Why should beings so perfect and powerful suffer destruction? The religious life of many South American peoples places this kind of question at the foundation of religious experience. Rather than providing answers to such questions, the myths of multiple destruction install the questions themselves as fundamental.


There is a lot more stuff. If you don't think this is boring you can click the link.

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