Monday, June 25, 2018

I answered a good question: "Why do people believe in God when the level of proof is so low? We ask the highest standards from science, but we take the content of a book as truth. What would be the acceptable standard for an event to be considered divine intervention?"

"Why do people believe in God when the level of proof is so low? We ask the highest standards from science, but we take the content of a book as truth. What would be the acceptable standard for an event to be considered divine intervention?"

"Why do people believe in God when the level of proof is so low?" Some people are willing to believe any ridiculous bullshit if it makes them feel good, for example the totally impossible magical-2nd-life fantasy.

"We ask the highest standards from science, but we take the content of a book as truth." Before a scientific idea is accepted it has to be tested numerous times and it must pass every test. Religion is much different. Ancient people wrote a disgusting book and they called it "The Word of God". Their evidence: Nothing. I don't understand why there are so many morons who just assume the "word of god" bullshit is true.

"What would be the acceptable standard for an event to be considered divine intervention?" Fantastic claims require fantastic evidence. The god-soaked have nothing but their wishful thinking and their total ignorance of science. Divine intervention is impossible so I can't imagine what evidence is required to accept something that requires throwing out all of reality.

The god-soaked like to invoke their magic-god-fairy of the gaps. The idea goes like this: "I don't understand how this happened therefore the Magic Man did it." This is called giving up. Scientists never give up. They do research to find out what really happened.

If a moron doesn't understand something that doesn't mean it was a magical event. It only means the moron doesn't understand.

The god of the gaps has run out of hiding places. There will always be research opportunities in every branch of science but the basic stuff has been figured out including the development of the 1st simple living cells 4 billion years ago and how the universe began almost 14 billion years ago. They even have ideas about how something can come from nothing.

People can use google to look things up they don't understand. The god-soaked never look things up. They have zero curiosity. They don't understand how the world works because they don't want to understand. They just want to hide in their childish everything-is-magic fantasy land. What a pathetic waste of a life.

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