Saturday, June 23, 2018

Today I found out cockroaches have the same problem beetles have. If they're on their back it's very difficult for them to get on their feet again.

Today I saw a big Florida cockroach upside down in my living room. The creature was desperately trying to get back on its feet. If this was outside I would have gently flipped it over. I'm not so nice to cockroaches in my home. I picked it up and squeezed it. Then it was very dead. I gave it a proper Christian funeral. It's now decomposing in my garbage can.

I share an ancestor with the creature I murdered.

I used to find out how long ago was the common ancestor of human apes and cockroaches.

Estimated Time: 797 million years ago.

A creationist fucktard will now say scientists think people evolved from cockroaches. That makes no sense. After 797 million years ago our ancestors were on different branches of the tree of life.

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