Saturday, June 16, 2018

A know-nothing Christian moron wrote about the religious implications of evolution.

The stupid here is extreme but it's typical in Idiot America.

Biologists do research to understand how the world works. Christian fucktards think biologists do research to relieve them from their responsibility to the Magic Man.

I will never understand how so many people can be so batshit crazy and totally retarded.

"There is a reason for the evolution theory. It relieves man of his responsibility to God. It is with much relief that a moderate christian student can go to college and be told by their professor that there was no creation. If there is no creation then there must be no God. If there is no God, then there are no consequences for sin. Thus they see themselves as liberated and want to share their new found liberation with others. This was a brilliant move by The Evil One to seduce millions from the Faith."

The fucking idiot got one thing right. If evolution is true (it's the strongest fact of science) then the moronic god fantasy must be thrown out. A magic god fairy with nothing to do is a fairy that doesn't exist.

There is some more overwhelming stupid at Until the mid-19th Century, the biblical account of the creation of life and the universe was widely accepted within Christendom. In other words, Christians accepted the biblical revelation that the material world was created in six literal days about 6,000 years ago.

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