Wednesday, February 28, 2018

This comment at the New York Times explains why Idiot America is infested with know-nothing anti-science idiots.

"I taught scientific archaeology at Berkeley for 21 years from 1990-2011. In my scientific method course, that generally had about 90% California K-12 educated students, I would ask my students how many discussed evolution in their biology classes in high school. In California, one would expect 90% of the students to raise their hands, but each year it was less than 50%. My mother-in-law was a high school English teacher, and her experience in a Bay Area high school was that it takes only one noisy anti-science parent to get a principal to curtail the discussion of evolution in a biology class. And this was in California. As science and the scientific method is eliminated from the minds of Americans, so goes life on earth. Not surprising Trump won, elected by an increasingly ignorant electorate."

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