Friday, February 23, 2018

Religion is brain damage. At the Wall Street Journal I explained why I prefer reality instead of ridiculous religious fantasies.

There is a Christian idiot called C.S. Lewis who claims he used to be an atheist. He's a liar. Nobody goes from real atheist to bible-thumping moron.

A Christian fucktard wrote this bullshit at the god-soaked Wall Street Journal:

"I hope you will have the days left in your life to learn how very wrong you are. You likely are aware of one or the most famous atheists of all times who set out to use the Bible to prove God did not exist and in the process became one of GOD's greatest advocates. He was none other than C.S. Lewis."

Thanks for the suggestion sir but I'm not going to throw out reality. I like reality because reality is interesting and because reality is real.

I'm definitely not interested in the numerous god fantasies ancient know-nothing people invented. I can't imagine anything more boring than the anti-science "god-did-it" fantasy or the even more ridiculous "god-loves-us" fantasy.

Unlike the god-soaked I live in the 21st century. We know things these days.

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