Sunday, April 2, 2017

A dumb question I answered at Yahoo. Yahoo, by the way, totally sucks. It's a failed business because the whole thing is disgusting.

Why do people convert to atheism? 

Nobody "converts" to atheism. 

People grow and accept reality. That's not converting. It's called growing up. 

Some definitions of atheism: 

1. Not theism 
2. An atheist is 100% certain there are no magical beings in the universe including the Easter Bunny, leprechauns, tooth fairies, and magic god fairies. It's all bullshit, especially the Magic Man, aka Mr. God, Allah, Zeus, and all the other god fairies morons invented. 
3. An acceptance of reality. 

The word "atheist" does not require any adjectives, for example agnostic atheist. Agnostics are not atheists. Agnostics are fucking retards. Is supernatural magic real or not? Agnostics are too fucking stupid to be able to figure it out. Their other problem is they are full of it. 

A person is either a real atheist (100% certain god fairies are not real) or a person is a fucking retard. Take your pick.

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