Saturday, April 29, 2017

artificial selection

Evolution at Warp Speed. In the 1960s, Soviet geneticists secretly set out to turn wild foxes into dogs. After a few decades, descendants of wild foxes began to roll on their backs for belly rubs. Jennie Erin Smith reviews “How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog)” by Lee Alan Dugatkin & Lyudmila Trut.

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Interesting article. I added How To Tame a Fox and Build a Dog to my Amazon wish list.

"Into the ’50s, even after Stalin’s death and the discovery of DNA, any Soviet scientist interested in genetics or evolutionary biology had to cloak his or her work in some other guise."

This means America's evolution deniers have Stalin on their side, not to mention the Islamic State terrorists.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

At Reddit a chess player asked "How much can you reasonably expect to improve in 6 months?"

"How much can you reasonably expect to improve in 6 months?"

You can improve a lot in 6 months if you do the right things to educate yourself. I have 3 suggestions.

Use a slow time control and move slow. Make sure you're always making the best move. 10+10 works for me.

Win or lose after every game use the free computer analysis to find out what you did wrong and what you should have done. The feature "Learn from your mistakes" is excellent and you should use it.

Study the endgame before studying anything else. I recommend the endgame studies at

After I studied the endgame I was winning instead of losing. Endgame knowledge is more important than anything else. I am now, by the way, rated over 2000 at

Muslim scum in Maldives, islands near the equator and India. Stupid fucking assholes.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What I wrote about the magical resurrection of the Magic Jeebus Man.

The magical resurrection of Jeebus never happened because it's impossible. Decomposing preachers stay dead. This is a basic fact of reality.
Therefore Christianity is false and it needs to be thrown out.

Monday, April 24, 2017

This fucking asshole for Jeebus wants to throw out natural selection and genetic drift and replace these mechanisms with magic.

"Ross believes in progressive creationism, which posits that while the earth is billions of years old, life did not appear by natural forces alone but that a supernatural agent formed different lifeforms in incremental (progressive) stages, and day-age creationism which is an effort to reconcile a literal Genesis account of Creation with modern scientific theories on the age of the Universe, the Earth, life, and humans."


The stupid, it burns.

There is an industry in Idiot America called "Lying for Jeebus". Thanks to our brain-dead population this business is very lucrative.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

How Birds Survived the Dinosaur Apocalypse - This post has several links to science websites.

There is something I always wondered about. Today I looked it up. Google is my friend.

Why did one species of dinosaurs, the ancestors of modern birds, survive while the other dinosaur species were wiped out when a huge asteroid smashed into our planet 66 million years ago.

How Birds Survived the Dinosaur Apocalypse

Some other interesting websites about science, evolution, paleontology, and what science has done for us lately:

What has science done for you lately?

At the Wall Street Journal a Christian fucktard wants to stick his magic man into science. The stupid, it burns.

"true science does not exclude the supernatural or spiritual"

Sir, even religious scientists would disagree with what you wrote. They do not solve scientific problems with mystic answers.

"If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator."
-- Jerry Coyne

"Does it mean, if you don't understand something, and the community of physicists don't understand it, that means God did it? Is that how you want to play this game? Because if it is, here's a list of things in the past that the physicists at the time didn't understand (and now we do understand.) If that's how you want to invoke your evidence for God, then God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance that's getting smaller and smaller and smaller as time moves on -- so just be ready for that to happen, if that's how you want to come at the problem."
-- Neil deGrasse Tyson

UPDATE: The fucking retard wrote some more gibberish including this:

"Science does not deny the supernatural or the spiritual."
Sir, scientists ignore "the supernatural or the spiritual" when they're not laughing at the breathtaking stupidity of it.
Your disease can't be fixed sir. There is nothing I can do for you.

Friday, April 21, 2017

I replied to a comment at the Wall Street Journal.

"What if we believe that religion doesn't have immunity to criticism anymore than any other superstitious belief that has absolutely no evidence in support of its veracity?  Why should religion get a pass?"
Good questions. There is an idea some people have which is wrong: "Deeply held beliefs should be respected."
Nothing should be respected until the respect is earned. I will never respect idiotic religious fantasies. For example the totally ridiculous and impossible magical 2nd life fantasy that only a coward would wish for. It's a childish fantasy that makes terrorism possible. I do not respect cowards.

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal.

What makes America great? Freedom. That's why many people from other countries want to live here and it's why almost nobody wants to leave. Abraham Lincoln made freedom possible for everyone. It was his greatest accomplishment.
The "In God We Trust" thing will always be on our coins and our cash but if it is changed some day I suggest "In Freedom We Trust". This has the advantage of not being controversial. All Americans want freedom but not all Americans believe in a deity.
My two cents, aka Lincoln pennies.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal but then deleted to avoid harassment.

"Bill O’Reilly will exit Fox News with a severance package valued at about $25 million"

Stupidity can be very lucrative. O'Reilly thinks biology teachers should teach moronic religious fantasies.

In 2005 a Federal Judge ruled that is was unconstitutional to teach magical creationism (aka intelligent design) in public school science classrooms.

After the ruling was handed down, some pundits immediately attacked it, notably Bill O'Reilly on Fox News accusing the Federal Judge (who was appointed by President Bush) of being a fascist and an activist judge.

Idiot America has "In God We Trust" on our cash and coins.

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Idiot America: Duh, duh, In The Magic Man We Trust, duh.

What I wrote at Reddit-Debate-A-Christian about cowardly Christian scum who fear evolution and attack science education.

Christianity in America is infested with millions of evolution deniers.

The evolution deniers, aka creationists, are disgracing Christianity. If you're a pro-science Christian why aren't you trying fix this problem?
Another problem is the Christian war against teaching evolution. It seems to me the pro-science Christians don't care. Christians should not tolerate the dumbing down of science education to accommodate know-nothing science deniers.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

What I wrote at Reddit - Debate a Christian. It's about the magical resurrection of the Magic Jeebus Man. The stupid, it burns.

A basic fact of reality: dead decomposing preachers stay dead.
There is nothing more to say about it. Christianity completely depends on this disgusting ridiculous and totally impossible fantasy. The Christian death cult needs to thrown in the garbage where it belongs.
"There is not enough evidence to justify belief in Jesus' resurrection."
There is zero evidence for this impossible fantasy. The Christians invoke 500 dead gullible witnesses who may or may not been invented. That's not evidence for anything. There can't be any real evidence because it never happened. A decomposing corpse can not "rise from the dead". Zombies are not real.
This is childish Easter Bunny nonsense. In the 21st century this should not be a subject. It's like saying the Earth is flat. We know the Earth is not flat. We know dead people stay dead.
Was the Magic Jeebus Man real? Who cares? If he was real he was nothing more than a know-nothing preacher man, as worthless as today's preachers.

I also wrote this for a Christian retard who tried to defend his childish belief in magic:

"Supernatural things or miracles cannot be analyzed by natural sciences."
So the question is this: Is supernatural magic real or not?
Any unbrainwashed child can figure it out. Magic is not real. This is a basic fact of reality.
The Christians are willing to throw out reality so they can believe in ridiculous fantasies that make them feel good, for the example the magical 2nd life fantasy, something that only feeble-minded cowards would wish for.
Wishful thinking does not make magical fantasies come true.
Christians should grow up and face facts. They are just human apes. There is nothing special about us and there is nothing special about our planet. We are just animals. We share an ancestor with cockroaches. Cockroaches stay dead and human apes stay dead.
It's ridiculous I should have to explain reality in the 21st century. Religion is brain damage.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A cut & paste job: What somebody else wrote about the idiotic bible and the ridiculous Jeebus fantasy at the Wall Street Journal.

God has an important message for mankind, but fails to clearly deliver it
So, after waiting 200,000 years after modern humans evolved, God decides to deliver an important message to mankind.  You would think it is essential that all of the people on earth receive this vital message and that it is clear and unambiguous.  Let’s see how that worked out:
Jesus is sent to the earth, but he only interacts with a small tribe of Jews in the Middle East, leaving Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, and South America in the dark.
The message of Jesus doesn’t even reach all of these continents until 1500 years later.
Jesus did not write anything down so we can’t be sure of his real message.
Neither Jesus’s disciples nor anyone who directly witnessed Jesus’s mission wrote down anything (all of the apparent references to them are forgeries).
When someone finally started to document Jesus’s life, it is at least 40 years after he died and is based solely on hearsay, or what people seem to remember.
Even given that, we don’t have the originals of what these authors wrote, but only copies of copies of copies.
We have direct evidence that many errors were made in the copying process.
We have direct evidence that some stories were added to the originals, i.e. deliberate forgeries.
We have direct evidence that some of the translations from Hebrew to Greek to English were in error (this is how the Hebrew term for ‘young woman’ became a term in Greek implying a virgin)
We have multiple translations in English and other languages that over time modernized the terminology but also inserted subtle changes in meaning.
We have direct evidence that some of the most obviously fictional elements of the Bible were edited out in later editions, for example the reference to various monsters.
We have thousands of interpretations of scripture authored by holy men, religious experts, or lay persons, each with a different idea of the truth.
We have 40,000 denominations of Christianity, each with a different interpretation of the truth.
We have no external evidence of anything in the gospels, least of which the very existence of an actual preacher named Jesus.
We have no contemporaneous miracles to provide any evidence of the truth of Christianity.
We have an avalanche of scientific discoveries that refute many assertions and stories in the Bible.
But after all of this, God will judge us if we don’t believe his message, whatever the hell it is, and send us to a place of eternal torture.  This is Christianity in a nutshell, and it is the nail in the coffin for its believability to any sane, objective, critically-thinking person.

What I wrote:

"This is why critical thinking skills are not promoted by religious leaders, because the exercise of them inevitably leads to the evaporation of their claims."

Well done. You have been writing some good stuff here. I'm impressed. Did you convince the superstitious cowardly idiots? Of course not.

The problem is intense religious indoctrination, aka child abuse, often causes incurable brain damage because the brain is still developing. There is no cure.

A possible solution is mandatory and competent science education, especially evolution, starting at age 6. This will give the victims a chance to survive the child abuse without brain damage.

What I wrote at the WSJ about why the Christian death cult should be thrown out.

Your idea that evolution kills Christianity is correct. If Christians accept the established truth of evolution then they are admitting their dead preacher man was an uneducated idiot. If they deny the facts of evolution then they are admitting they're uneducated idiots. The disgusting Christian death cult obviously needs to be thrown out.
Unfortunately the idiot population is huge. For example at the WSJ we have crazy people repeatedly saying "He is Risen!" as if a decomposing corpse can become a zombie.
Then of course there are the numerous science deniers who are constantly trying to justify their god fairy's magical powers. Their idea goes like this: "I don't understand therefore magic."
Some of these idiots copy & paste anti-science nonsense from their favorite liars for Jeebus. They think there's a debate about reality. The stupid, it burns.
By the way thanks for those links especially this one:

Monday, April 17, 2017

What somebody wrote at the WSJ and what I didn't write at the WSJ to avoid never ending harassment.

What somebody wrote at the WSJ:

"Christians who assert that they believe God used evolution to create mankind are not thinking on anything other than a superficial level."


What I didn't write at the WSJ to avoid never ending harassment:

Christians who think natural processes required a supernatural user are polluting science with magic.

Christians who deny the established truth of evolution are admitting they are know-nothing idiots.

Christians who agree evolution is a fact are admitting Jeebus was a know-nothing idiot.

Evolution kills the moronic disgusting Christian death cult.

I need to watch this 50 minute video: Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth - Published on Jun 2, 2016 Four and a half billion years ago, the young Earth was a hellish place—a seething chaos of meteorite impacts, volcanoes belching noxious gases, and lightning flashing through a thin, torrid atmosphere. Then, in a process that has puzzled scientists for decades, life emerged. But how? Mineralogist Robert Hazen as he journeys around the globe. From an ancient Moroccan market to the Australian Outback, he advances a startling and counterintuitive idea—that the rocks beneath our feet were not only essential to jump-starting life, but that microbial life helped give birth to hundreds of minerals we know and depend on today. It's a theory of the co-evolution of Earth and life that is reshaping the grand-narrative of our planet’s story.

The first thread I created at "Reddit - Debate a Christian". Will this get past the censorship? It has not been approved yet. They have a lot of ridiculous rules so this will probably not get published even though Christian scum need to read it.

I don't understand why religious people think faith is a virtue.

I remember my Catholic school religious indoctrination more than a half century ago. The nuns repeatedly said "You must have faith". In other words we must believe in stuff that has zero evidence. When I grew up I realized how ridiculous this brainwashing was.

Interesting quote from a University of Minnesota biologist about faith:

"No one word personifies the absolute worst and most wicked properties of religion better than that. Faith is mind-rot. It’s the poison that destroys critical thinking, undermines evidence, and leads people into lives dedicated to absurdity. It’s a parasite regarded as a virtue."
-- PZ Myers

Sunday, April 16, 2017

This cut & paste job was written at the Wall Street Journal by an atheist who lives at Charlotte, North Carolina.

Science has enabled the blind to see. Christianity has not. Science has enabled the deaf to hear. Christianity has not. Science has enabled the dumb to speak. Christianity has not. Science has fed the multitudes. Christianity has not. Science has cured most of the worst plagues of humankind. Christianity has not. Science has enabled paraplegics to move about independently. Christianity has not. Science has uncovered the secrets of the universe. Christianity has not. Science has taken us to moon, to the planets, and the comets. Christianity has left us stuck on earth.

Lastly, Christianity has promised us an eternal life, but has done nothing to extend our earthly lifespan. Science has doubled our life expectancy in the past 150 years. And if immortality is ever achieved, it will be science, not Christianity, that will deliver it.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

"Duh, duh, the Magic Jeebus Man loves me. Duh." There is a lot of breathtaking stupidity in Idiot America. What I wrote about reality at Reddit-Christianity:

"God loves us tons. Jesus cares about us and never gave up on us. All God really asks is that we be good and loving to others."
Sir, how do you know these things? Have you met Mr. God or Mr. Jeebus? Or is this just your wishful thinking?
Many people don't realize the unimaginable vastness of this universe and the insignificance our little planet in the middle of nowhere. There is no reason to pretend a magical master of the entire universe would care about us.

Saturday 3:55AM April 15, 2017 I wrote this comment at the Wall Street Journal. I expect never ending harassment from cowardly brain-dead Christian assholes so I will probably delete this comment later. Christians are scum.

"both announce God’s greater power of life."

This is an interesting article but people need to understand the Magic Man is not real. It's just a childish fantasy.

I don't need deranged Christians harassing me all day so if necessary I will delete this comment.


I decided to vaporize my comment. It's just not worth it. However I came back and wrote something for a god-soaked fucktard:

"When someone tells you that God does not exist, keep in mind that there is no scientific statement to that effect."

Sir, so what? You could say the same thing about the Easter Bunny which is no less ridiculous and childish than the Magic Man fantasy.


The fucktard disagreed so I wrote this:

OK sir. You don't want to admit your god fairy has magical powers. This is typical because admitting you believe in supernatural magic would be childish. However everyone else knows you people think supernatural magic is real.
To justify your fantasies you people lie to yourselves. That's quite a feat.
Reality is a wonderful thing because it's interesting and it's real. Atheism is an acceptance of reality. Theism is a denial of reality. Theists prefer anything that makes them feel good no matter how impossible it is.
For example the magical 2nd life fantasy which American Christians share with the Islamic State terrorists. It's impossible. It's not real. It's just wishful thinking and there is not one shred of evidence for it.


The asshole for Jeebus threaten me. My reply:

"What you find at the end will astonish you."
I have seen countless variations of this idea. Translated it means you are threatening me with eternal torture in a magical hell. This is terrorism. Instead of torturing people yourselves you depend on your loving god to take care of it.
From what you wrote so far most likely you're an evolution denier which is another problem you people share with the Islamic State terrorists. Some Christians accept the established truth of evolution but they pollute biology with god guided or used or invented evolution as if supernatural magic is a mechanism of natural processes.
There is no cure for the theism disease. The brain damage (thanks to the intense religious brainwashing of children that keeps religious cults from going extinct) can't be fixed. This is another problem American Christians share with terrorists. They brainwash children to make them insane. This is child abuse and it's disgusting.


Much later I came back and wrote this:

It's ridiculous I have to explain the obvious. There was no resurrection. It's impossible. Dead decomposing preachers stay dead. This is called reality.

Deranged Christians might complain. They can shove it because they have no real evidence for any of their disgusting fantasies.

500 dead gullible witnesses who may or may not have been invented are not evidence for anything. You people believe in this idiotic nonsense only because it makes you feel good.


Much later the stupid got out of control. I wrote this:

"Duh, duh, one way to find out. Die. Duh."
Normal people, aka people who have a brain and use it, can figure things out without dropping dead. It's very easy to figure out every single one of your ridiculous disgusting childish beliefs are totally wrong. Your fantasies are just the wishful thinking of feeble-minded cowards.
Growing up and facing facts is what normal people do. Some people are too cowardly to grow up. They are called theists.
"Christ grants eternal life and joy by His unfathomable grace."
You are pathetic mister. Is there any childish nonsense you don't believe?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13, 2017 The Stupid, it burns in Oklahoma.

House panel backs bill that would allow creationism teaching - Oklahoma science teachers could teach creationism alongside evolution under a bill that narrowly got initial backing in the Legislature on Thursday, despite opposition from teachers and others.


Woohoo! As good as it gets!

The Five Guys people take good care of their customers. Excellent fries that you might not want to buy if you're trying lose weight. I suggest to get the most flavor try the double cheeseburgers. To get even more flavor choose your favorite vegetables which are free and you can ask for extra vegetables, all free and extremely fresh and delicious. You decide what you want. There are countless choices.

To save time order on the internet so it's ready when you get there. You can choose the time it will be ready. When you get there you can pay for it. Take it home or eat it there which is always a very happy place. There are free peanuts of course.

There are crayons for your children to draw hamburgers. The art is displayed on a bulletin board. Some of these kids are very talented.

I am a Five Guys fanatic as are thousands of other customers.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

4/12/2017 What I wrote at "Reddit True Atheism" about reality and the breathtaking stupidity of the god-soaked.

"when I ask about the deity itself, they always say he/she/it created itself."

I noticed their evidence-free idea is usually something like this: "Mr. God always existed".

"my debates with religious counterparts"

I think it's wrong to call it a debate because there is no debate. Reality is what it is. There is nothing to debate about reality.

This whole thing is very simple. This is not rocket science. We don't have "debates" about the Easter Bunny. The magic god fairy fantasy is equal to the magical rabbit fantasy, equally childish and equally ridiculous.

When I explain reality to the god-soaked (not that it ever did any good, theism is an incurable mental illness) it goes like this: There is no magic in the universe therefore magical god fairies are impossible.

That's it. Nothing more needs to be said about it.

However I could point out the idiotic god fantasy is not necessary therefore it's not real. We know the fairy's magical powers were never necessary for something as complex as the development of new species so it's ridiculous to pretend the Magic Man was necessary for anything else.

The god-soaked can't exist without their childish belief in a magical 2nd life which is totally impossible. It's just the wishful thinking of feeble-minded cowards.

I am by the way a hardcore atheist and anti-theist. My contempt for religious stupidity grows every day. The religious violence, religious brainwashing (aka child abuse), and the religious war against science education can not be tolerated. We must destroy theism before theism destroys this planet.

The Magic Jeebus Man fantasy

4/12/2017 What I wrote at "Reddit True Atheism" about Christian scum who brainwash their children to become brain-dead science deniers.

I found this in the article: “They’re exposed to ... evolution ...”

Know-nothing anti-science Christians think evolution threatens their idiotic cult and they're right. Evolution kills Christianity and most other religions. Their solution is home schooling so their children (victims) learn how to be science deniers, aka stupid.

This is totally wrong and it should not be allowed. Every student should receive competent education about evolution. This is a basic human right. I suggest allow the home schooling but require they go to a normal school for science education.

This quote is from Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist:

"But, as Lovan noted in his piece, “83 percent of home-schooling parents want to give their children ‘religious or moral instruction.’” I weep for those children. For many of them are simply being brainwashed by their parents. Yes, that’s what it is—brainwashing. For a parent to ignore 150 years of solid science, feeding their children lies based on theology, is to deprive those children of the wonder of the universe—a wonder based on truth rather than medieval superstition. It kills off the part of a child that most needs nurturing: her sense of wonder, and all the possibilities of life that are opened up by that wonder. How many budding biologists have been stifled by their parents’ willful ignorance of science, and on their insistence that the Bible is the real source of biological information? Generation after generation of ignorance and religious dogmatism, all perpetuated by religiously based home-schooling."

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rod Stewart 1971

Reason to Believe
If I listen long enough to you
I'd find a way to believe that it's all true
Knowing, that you lied, straight-faced
While I cried
But still I'd look to find a reason to believe
Someone like you makes it hard to live
Without, somebody else
Someone like you, makes it easy to give
Never think of myself
If I gave you time to change my mind
I'd find a way to leave the past behind
Knowing that you lied, straight-faced
While I cried
But still I'd look to find a reason to believe
If I listen long enough to you
I'd find a way to believe it's all true
Knowing that you lied, straight-faced
While I cried
Still I'd look to find a reason to believe.

A Christian asked a question at

"I want to know exactly what atheists believe."
Your question is wrong. Real atheists don't "believe" in anything. Instead they accept what has strong evidence. If the evidence is weak the idea is thrown out.
"Okay Okay I get it! Atheism is not believing in the existence of any god."
Only an wimpy atheist would say that. I'm a real atheist. I'm 100% certain magic god fairies are not real. Same thing for the Easter Bunny. It's not real. There is no supernatural magic in the universe. Period.
Atheism is an acceptance of reality. Theism is a denial of reality. Take your pick.
"I read the Bible and pray daily and over all try to live a righteous life."
What a horrible waste of a life.
I suggest throw your disgusting worthless bible in the garbage where it belongs. Then educate yourself. A good place to start: "Faith Versus Fact, Why Science And Religion Are Incompatible" by Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
"I want to know what books give the strongest argument for evolution"
"Why Evolution Is True" by Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
By the way evolution by natural selection and genetic drift is the strongest fact of science.

Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017 "Reddit DebateReligion" = stupid fucking assholes.

You've been banned from participating in r/DebateReligion
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Suppression of freedom of speech. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

April 10, 2017 At - DebateReligion I wrote about the religious implications of evolution. I am waiting for the people who run the place to approve what I wrote.

Can we all agree evolution has religious implications?

In America where I live a 2014 gallop poll has these interesting results: God created humans in present form: 42%. Humans evolved with God guiding: 31%. Humans evolved but God had no part in process: 19%.

Virtually 100% of biologists (including competent religious biologists) agree people evolved from ancient apes and God had absolutely nothing to do with it. But only 19% of Americans agree with biologists.

It's obvious to me evolution has very strong religious implications in America. Religious people here either deny the whole thing or they pollute evolutionary biology with the crazy ideas that Mr. God guided or invented or used evolution.

It's also obvious to me the biologists are right. God had nothing to do with it. Natural processes like evolution do not need a supernatural being to invent or use or guide it.

I have this idea I'm convinced is true: If something as complex as the development of new species was a completely natural process then it's ridiculous to pretend a god fairy's magical powers were ever necessary for anything else. In other words Charles Darwin and the thousands of biologists who came after Darwin killed the childish god fantasy.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

At Reddit the question was "How did you determine that no religion was true".

"How did you determine that no religion was true"
It's called growing up. Religions are obviously false because they depend on the idiotic idea that supernatural magic is real.
There is nothing more to say about. This is not rocket science. Magic is not real. Any child who wasn't brainwashed can figure it out.
One more thing: The world's religions need to be completely eradicated. Science education is the best way to accomplish this. Religions are good for nothing but never ending violence, brainwashing, and insanity.
Religions contribute nothing to human progress. They just get in the way.

What I wrote at

"Theists and atheists have a massive foundation world view difference"

Atheism is an acceptance of reality. Reality is not a world view. Reality is not an opinion. Reality is what it is.

Christians call their magical fantasies a world view because those fantasies are a denial of reality.

"We don't live for this life or put our hope in this life. We bank on the life to come."

That's horrible. That's disgusting. That's pathetic. There is no magical 2nd life. Magic is not real. The childish heaven fantasy is the wishful thinking of cowards who never learned how to grow up and face facts.

What I wrote at

"Does anyone play on any other chess websites?"

If you asked that question at your comment would be deleted in less than a minute. If you asked this question a 2nd time you would never be able to write a comment there again.

At lichess we have freedom of speech. At Big Brother is always watching.

#8 wrote "I played in for years. This site kicks it's ass 100-0"

I agree. Lichess is the best. Nobody else comes close. I ignore the other websites for playing chess because in my opinion there is no reason for them to exist.

For looking up grandmaster games (which I import to lichess for the free analysis) or watching grandmaster tournaments or for chess news I like & & &

Lichess is free but fortunately being a patron is allowed.

Go to the upper left corner and type 1859 in the box. Hit the enter key. There is tons of information about 1859 in this blog.

Go to the upper left corner and type 1859 in the box. Hit the enter key. There is tons of information about 1859 in this blog.

Anti-science Fucktards at suppress freedom of speech. The stupid, it burns.

"If you meet the rather minimal criteria of being an ID proponent as described by Granville Sewall, or are even open-minded to the idea that ID might be true, you can have full and permanent access."

It seems to me you are making it impossible for evolution deniers to learn anything about evolution. You are suppressing freedom of speech to make sure nobody learns anything.

I have studied evolution for a long time. I understand how it works and I understand the overwhelming evidence for it. I could respectfully educate some people here but you want them to know nothing. You want them to waste their lives being completely wrong about everything.

You own the place so do what you want. I just wonder how you can sleep at night knowing that you have thrown out freedom of speech which is a basic human right.

I found this very long list of extremely powerful evidences for evolution. Most of it I have seen before. For the other stuff Google is my friend.

comparative anatomy (homology, atavism, vestigiality, Evolutionary developmental biology, comparative biochemistry (Human Chr. 2 Fusion -> fantastic evidence) genetic similarity homologous mutations versus unshared mutations (the one we discussed right now) phylogenetic reconstructions (genes or proteins, mitochondrial DNA, also ribosomal RNA) Shared/unshared pseudogenes, repeats, transposons, Endogenous Retroviruses Cytochrome c and b variation mathematical and biogeographical models of human migration used as predictive tools

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

What I wrote for a moron at Yahoo Answers.

"I am trying to figure out if i am agnostic or atheist?"

If you have to ask you're definitely not an atheist. An atheist, aka normal person, is 100% certain magical beings (Easter Bunny, Leprechauns, Allah, Zeus, God) are not real.

You have two choices. You can be a real atheist or you can be a superstitious idiot. Take your pick.

"I believe there is something more but not sure what."

That's bullsh!t.

You need to understand this important fact: If something is a "belief" or requires "faith" it's bullsh!t.

"where did the very first atom or hydrogen come from?"

It was a natural process. Everything is or was a natural process. All other explanations are bullsh!t.

"If you look at the universe and study the universe, what you find is that there is no evidence that we need anything other than the laws of physics and the other laws of science to explain everything we see. There's absolutely no evidence that we need any supernatural hand of god."
-- Lawrence Krauss, World-Renowned Physicist

Theists are theists because they're feeble-minded cowards who never grew up, educated themselves, and faced facts.

A theist wrote:

Many atheists, despite insisting that their belief is merely an absence of a belief in a Higher Power, hold implicit assumptions about the nature of reality and what is/is not true (or likely to be true) about it.

Specifically, alongside the idea that a God is unlikely to exist (or flat out does not exist), many (if not most) atheists have the accompanying belief that whatever it is that is responsible for bringing about our universe, it is not intelligent, willing, aware and capable of intending to bring about universes by its very nature.

Thus, the implicit assumption held by many who reject the belief in a God, is the belief that our universe is likely the result of a fundamentally lifeless, mindless and pointless process at base. My question is: what leads you to think this assumption that you have about what is or is likely to be the nature of our universe (and perhaps what is beyond it) at base, is actually true?

My reply:

"Many atheists, despite insisting that their belief is merely an absence of a belief in a Higher Power, hold implicit assumptions about the nature of reality and what is/is not true (or likely to be true) about it."

Only wimpy fake atheists would say something idiotic like "an absence of a belief in a Higher Power".

I'm 100% certain magic god fairies are not real. God fairies are not real because there is no magic in the universe. This is not rocket science. Any unbrainwashed child could figure it out.

How did the universe begin? This is a favorite hiding place for the god of the gaps. The idea goes like this: "I don't understand, nobody else understands, and all future scientists who haven't been born yet will never understand. Therefore the Magic Man did it."

"Duh, duh, I can't figure something out therefore it was magical event, duh."

Gaps in human understanding are called research opportunities. Even if we don't understand something we can be certain everything that ever happened was a natural process. The alternative idea, "The Magic Man Did It" is too childish and too ridiculous to take seriously.

Why do theists desperately look for a hiding place for their magic god fairy of the gaps? It's because they're cowards. Reality makes them cry. They have to justify their childish god fantasy because they need their childish magical 2nd life fantasy. I never met a theist who wasn't a coward.

I also never met a theist who learned how to think. They can fix their problem only if they admit they have been superstitious idiots all their lives.

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." -- Charles Darwin

"If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator." -- Jerry Coyne

Sunday, April 2, 2017

What's going on now in the branch of science called evolution?

At Reddit I wrote about reality for a Muslim retard. Muslims are scum.

Hello actual Muslim. You're not a big fan of atheism. Why not? Atheism is nothing more than an acceptance of reality. Do you have a problem with reality?
Also sir, atheism doesn't require rules about blasphemy or anything else. Atheists are totally free. They can say or do anything they want to. There are no rules. Freedom is a wonderful thing but religious people will never experience it.
One more thing sir. Unlike Christians and Muslims, atheists (aka normal people) are not science deniers. For example evolution including the development of our species. We are human apes and we evolved from ancient apes as did our closest cousins, the chimpanzee apes. This is scientific fact but most Christians and virtually all Muslims deny the whole thing including the overwhelming evidence for it.
There is nothing more pathetic then letting religions tell you what science is wrong when it's not wrong at all.
Even worse than Muslim scum are agnostic retards. I wrote a comment for an agnostic moron who had the nerve to pretend he is an atheist. He's not a atheist. He is a fucking moron who can't make a decision. This is what I wrote:
"most of us athiest are agnostic"
Sir, if somebody is not 100% certain magic god fairies are not real, they are not atheists and they should not be calling themselves atheists.
They are agnostics. Agnostics can't answer a simple question: Is supernatural magic real or not? Agnostics can't figure it out which is pathetic.
This is ridiculous: "if there was enough evidence for it." Would you say the same thing about the Easter Bunny? I hope not. Magic god fairies and magical rabbits are equally childish fantasies that could not possibly have any evidence.

Child 'suicide bomber', 7 years old, dressed in full 'Hazard' Chelsea football kit is caught by Iraqi troops who disarm him after finding explosives strapped to his chest. Watch the video about Muslim scum.

A dumb question I answered at Yahoo. Yahoo, by the way, totally sucks. It's a failed business because the whole thing is disgusting.

Why do people convert to atheism? 

Nobody "converts" to atheism. 

People grow and accept reality. That's not converting. It's called growing up. 

Some definitions of atheism: 

1. Not theism 
2. An atheist is 100% certain there are no magical beings in the universe including the Easter Bunny, leprechauns, tooth fairies, and magic god fairies. It's all bullshit, especially the Magic Man, aka Mr. God, Allah, Zeus, and all the other god fairies morons invented. 
3. An acceptance of reality. 

The word "atheist" does not require any adjectives, for example agnostic atheist. Agnostics are not atheists. Agnostics are fucking retards. Is supernatural magic real or not? Agnostics are too fucking stupid to be able to figure it out. Their other problem is they are full of it. 

A person is either a real atheist (100% certain god fairies are not real) or a person is a fucking retard. Take your pick.

The comment I didn't write at the Wall Street Journal because Christian assholes would harass me all day. Extreme stupid can't be fixed.

Those guys with the crosses (aka execution devices) are know-nothing science deniers. Evolution makes them cry.
This is one of the many reasons why the USA is called "Idiot America".