Saturday, March 11, 2017

What I wrote about this comment at the WSJ: Your entire comment, well done sir. I was impressed. I don't share your liberalism, I'm a Republican, but we agree about science and the religious implications of evolution.

Terry P. Carriker

From 1347 to 1350, a devastating pandemic hit Europe causing the death of approximately 25 million people, one third of the population. Entire families were wiped out and some villages were made into ghost towns. Houses became empty because all of the inhabitants had died. Fields and animals went untended causing crops to fail and the animals to die. Most people thought that a vengeful God caused this catastrophe and the remedies of choice were prayer, fasting, and mystical rituals. All of these were ineffective, of course, and when there seemed to be end in sight, most people thought the world was coming to an end.

The Black Plague offers a multi-faceted demonstration of the non-reality of the Christian faith. First, it convincingly showed the ineffectiveness of prayer, as God ignored millions and millions of prayers of the suffering Europeans. Second, it showed the callousness of God to human suffering, as the plague caused pustules and tumors to grow almost visibly, fever, vomiting of blood, and pneumonia as victims suffered immense pain for up to a week before their deaths. Third, it highlighted the failure of God to enlighten people of the causes and prevention of disease either through scripture or divine revelation. Had this been done, the range and scope of the outbreak would have been much less severe. Fourth, it revealed God’s flawed design of the human body to be so vulnerable to this pathogen.

In short, the Black Plague is exactly what would be expected from evolution, a godless process that has no preference or partiality for humans. For an objective observer, it provides a compelling clue that Christianity is false.

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