Sunday, December 4, 2016

Something I wrote for the fucktards who deny the established truth of evolution.

Here's something for the know-nothing brain-dead evolution deniers, aka people who too lazy to look things up and too dense to be able to understand anything:

In Why Evolution is True Jerry Coyne asked five good questions about some facts of nature in the section called Palimpsests in Embryos (pages 73 thru 80).

Why do different vertebrates, which wind up looking very different from one another, all begin development looking like a fish embryo?

Why do mammals form their heads and faces from the very same embryonic structures that become the gills of fish?

Why do vertebrate embryos go through such a contorted sequence of changes in the circulatory system?

Why don't human embryos, or lizard embryos, begin development with their adult circulatory systems already in place, rather than making a lot of changes in what developed earlier?

Why does our sequence of development mimic the order of our ancestors (fish to amphibian to reptile to mammal)?

Only evolution can answer these questions. The extremely dense evolution deniers have never heard of these questions.

These questions are about facts of nature. Established facts. How to explain these facts? Did something wave its magic wand to make it look like evolution is true? Or is evolution how the world works?

This is just one of numerous branches of science that have repeatedly shown evolution is the strongest fact of science. But still the science deniers would rather live in their childish everything-is-magic fantasy world.

How can anyone throw out basic facts of science and replace those facts with magic? The answer is obvious. They have an incurable mental illness.

Another interesting fact: Terrorists are evolution deniers. Evolution makes terrorists cry.

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