Sunday, November 1, 2015

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal about the stupidity of the liberals at the New York Times.

From an editorial at the New York Times where a liberal is criticizing Ben Carson for ridiculous reasons: “These young folks need to know that the way to escape their often dismal situations is contained within themselves.”
The NYT's article actually complained about this quote from Mr. Carson, as if good advice is a bad thing, while food stamps, welfare, and never ending poverty is a good thing. Most of the comments complained about the same quote, and a few other trivial things. Apparently they can't stand the  idea that an African American can be a conservative.
This is another good reason to nominate Carson. If he becomes president (the polls show Carson could easily defeat Clinton) then 8 years later, with charter schools to replace inferior public schools, and jobs being created instead of being destroyed,  the black population will realize the liberals are the enemy and they will never vote for a democrat again.

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