Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A fucking idiot asked "Do I have to believe in evolution theory in order to become an atheist?" As if facts are beliefs and as if a real atheist could be a fucking creationist. Typical American stupidity. I wrote an answer for the fucktard.

Evolution is the strongest fact of science. Facts are not beliefs. I don't "believe" in evolution. I accept the overwhelming, powerful, and still growing evidence for evolution.

Anyone who denies the established truth of evolution is not an atheist. I would call that retard an uneducated moron.

A fucking idiot who says he's an atheist but denies evolution, how would that moron explain the diversity of life? There is no way a real atheist could deny evolution. Some people are fucking liars. This is one example.

From another comment: "Atheism = Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."

That's a definition for fucking wimps. It's like saying "I have a disbelief or lack of belief in the Easter Bunny." The Easter Bunny is not real FFS. Same thing for fucking gods. The wimpy stupidity at this place is disgusting.

A real atheist: 100% certain magical beings (tooth fairy, Easter Bunny, Zeus, Allah, Magic God Fairy) are not real.

FFS this is the 21st century. The human race needs to grow up and stop being fucking morons and fucking wimps. THERE ARE NO FUCKING GODS YOU FUCKING IDIOTS.

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