Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What someone else wrote about Christian assholes. Well done!

Charles Darwin showed how humans evolved and why God had absolutely nothing to do with it. Why didn't everyone get the memo?


In their science class the god squad were faith-blinded so much that they put their fingers in their ears and shouted "La La La - can't hear you"

The Faith-blinded is an interesting psychological study. They come in many forms. Christians, Muslims, etc. as well as New Agers, Spiritualists, etc.

Their basic premise is "If it contradicts my superstitions and delusions, then I will dream up all sorts of objections, however ridiculous. Then they tell anyone who has examined the facts that they are closed-minded and stupid. Then they say "I believe in all this even though there is not one fact to support it." Now, I don't mind their utter absurdity, except then they say "...I believe this and I am going to force it on you."

-- Freethinking Liberal

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