Saturday, March 2, 2019

I found some more Magic Man stupidity.

I'm addicted to pork steaks. Pork steaks make me happy. I always ask my butcher for very large pork steaks, at least one inch thick.

According to this fucktard, pork steaks make God and Allah cry. I don't know what cult this idiot belongs to. (Update: I found out this asshole is a Muslim moron. I told him to go fly an airplane into a building.)

"God warned us not to eat these pigs due to their flesh being unclean for human consumption."

As if the magical master of the entire fucking universe, if the thing wasn't a ridiculous fantasy, would be interested in what human apes eat on this tiny planet in the middle of nowhere.

This is the whole idiotic thing. I never met a theist who wasn't a fucking moron.

"just cause a creature walks the earth doesnt mean we have to eat everything.... There are creatures that are cleaners of the filth, ground squallers. Pigs root about in filth, poo, they eat their own dead kin carcases, they roll about in pee and poop mud, their digestive system is not as filtering as cows, or other large animals, therefore whatever bacteria and viruses they eat, it goes into their blood and flesh, this includes blood diseases , parasites like worms, HIV or AIDS even.... some of these things do NOT cook out even at high heat, So God warned us not to eat these pigs due to t heir flesh being unclean for human consumption... go ahead and eat it, but be warned, you might want to google "brain worms"... where there are YOutube videos where people thought they had brain cancer but turned out to be a mass of worm eggs and live worms in their brains, ( and other areas of body),,,,,"

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