Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Somebody else wrote this at the Wall Street Journal. Everything he wrote was well done. It's about the religious bullshit in Idiot America.

No. Atheism is not a religion.

It is the absence of religion. For people such as myself, freedom from religion.

The current state of US society penalizes you for non-belief. As a political candidate, speaker, commentator. Holidays, monuments and license plate mottoes are forced upon us....not because the founding fathers agreed with it either. Most of these "In God We Trust" phrases and additions to the pledge of allegiance were added since 1900 by intrusive Christians.

I would argue, as most atheists would, that there can be no freedom of religion if there is any support by the government or favoritism shown for a given religious philosophy (Christianity) vs any other or no religion/faith. To do so moves us from religious freedom to a theocracy.

That's why atheism generally "trumps" Christianity in the courts where rational and evidence based arguments still have some degree of meaning.


This is another comment he wrote:

Huge leap to assert that mathematically determined universes are "God's realm"....another "faith" based statement that cannot be logically justified nor evidenced in any way. We've been down this road since the dawn of time. Science will always be heresy for some who's "faith" is threatened by the new knowledge. Creationists come to mind. Humans are very bad at admitting error and prefer to continue to cling to their old ways.

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