Tuesday, January 23, 2018

At another website I asked "Do you think this Alabama law to allow the teaching of creationism in public school science classrooms is a good idea?"

Another post has this.

It's a law suggested by an Alabama Republican asshole who wants to stick his moronic religious fantasies into public schools. An interesting thing about Alabama which is one of America's bible-thumping states - The vast majority of the population are evolution deniers. Science makes Alabamians cry.

I'm going to put it here again and also some of the best answers people wrote.

"This bill would enable public school teachers who teach kindergarten through 12th grade to include, as a portion of instruction regarding the scientific origins of man and the Earth, instruction regarding the Biblical theory of creation, so long as evolution is also taught. This bill would further allow any teacher who desires to instruct students regarding the Biblical theory of creation to read passages from the Bible in class which he or she deems necessary to propel the instruction forward."

"This bill would allow a student receiving instruction on both the Biblical theory of creation and evolution to make a determination as to which theory to accept. A student would be permitted credit on course exams if he or she chooses to adhere to the Biblical theory of creation instead of evolution and then answers exam questions according to that system of belief."

"Do you think this Alabama law to allow the teaching of creationism in public school science classrooms is a good idea?" Some creationists wrote moronic answers which I ignored. Here are some of the best answers:

That's unconstitutional. How many times do you lying liars have to lose in court?

It's a terrible idea but considering that this is Alabama we're talking about it's far from the worst idea they've ever had.

I think it is just great that the US is abandoning any pretense of being a forward thinking, technology driven country.

As if the rest of the world isn't already laughing at America....

It's a terrible idea, but religious fundamentalists will stop at nothing to force their religion on the population as a whole. A generation of Alabama kids will grow up knowing nothing about science. Ignorance is never the answer.

It will be thrown out by the Supreme Court as it is unconstitutional. Science should be taught in science classes. Creationism is not and cannot be science so it has no place in a science class.

If challenged the law will be declared unconstitutional by the courts.

No, I think it's a ridiculous idea. Creationism isn't science.

No. And it wouldn't pass Constitutional muster either. There are no scientific papers supporting it, so it isn't science. That means it's obviously an attempt by the government to establish religion.

No, this shouldn't be permitted. It's an attempt to pretend that the religious literalism of primitive myths that is creationism and evolution have similar levels of credibility, when only one of them is scientifically credible. The word 'theory' when used in a scientific context has a specific meaning. It does not mean 'an idea that someone believes'. Evolution is a scientific theory, creationism is not. This is an attempt by the intellectually dishonest to promote a particular religious view in violation of the separation of church and state.

I think any such law will be shot down in the SCOTUS, because it uses tax dollars to teach one religion's doctrine over all others and over valid science.

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