Thursday, January 25, 2018

As most people know the United States Congress passed a tax reform bill. President Fucktard Trump had nothing to do with it except he signed it. Democrats complained about it but it's working.

As most people know the United States Congress passed a tax reform bill. President Fucktard Trump had nothing to do with it except he signed it. Democrats complained about it but it's working.

Next month, February, 95% of American workers will have less tax deducted from their paychecks. Already numerous Americans are getting bonuses from the corporations they work for, most recently Verizon and Disney. Verizon employees will get Verizon shares worth about $2,500. Disney employees will get $1,000 bonuses. There will be more of this. The employees are not complaining. They are probably noticing the extra cash is thanks to the Republicans. They will also notice not one Democrat voted for the tax reform bill.

I don't like Trump and I want him to lose in 2020 but I'm concerned the Democrats are going fuck up and lose the election again. The Democrats have to learn how to stop being anti-business. They have to realize their love for big government is ridiculous.

Capitalism is a wonderful thing because it works, and it works best when the government gets out of the fucking way. This is obvious but the Democrats are apparently too fucking stupid to be able to understand.

The Democrats are environmentalists as am I. The Republicans want to destroy the environment. Also the Republican Party in infested with Christian scum. The Vice President of the United States is a brain-dead know-nothing bible-thumping creationist FFS, as is most of the Trump administration. I can't vote for extreme stupidity and that's why I hope the Democrats learn how to win elections instead of letting a fucktard like Trump get the job.

"Capitalism works well because it is in tune with our nature. Adam Smith called it 'the natural order of liberty'. Everyone selfishly desires to provide for his needs. To pay for what he wants from others – services and goods – he has to provide something that others will pay him for. Millions do it, and the result is prosperity. Capitalism is an abstract machine most beautiful to behold in the wonder of its workings. When individuals have the incentive to achieve, acquire, and enjoy something for themselves, they’ll go to great lengths to afford it. They’ll compete with each other to provide what others want, toil to make it the better product, and set the price of it lower. The best is made available at the least cost. Everyone is both a taker and a giver, and everyone benefits. True, not everyone’s effort always succeeds, but nothing stops anyone from trying again."
The Atheist Conservative

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