Wednesday, December 6, 2017

One more time to help people understand: Charles Darwin killed the ridiculous Magic Man fantasy.

Before I write about the Magic Man I will explain how Mr. Darwin killed at least two major religions, Islam and Christianity.

Christianity is a bit more flexible about evolution but not Islam. Muslims are required to believe Allah magically created the human ape species out of nothing. If a Muslim accepts the obvious fact our species evolved from ancient apes then they have to throw out Islam. I did much research on this. Muslims might be able to accept evolution for other creatures but not human apes.

What about the numerous branches of the Christian death cult?

Some Christians totally deny all of evolution. They think their Magic Man magically created human apes and 400,000 species of beetles.

Other Christians accept the established truth of evolution but always, 100% of the time, they say their Magic Man invented or used or guided evolution. That's bullshit. We know all life evolved and we know a magic god fairy's magical powers had absolutely nothing to do with it. Therefore evolution kills Christianity.

Also the dead Magic Jeebus Man was most certainly a creationist which means Christians worship a dead uneducated moron. Some Christians have told me Jeebus accepted evolution but that's dishonest. Jeebus didn't even know what evolution is.

What about the Magic Man? Did Charles Darwin kill that idiotic fantasy?

Some people tell me evolution only kills the Genesis story in the Bible. They don't understand why they're wrong.

This should be obvious to everyone who has a brain: If something as complex as the development of new species did not require supernatural magic then it's ridiculous to pretend magic was ever required for anything else. A god fairy who never had anything to is a fairy who never existed.

Of course even without the science the idea there's a magical being hiding somewhere in the universe is too childish to take seriously.

By the way a Christian fucktard told me the Magic Man hides outside the universe. No evidence provided. He was just making things up. I never met a theist who wasn't full of crap.

Since it's obvious there never was a god why do billions of people still believe in it?

I think breathtaking stupidity has something to do with it. Also cowards can't exist without their ridiculous magical-2nd-life fantasy and that's why they don't want to throw their magic fairy out.

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