Thursday, December 7, 2017

Once a week at the Wall Street Journal there is a moronic article about religions. The comments are usually written by Christian assholes. There is one person there who tries to explain to these morons why they are wrong about everything. This is a good example. Very well done.

A Wall Street Journal article about bullshit

In the Bible, God is a strong and ever-present actor in the world of human affairs. He talks audibly, he inscribes on stone, he firebombs villages, he send his angels around, he turns people to stone, he stops the sun, he makes a new star, he creates new languages, he sends scourges and plagues, he kills people, he sends his son and gets him killed- all of this up to around 100 AD. Then something happens- or more accurately, nothing happens- God exits the stage, he goes completely silent, does nothing whatsoever.

To any person possessing a logical mind, this is a red herring. Why would an interventionist god suddenly become impotent? And remain so for 19 highly momentous centuries? The effort needed to answer these questions is like trying to pick an apple hanging 5 feet off the ground- the god described in the Bible is fictional.

Science has advanced to a highly sophisticated level, but to date has found nothing that requires any kind of supernatural intelligence to explain. This did not have to happen. We could have determined the age of the earth to be 10,000 years, in which case evolutionary theory would have been impossible. We could have found the universe to be so precisely designed as to beg the question of how it could have happened on its own.

What this implies is that if there is an all-powerful god as proposed by Christianity, that god must be choosing not to manipulate anything beyond the natural order, or, in other words, to completely conceal his presence. However, this concept does not square with Christianity, with its idea of a personal, hands-on, and prayer-answering god.

It seems almost beyond belief that by now science would not have found some footprint or subtle effect of this god somewhere on earth or in the universe. Instead, all that we have observed indicates that there is no god anywhere, no god doing anything, no god designing anything, just plain no god.

The failure of science to detect any kind of a supernatural activity is strong evidence that the god of Christianity does not exist.

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