Tuesday, March 29, 2016



A Christian Fucktard complained about a comment I wrote. This was my reply. I wrote "Christians are civilized" which is wrong. Christians are stupid fucking assholes.

We agree about Islam. Christians don't blow themselves up, they don't fly airplanes into buildings, they don't bury women up to their necks and then throw rocks at their heads, they don't throw acid into the eyes of little girls because they were walking to school, they don't cut off heads, they don't kill and burn down buildings just because somebody did not respect their Bible, they don't kill their own relatives just because they threw out Christianity. Christians are civilized. Muslims are lunatics. I get that.
I look at this from the point of view of someone who is convinced all religions are equal about one thing - they are completely wrong about everything. To me all of theism is not necessary so why not get rid of the whole thing.
I'm just one person so I can't change the world. I can complain, criticize, point out why all religions are insane, but nobody cares what say.

All Muslim scum are violent assholes. This post was written by somebody else at the WSJ.

Some may write this off as just another act of extremists but mainstream Pakistan edges ever closer to what many would call extremist acts.  Witness the widespread support for the assassin recently convicted of murdering the provincial governor.  The governor's crime? Speaking out against a blasphemy law used largely against religious minorities, often for reasons that have nothing to do with religion but more to do with revenge, personal grudges or business disputes.  Yet it was estimated that over 100,000 people demonstrated publicly to support the assassin!  These are people who believe it is justified to kill one's sister or daughter to preserve family honor.  When the society at large allows these types of violent acts to garner widespread public support, why should they be shocked by mass bombings?


Monday, March 28, 2016

‘Dinosaurs Among Us’ Retraces an Evolutionary Path



At an Wall Street Journal article about the magical resurrection of the Magic Jeebus Man I wrote a comment.

"Jesus ... healed the sick, stilled storms, raised people from the dead ... he died an agonizing death ... After three days in the tomb, he rose from the dead."
Apparently Jesus had magical powers. I wonder if he used a magic wand like Harry Potter.
A few years ago I was wondering how Christians solved a problem with their magical resurrection fantasy. I looked it up. The Catholic Church had something about it. The problem is the internal organs have been decomposing for 3 days. Their solution was simple. They said this would a problem but in this case there was no decomposing at all. They didn't say why or how, they just said it would not a problem.
To defend the magical resurrection the Catholic Church invented more magic. That's what every religious fantasy is, a big pile of magic.
An important question: Is magic real or not? Of course it's not real. Any child could figure that out.
The magical resurrection never happened because it's impossible. Christianity should be thrown out.
The usual excuse to ignore what I wrote: "The bible says there were 500 witnesses and there's other evidence in the bible for the resurrection. And the bible is true because the bible says the bible is true."
Even if those dead gullible witnesses were real instead of invented, and even if there were millions of witnesses, there was no magical resurrection. Dead animals, including dead human apes, stay dead.
If anyone can't understand this simple fact of reality then they have a mental problem.
Why do I care? It's because this mental illness has made America a laughing stock and because children are being brainwashed to believe this disgusting nonsense.


Another comment I wrote for a Christian retard. Christians are just plain fucking stupid.
Hello O.C. Garza.
Even though a few billion people agree with you a supernatural magician who can do anything and everything is not possible, there is no evidence for it, and it's not necessary. You believe in its existence and its unlimited magical powers only because the fantasy makes you feel good.
You people believe in this ridiculous god fantasy but even worse you pretend you know everything about it. For example the magical nonsense about the magical "Son" who performed magical miracles to impress his gullible customers, and then incredibly he magically became alive after being murdered and after decomposing for 3 days. The magic is out of control with you people.
Even if we wanted to throw reality and pretend the Magic Man was real there is no reason it would give this tiny insignificant planet so much special treatment in a vast universe of countless trillions of solar systems.
There is no advanced country in the world as god-soaked as America. It's a terrible problem.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

There is so much religious bullshit in the Wall Street Journal they should change the name of their newspaper to "The Christian Journal". I wrote a comment at an article about the magical resurrection of the dead Magic Jeebus Man. The comments from Christian scum are numerous. All these Christian retards are totally insane.

Hello sir.
"I believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose again."
The word "believe" is your problem. You just believe it. You can't say "I accept the evidence for it" because there is no real evidence. The 500 dead gullible witnesses, who may or may not be real, are not evidence for anything.
I prefer reality. A basic fact of reality is dead animals stay dead including us human apes.
I think the problem is wishful thinking. Some people believe in things that make them feel good. For example the crazy idea there's a magical paradise where dead people can have a magical 2nd life. I wouldn't wish for it but American Christians and the Islamic State terrorists like the fantasy so they believe it.
Believe this stuff if you want. Nobody cares. But I suggest it's a waste of a life to believe in something that couldn't possible be true.

At the same WSJ article I wrote some more stuff:

"When someone finally started to document Jesus’s life, it is at least 40 years after he died and is based solely on hearsay, or what people seem to remember."
I noticed the same thing. Christians don't seem to understand all the Jesus quotes were probably made up. Jesus never wrote anything down and there is no evidence he could read or write.
Also, Jesus was most certainly a creationist as was everyone else who lived in ancient times. Now we know creationism is totally wrong, but the son of an all-knowing god knew nothing about science.
Then of course there's the magical resurrection thing which is completely impossible and definitely never happened. It's just another made up story.
If Christians ever learned how to think they would be able to figure out their cult is ridiculous and should be thrown out.
A Christian retard who is not too good at spelling wrote this:
' Definately never happened ' you say . How can you can be definative about something not happening and at the same time lambast others for being definative about that same thing happening ? You can't prove definatively against anything , any more than anyone can prove it so . You either believe or you don't.
This was my reply. Notice I have to pretend to be nice at that place.
You asked a good question. The answer is very simple. A decomposing corpse definitely can not become alive again because it's completely totally and most certainly impossible.
To believe in this ridiculous disgusting fantasy a person would have to pretend magic is real. Magical stories are sometimes interesting (for example the Harry Potter books) but there is no magic in the universe. Magic is not real. Period.
And with all due respect sir, it's ridiculous I have to explain this simple and obvious fact of reality.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

I wrote the first comment at a WSJ article about some idiot who wrote a book about the Magic Jeebus Man.

Hello folks. Hardcore atheist and anti-theist here.
I congratulate Mr. Lewis for making tons of money for selling a book about nonsense. The religion industry is very lucrative.
"Lewis acts like a guide on the journey from unbelief to faith."
"Faith" is the keyword. Faith is an excuse to believe in whatever makes people feel good. The problem is if something requires faith then it has no real evidence and it's probably totally wrong.
What keeps these childish supernatural fantasies from going extinct is the relentless brainwashing of young gullible children. The brainwashers know the indoctrination has to start at a very young age. They know they can't wait until the victims are old enough to think for themselves.
I try to be optimistic about this terrible problem. I think science education and the internet are killing the moronic Magic Man fantasy and that's a good thing.

“The interest I have in believing in a thing is no proof that such a thing exists.” -- Voltaire


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Muslims are fucking retards.

  • Posted In Migrant Deal Demands Huge Logistical Undertaking From Greece

  • All this money and time wasted on these people. Just send them back to where they came from and be done with it.
    Europeans are not trying to migrate to Muslim theocracies but millions of Muslims are trying to escape from the hellholes they live in. It seems obvious to me the problem is Islam.
    Every time I write something that doesn't respect Islam a liberal crybaby gives me a hard time about it.
    Liberal crybabies: Click the links below to educate yourselves.
    The young boy was accused of blasphemy (a victimless crime-legal in civilized countries). To prove his innocence he cut off one of his hands. Was everyone appalled? No of course not. The parents and everyone else are proud of the little boy.
    If I were to go to Pakistan (or several other Muslim theocracies) and I said "Mohammed was a pervert (an obvious fact)" the penalty is death.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

3 links that explain how the Catholic Death Cult makes money.

A preacher man (sort of) threw out the god fantasy and now he needs to get a real job.

Interesting story you wrote. I noticed you like to read books about the subject. I highly recommend "Faith versus Fact" by Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist. In this very interesting book Jerry Coyne repeatedly kills all the moronic religious fantasies including the ridiculous god fantasy.

How do you replace what is really a totally worthless career with a real job? Not sure about that. Good luck with it. Perhaps working hard to develop skills that are in demand might solve the problem. In the meantime how do you survive? The government might be able to help you. Not sure about how to do that.

Is the Magic Man real? Most people don't realize how simple this is. My explanation requires just a few words. Here it is:

God is just another word for magic. Magic is not real. Therefore magical deities are impossible.

That's it. Notice I don't bother with the obvious fact that science has repeatedly chased the god of the gaps out of its hiding places. Science kills the childish god fantasy but we don't need the science to show god fairies are not real. This is all we need: Magic is not real. Period.

One more thing. I believe theism and agnosticism are a mental illness. Even the agnostics are insane. Is magic real or not? Apparently the agnostics can't figure it out. Another thing about agnostics: They are full of it. Their excuses for not being certain about the stupidity of the god fantasy are pathetic.

God was the human race's greatest mistake. Here we are in the 21st century and we still have religious stupidity, religious brainwashing, a religious war against science education, and out-of-control religious violence. The time for sucking up to religious scum is over with. Religions must be eradicated. Being nice is not going to get us there.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

At the WSJ a Catholic asshole deleted my comment. This is what I wrote about the fucking coward.

I wrote a comment about the obvious fact that the Catholic Church invents their magical miracles and the obvious fact their brainwashed customers believe every ridiculous fantasy they are told to believe. Some Catholic crybaby had the comment deleted. This is how religious cowards defend their idiotic cults, with censorship.
You god-soaked cowards have my contempt.
Why can't you American Christians/Catholics provide just one shred of real evidence for just one of your moronic fantasies?
I know why. You have nothing but your wishful thinking and your cowardly fear of reality.
By the way dead witnesses and your total ignorance of science are not evidence for anything.
One more thing. Before my comment was censored Mr. Frederick A. Green wrote "Your ignorance is unmeasured."
Mr. Green, I know everything about your disgusting death cult. I was one of millions of victims of religious brainwashing at a Catholic school. This is what keeps your cult from going extinct, brainwashing of children. And you know it.
When the brainwashing doesn't work you people use censorship to defend your primitive religions.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Somebody called Skeptic NY wrote an excellent comment about the overwhelming evidence for evolution and the fucking retards who deny the whole thing. Some nitpicking: I don't see how there could be evidence for evolution from astronomy.

Whether you like it or not the Theory of Evolution is the most well established, the most well supported theory in all of science. The fact of evolution (there is no doubt about this) is explained in great detail - from virtually all fields of science - from genetics, geology, paleontology, archeology, anthropology, microbiology, molecular biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, botany, etc - by the theory of evolution. It has more evidence to support it than the Theory of Gravity - yet we see no Christian loons complaining about gravity do we? There is not one piece of empirical evidence (NOT ONE) to suggest evolution is not the best explanation for the diversity of life on this planet. To suggest Creationism or it's sibling Intelligent Design is a viable alternative to real science is either delusional, willfully ignorant or dishonest. Which of the three are you?
    • Avatar
      Well done what you wrote. The answer to your question is all three. Especially willful ignorance. The science deniers go way out of their way to know nothing. There is nobody more lazy than a loony creationist.

      I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole. This stuff was written by me for one of those fucking morons.

      "professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."
      That would be your primitive ridiculous bible which Christians like to use to insult people. Apparently according to Christians, insulting people is OK if the Bible is used. The science deniers love to use the bible to insult people. The science deniers pretend their Magic Man is required when natural processes don't work. Complexity therefore the Magic Man did it. A gap in human knowledge therefore the Magic Man did it. If anyone disagrees with this moronic childish fantasy, that's what the bible is for. "The bible says you're a fool therefore you are wrong."

      How to save for retirement without ever having to worry about anything. What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal.

      "How to Retire in a Bear Market" then a list of 8 things to do, for example "Don't panic".
      Most people are doing it wrong in my opinion.
      I don't fear bear markets. Instead I love bear markets because they are buying opportunities.
      The idea is after much research buy only the best Dividend Aristocrats, hold for life, reinvest the dividends, never touch the principle, and retire only after there is more than enough dividend income to live on, enough to continue giving yourself a raise every month by using excess cash to buy more Dividend Aristocrats. If the stocks get cheaper that's a wonderful thing because the investor is in it only for the dividend income.
      Conservative dividend investing is boring but it works, especially when starting at a very young age.

      Saturday, March 5, 2016

      Questions I asked the god-soaked retards who infest the Wall Street Journal.

      Good morning folks. I was wondering do you god-soaked people have any evidence for your magic sky daddy besides your wishful thinking and your ignorance of science?
      Also, do you people have any evidence for your childish magical heaven fantasy which is obviously the wishful thinking of cowards (aka American Christians and Muslim terrorists)?
      Also, when you brainwash little children (your victims) do you repeatedly drill into their gullible minds the idea that faith in nonsense is a virtue?
      Many thanks for your ridiculous answers.

      Friday, March 4, 2016

      At the Wall Street Journal I wrote about religious child abuse.

      For obvious reasons competent scientists never use the religious word "faith" but religions could not exist without it. A big part of religious brainwashing is making young victims think faith is a virtue as if believing in ridiculous fantasies that have no evidence is a good thing.
      The indoctrination of young gullible children is necessary to prevent religions from going extinct. After centuries of practice this child abuse has become very successful. Only a small percentage of the victims are able to eventually figure out their brainwashers are insane.

      From the lower left column of the Sandwalk blog, some fantastic quotes.

      The old argument of design in nature, as given by Paley, which formerly
      seemed to me to be so conclusive, fails, now that the law of natural selection has been discovered. We can no longer argue that, for instance, the beautiful hinge of a bivalve shell must have been made by an intelligent being, like the hinge of a door by man. There seems to be no more design in the variability of organic beings and in the action of natural selection, than in the course which the wind blows.
      Charles Darwin (c1880)

      Although I am fully convinced of the truth of the views given in this volume, I by no means expect to convince experienced naturalists whose minds are stocked with a multitude of facts all viewed, during a long course of years, from a point of view directly opposite to mine. It is so easy to hide our ignorance under such expressions as "plan of creation," "unity of design," etc., and to think that we give an explanation when we only restate a fact. Any one whose disposition leads him to attach more weight to unexplained difficulties than to the explanation of a certain number of facts will certainly reject the theory.

      Charles Darwin (1859)

      Science reveals where religion conceals. Where religion purports to explain, it actually resorts to tautology. To assert that "God did it" is no more than an admission of ignorance dressed deceitfully as an explanation...

      Peter Atkins


      Thursday, March 3, 2016

      At the Wall Street Journal a god-soaked idiot tried to pretend religious stupidity is equal to scientific ideas.

      The comment I wrote:

      "At Its Heart, Science Is Faith-Based Too"
      This seems very dishonest to me. The author is pretending he can justify faith in supernatural fantasies by comparing it to "faith" that some scientific idea will eventually be shown to be true.
      In science faith is not allowed and scientists never use the word. Stuff has to have evidence. If the evidence hasn't yet been discovered then it's just an idea or hypothesis, not yet a fact. Scientists could say it's likely to be true but we can't be sure because more research is required. They certainly would not say "I have faith this idea is correct."
      In religion faith is required because the supernatural magical stuff could never possibly have any real evidence, aka strong evidence, aka evidence that doesn't require dead witnesses. Religious people say faith is a virtue but that's totally wrong. Faith is just an excuse to believe in nonsense.
      To help people understand I suggest Jerry Coyne's "Faith vs. Fact, Why Science And Religion Are Incompatible".

      Muslim assholes do not respect freedom of speech therefore these scum must never be allowed to enter civilized countries.

      What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

      Know-nothing liberal wimps pretend only a very small percentage of Muslims are a problem therefore we should let these people enter civilized countries.
      Small percentage? A recent news article shows that in Pakistan countiess thousands of Muslims think the penalty for blasphemy (a victimless crime) should be death. And if the government doesn't execute these innocent people then Muslim mobs will most certainly take care of the job and they almost never get in trouble for it.
      "More than 100,000 people have attended the funeral of Mumtaz Qadri, in a massive show of support for the convicted murderer of a leading politician who had criticized Pakistan’s blasphemy laws." http://bit.ly/1T5Vptz
      A governor was assassinated because he said blasphemy laws are wrong. The government arrested and eventually hung the murderer. Good riddance. But 100,000 lunatics thought the governor had it coming.
      We should not let Muslims come here unless they grow up and throw out their disgusting barbaric cult.

      Wednesday, March 2, 2016

      Mr. Karl Noell wrote about Muslim scum at the Wall Street Journal.

      There are only two kinds of Muslims, the decapitating jihadists and the lazy Muslims who tacitly agree with jihad. Jihad is the basis of Islam. "Kill the Christian, kill the Jew" is right there in the Koran.
      Islam is not a religion. It is totalitarian.
      It is you, Rhys, who are wrong. Inform yourself. "Reach out," you say. Muslims do not reach out to us.


      What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal - Why I'm voting for Trump.

      "a man who proposed a religious test for immigration policy"
      Islam is not a religion. Islam is the world's largest terrorist organization. Only Trump gets it. The other candidates are wimps.
      Now watch some brain-dead liberal suck-up come here and tell me I have a phobia because I don't share his moronic love for suicide bombers.
      If I don't vote for Trump who should I vote for? The dishonest Bible thumper or the baby-face little boy who never once in his life said anything he wasn't told to say but still manages to choke during a debate.
      This idea is getting boring: "If you think the American people are angry and mistrustful now".
      I want to vote for Trump therefore I'm angry and mistrustful?
      You Trump haters need to grow up and face reality. Trump is going to win it no matter how much crybabies cry about it. All these attacks against Trump only help the liberal extremist win the election. Who's side are you people on?