Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The stupid. The burning out of control stupid. I wrote a comment at a lunatic anti-science website.

"Many museum placards are propagandistic: 'Since Darwin died in 1882, findings from many fields have confirmed and expanded on his ideas. We learned that Earth is old enough for all known species to have evolved.' That ignores all the research showing that even 4.5 billion years is not enough, given the multi-mutation features that require multiple components to kick in to provide some survival advantage."

If Mr. Olasky knew what he was talking about he would have known the first simple living cells did not get a foothold on Earth until about 3.5 billion years ago, not 4.5 billion years.

That ignores all the research showing that even 4.5 billion years is not enough"

What research shows more than 3 billion years is not enough? Mr. Olasky does not provide a link because he knows he just made that up. 3.5 billion years is an extremely vast amount of time. For example it took only about 7.5 million years for our species to develop from our ancient ape ancestors.

The countless thousands of evidences for macroevolution from DNA sequencing are more powerful than Darwin could have imagined possible. In the 21st century evolution by natural selection (macro, micro) has become the strongest fact of science. Mr. Olasky (who obviously knows next to nothing about science) is wrong. The two best museums in America are right. “Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology. There is no scientific controversy about whether evolution occurred or whether it explains the history of life on earth.” They are not making this up. A biologist would have to be a biology denier to deny the established truth of evolution.

At, over 900 Ph.D. scientists have signed a statement agreeing that “we are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.”
Virtually none of those science deniers are biologists. Many people on that list are dead. Many people on that list are not even scientists. And these incompetent people are an extremely tiny fraction of the scientific community.

But of course science is not a democracy. Scientists don't vote on what is right and what is wrong. The only thing that matters is the evidence which for evolution is overwhelming. I have read 5 books about the evidence for evolution. To give you an idea of how much evidence there is, there was virtually no overlap in the 5 books. They all discussed different evidences, and still there is more evidence none of books talked about. Every day new evidence from DNA sequencing is making macroevolution stronger. It has become ridiculous to be an evolution denier.

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