Tuesday, August 25, 2015

An excellent question about Christian bullshit at Yahoo Answers:

Theists: Why are you not willing to provide any evidence for the following claims?

1. We are filthy creatures born in sin.
2. There is an omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent being who created this universe, of all things... nevermind that all of that would be logically contradictory.
3. Said creator gives a damn about us enough to want to save/torture us.
4. A magical wizard came down from heaven, walked on water, turned water into wine, brought back the dead, got 86'd, and came back 3 days later, only to disappear into space without a scrap to leave behind other than a group of witnesses, the composition of which varies depending on which book in the bible you're reading.
5. If we do not believe in said magical wizard and accept his purported sacrifice, we will burn in hell for all eternity.
6. If we do believe in the magical wizard and do everything he tells us to do in a various books that can't seem to agree on what he actually said, we get to live forever... after we die.
Update: Sinner: What evidence? Do you even know what the word means? I'll spell it out for you: Evidence is a physical trace that can be verified by anyone, regardless of confirmation biases present in theists like you.
Update 2: Claims about physical reality have passed the realm of spirituality and headed into the realm of science, and thus can be analyzed from a scientific perspective. If they do not hold up under scientific scrutiny, or if they lack evidence, then they have lost their claim to truth.

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