Monday, August 31, 2015

The best video I ever saw in my life. And what Mr. Feynman said is priceless. Everything he said was a wonderful explanation of reality.


Trump is a fucking idiot.

What I got out of this article is Ms. Clinton is saying exactly what she thinks she needs to say to win the nomination and the election. 
"I find it the height of irony that a party which espouses small government would want to unleash a massive government effort, which might include National Guard and others, to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces, round them up and, I don’t know, put them in buses or boxcars, in order to take them across the border."
She is exaggerating but isn't this close to what Mr. Trump has proposed? I suggest Mr. Trump, whether or not he wins the nomination, will be the one person who made Ms. Clinton's victory possible if she wins.
I am hoping Jeb, the man with the wrong last name, gets the job. Unlike Mr. Trump, Jeb is an adult.


God is just another word for magic. Magic is not real. Therefore, magical beings are impossible.

Everything on the internet should be free with no ads.

For me this is true: "Everything on the internet should be free with no ads."
Some examples.
Even if there was no internet I would get a WSJ subscription so I consider the online WSJ to be free. 
Even though the New York Times is infested with liberal extremists, they have some good articles. For free I can look at their home page and the other pages that have a list of articles. If I click on the article the NYT says pay me. However If I do a google search on the exact name of the article I can read it for free, so that's what I do.
I use the internet to play chess. At for their best stuff they want my money. So I threw those idiots out the window. I play chess at which is superior to, totally free, with no ads. The brilliant software developers who own the place are obviously wealthy. They are there for the fun of it and work for free. Their philosophy is everything on the internet should be free, excellent, with no ads.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

At Yahoo a FUCKTARD wrote "What is the most effective way to debate an atheist?"

There is nothing to debate. Supernatural magic and magical god fairies are not real. Period. 

Reality is not an opinion. Reality is not a belief. Reality does not need defending. There is no debate. 

The Earth is not flat. Nothing to debate. Same thing for a magic god fairy which is nothing more than a fantasy for cowardly uneducated morons. Nothing to debate.

Theists, agnostics, and wimpy atheists are fucking idiots.

I'm a real atheist. I would never say something wimpy like "I don't believe in gods". Instead I say I'm 100% certain magical beings (Easter Bunny, Zeus, tooth fairy, god fairy, leprechauns) are childish moronic ridiculous fantasies for cowardly uneducated morons. I'm certain the Magic Man is not real because magic is not real. FFS of course magic is not real. Anyone who believes in magic and magical god fairies is an insane retarded idiot. 

And agnostics are equally stupid and insane. Is magic real or not? Agnostic: "Duh, Duh fuck, Duh, I don't know."

A quote from an Australian who used to be a chess instructor

"If the student forces himself to examine all the moves that smite, however absurd they look at first glance, he is on the way to becoming a master of tactics."
-- Cecil Purdy

Wikipedia - Cecil Purdy

Purdy's Chess Tips

When a creationist asshole ask for fossil evidence for evolution the dipshit is only interested in finding excuses to deny it and cry about it.

The fossil record that describes the transition from land animals to whales is complete. No missing links. From what I read it looks like you're a science denier therefore you will find some excuse to ignore this: 

Ignore it or find some reason to cry about it. I don't care. I give a crap about your mental illness. 

One more thing Mr. Retard. We don't need the f*cking fossils. The countless thousands of evidences from DNA sequencing is many times more powerful than the fossils. 

In closing, F*CK OFF RETARD. 

I never met a creationist who wasn't an uneducated moron. They ask dumb questions not to learn anything. They are only interested in finding excuses to cry about the evidence that they asked for. Creationists are lower than scum. They want to throw out all of science and replace it with magic. Magic, magic, magic, everything is magic with you f*cking A**HOLES. F*CK OFF MORON.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Republican idiots want to nominate an idiot for USA president.

I like Jeb, the man with the wrong last name. He had a plan for immigration reform long before Mr. Trump entered the race. And unlike Trump, Mr. Jeb is not going to throw 11 million people out of the country, especially if they have a job, a home, a family, and they're willing to do what it takes to be an American citizen (instead of living in fear the rest of their lives). And he has ideas to protect the border without putting up an ugly wall at one of the most scenic rivers in the world.
If the Republican candidate is going to defeat the liberal extremist he will have to win most of the Hispanic vote. Trump will never be able to do that. Jeb could do it easily thanks to his ideas, his Mexican wife, and his ability to speak perfect Spanish.
So if you want Ms. Clinton to get the job all you have to do is nominate Mr. Trump.

Friday, August 28, 2015

It's impossible to be more retarded than a bible thumping asshole.

Somebody wrote:

"The Bible has been proven over 99% wrong by all known history and science. It gets a few place names right (Egypt exists) and some people's names (Pilate was a real person) but the rest - come on, Christians! A man didn't live in a fish, Samson didn't have strength in his hair, a snake didn't talk, a mule didn't talk, Lot's wife didn't TURN INTO SALT! LOL."

I wrote about Muslim scum and Christian scum at the Wall Street Journal.

"It isn’t fair to blame Islam for the atrocities of violent radicals."
Nonsense. It's totally fair to blame Islam. Look at their Quran. That's where terrorists get all their ideas.
Moderate Muslims (as if there is something moderate about being insane) need to throw out their ridiculous violent death cult (aka Islam). If I belonged to a terrorist organization (for example Islam) I would throw it out because unlike religious nutjobs I have moral values.
The childish cowardly magical heaven fantasy makes terrorism possible. The cowards who believe in it, including American Christians, don't care about thousands of deaths their cowardly fantasy is responsible for. Ever since 9/11/2001 it has become immoral to be religious. Religion is good for nothing but stupidity, brainwashing, and violence.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Agnostics are fucking retards.

I supernatural magic real or not? The full-of-crap agnostics can't figure it out. 

Agnostic morons are equal to bible thumpers and terrorists. They have my contempt. 

Is there a magical being with a magic wand hiding in another galaxy? 

Agnostic: Duh, I don't know, Duh fuck, Duh.

The magic god fairy of the gaps has run out of hiding places.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

At Yahoo Answers I wrote a comment about an idiot who can't accept a basic scientific fact without sticking Jeebus into it.

"Is it possible that God guides or aids evolution?" 

NO. This is a ridiculous anti-science fantasy. You are not accepting the established truth of evolution. You are polluting science with your god fairy's magic wand. 

Scientific fact: Evolution by natural selection and genetic drift is a completely natural process. All life evolved and all life shares a common ancestor, and a magical being had absolutely nothing to do with it. Natural processes do not require a magical inventor, a magical user, or a magical fairy to guide evolution. Magic is not a mechanism of any branch of science, especially not biology. There is nothing theistic in science. 

If you can't accept a basic scientific fact without polluting it with religious stupidity then you should just stay away from science and STFU about it. Science and scientists don't need god-soaked idiots who are desperately looking for a hiding place for their magic fairy of the gaps.


Another person wrote:

"If you can't accept a basic scientific fact without polluting it with religious stupidity then you should just stay away from science and STFU about it." Too bloody true! Hear! Hear! - Scientist

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Gambling and investing are two different things.

"Late Tumble in U.S. Stocks Dashes Hopes for Rebound"
This is where people who are doing it wrong get in trouble. The idea is to make money, not lose money. It's wrong to hope for capital gains because that's gambling. What I do is buy Dividend Aristocrats (dividend increased every year for at least 25 years). I plan to hold on to these shares for the rest of my life. Since I'm in it only for the dividends I don't care if the stock market crashes. I reinvest the dividends for free, and I watch my income grow. I love when the price goes down because these are buying opportunities.
I learned this stuff the hard way. The year 2000 killed me.

Dividend Aristocrats means 25 years of dividend increases even during the worst recessions. Of course research is necessary. My method is working. I sleep well at night.

Late Tumble in U.S. Stocks Dashes Hopes for Rebound

I wrote something for an agnostic asshole.

"I'm an agnostic" 

Is magic real or not? Any child could figure it out. You agnostics can't figure it out. Maybe it's because you're full of crap. 

Atheists are normal. The terrorists, the bible thumpers, and the agnostics are insane. 

One more thing: The Christian retards and the Muslim terrorists need you agnostic morons. They say "We can't be insane because agnostics think our magic god fairy could be real." That makes you part of the religious insanity problem. You have my contempt.

An excellent question about Christian bullshit at Yahoo Answers:

Theists: Why are you not willing to provide any evidence for the following claims?

1. We are filthy creatures born in sin.
2. There is an omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent being who created this universe, of all things... nevermind that all of that would be logically contradictory.
3. Said creator gives a damn about us enough to want to save/torture us.
4. A magical wizard came down from heaven, walked on water, turned water into wine, brought back the dead, got 86'd, and came back 3 days later, only to disappear into space without a scrap to leave behind other than a group of witnesses, the composition of which varies depending on which book in the bible you're reading.
5. If we do not believe in said magical wizard and accept his purported sacrifice, we will burn in hell for all eternity.
6. If we do believe in the magical wizard and do everything he tells us to do in a various books that can't seem to agree on what he actually said, we get to live forever... after we die.
Update: Sinner: What evidence? Do you even know what the word means? I'll spell it out for you: Evidence is a physical trace that can be verified by anyone, regardless of confirmation biases present in theists like you.
Update 2: Claims about physical reality have passed the realm of spirituality and headed into the realm of science, and thus can be analyzed from a scientific perspective. If they do not hold up under scientific scrutiny, or if they lack evidence, then they have lost their claim to truth.

Cute picture of a child... trying to behead his teddy bear. (The flag behind him proclaims the supremacy of Islam).

"In areas that are predominantly Christian, the backlash that non-Christians receive when they speak out against government endorsement of religion can be very severe."

Christians are stupid fucking assholes.

Christian scum get their fake moral values from a baby killer.

There is so much incredible bullsh!t in the bible, from donkeys who can speak English or whatever, to the Noah's Ark genocide myth, it's amazing the world is infested with millions of retards who believe every word of it. 

By the way that Noah's Ark thing. The Bible god murdered thousands of babies. Even the Islamic State terrorists wouldn't do that. And Christian assholes worship this god lunatic. They get their fake moral values from a baby killer. And they even try to justify this genocide including murdering babies. Christians are lower than scum. Drop dead Christian assholes.

From a comment at that website: Magic-dead-Jew-on-a-stick™

Monday, August 24, 2015

A question asked at Yahoo, a fantastic quote about heaven from Richard Dawkins, and Mr. Dawkins explains evidence for evolution from DNA sequencing in a 2 minute video.

"If you're an atheist, you believe this is the only life you're going to get. It's a precious life. It's a beautiful life. It's something that we should live to the full, to the end of our days. Whereas if you're religious and you believe there is another life somehow, that means you don't live this life to the full, because you think you're going to get another one—that's an awfully negative way to live a life. Being an atheist frees you up to live this life properly, happily, and fully."
-- Richard Dawkins (inferior to has threads about chess and other stuff. Religion and politics are not allowed however somebody went for it anyway. This comment I wrote at the anti-god pro-reality thread.

"religion is made-up"
That's obvious but since when did throw out the "no religion" rule? This thread will die soon I think.
I fear censorship or worse but would like to mention a fact of reality. It goes like this: Magic is not real therefore magic god fairies are not real.

At Yahoo I gave some advice about investing in the stock market.

I'm thinking of investing in either city bank or Bank of America.  

I'm a second year teacher working in special education -my job is very secure, they can't find enough teachers to teach special education. After taxes and my monthly debts, I usually have $1,000 left over, which I just add to savings.  

-I have $17,000 in savings  
-I have $16,000 in student debt.  
- I have a car I owe $8,000 on.  

Can I afford to invest? If so, how much? 

I suggest 1st pay off your car loan (in full right now), then pay off your student debt as fast as you can, and then start investing the stock market. 

I do not recommend citibank and bank of america. There is a way to invest in the stock market safely. This is how I do it. I buy shares of corporations that have a very long history of raising the dividend every year, even during the worst recessions. I hold on to those shares for the rest of my life. If the stock market crashes I don't care because I'm in it only for the growing dividend income, not the capital gains. Using this method I can sleep at night because I don't have to worry about the price going up or down. And while this method of investing is boring it has the advantage of being both safe and it works. I can reinvest those dividends automatically for free (my online broker is Charles Schwab). This way my income grows without me having to do anything. These stocks are called Dividend Aristocrats. You can look that up to get some ideas. Also I recommend Seeking Alpha which has some good articles with some excellent comments written by wealthy successful investors. 

From another answer: "The trick is to find investment funds with Very Low Fees." 

I strongly disagree. Why pay "very low fees" when you don't have to pay any fees at all? Just make your own investment decisions. This is much better than sharing your retirement income with professional idiots. You can do it right with research which is easy to do with help from Seeking Alpha and sticking with the Dividend Aristocrats. Another advantage of avoiding the professional idiots is you have complete control of your investments. 

"Can I afford to invest?" 

You can't afford to not invest. You got to get to work at it, the sooner the better. 

"If so, how much?" 

As much as you possibly can every single month.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

A stupid question. Lots of brilliant answers.

How to build a relationship with God?

One of the best answers:

Generally speaking, relationships are built on mutual communication and concern for one another. You need to be in contact with another being and share experiences and interests... I don't see how such a thing is possible with a god. Your god shares no experiences with you -- He is supposed to be everything that you are not (immortal, omniscient, etc) and it strikes me as impossible to imagine that such a being could ever care about any lesser being and you're certainly never going to share any mutual understanding because you're completely incapable of operating on the same level -- you might claim an ant as a friend, for example, but how would the ant claim you as a friend? 

Religious people will tell you that if you just follow their religion closely enough, you can have such a relationship, but unless they can show you any effects from such a relationship, I don't see any good reason to believe them. Afterall, if you listen to religious people long enough, you start to notice that the god they have a relationship with has all the same passions and prejudices that they be aware that it is more likely that they are talking to themselves than anything external to them. Make sure you avoid this trap yourself -- you should have disagreements with your god as much as you do with any other human.

Another brilliant answer:

I assume you're talking about Poseidon, since Poseidon is the one true god. In order to build a personal relationship with him, there are a few things you must do. First, you mustn't worship false gods like "Zeus", "Hades", or "Yahweh". Doing so with earn you a spot in the deserts of Hell. Second, you must be at one with the sea. You must swim in any body of water once a week. But only in saltwater. Freshwater is for baptising. Get baptised with fresh water once. Third, pray to him everyday. Only pray to him on a boat. Fourth, you mustn't eat fish. Fish are the holy animals. You must show great love and respect for fish; they were made in Poseidon's image. Fifth, go to the fish market every week and protest. Hold signs and tell everyone there that they're going to Hell. This shows a great deal of respect towards Poseidon. Lastly, accept that Mermaids are here to save you. Mermaids are the link between human and sea world, and our god put them here to offer us a relationship with him.

Another brilliant answer:

Are you delusional, gullible, hateful, pompous, arrogant, ignorant, illogical, irrational, a bigot, narcissistic, mentally unstable, incompetent and have more dysfunctional traits like being needy, insecure and fearful of dying? Do you believe in magic? If so, you are perfect to have a very close relationship with god. Good luck!

Another answer:

Well....if you really want a relationship you need to get him to actually show up. You know....maybe a diner and movie. Yeah...we both know that's silly. You should think about that.

My answer:

I suggest start it off with an email message to Mr. God. Not sure what his email address is. You might want to try

What are some testable, repeatable, falsifiable, unbiased evidence about ANYTHING that Creation Scientists have put forth?

Of course you already know this but there are no "Creation Scientists" because scientists do not invoke magic and because science deniers are not scientists. 

So it would be more accurate to call these retards "creation preachers". 

To answer your question, these uneducated morons could give their god fairy's magic wand to real scientists so they could test it. 

I often wonder how much breathtaking stupidity is required to believe a magical being magically created millions of species out of nothing. Let's throw out reality, biology, geology, several other branches of science, and two centuries of scientific progress so we can say the Magic Man did it.

Atheists, do you think agnostics should grow up and make a decision? Is supernatural magic real or not? Why can't agnostics figure it out?

Bible thumpers and terrorists love agnostic retards.

Atheist, aka normal person: "Magic is not real." 

Agnostic retard: "Duh, how can we be sure magic is not real? And what about the Easter Bunny? How can be sure magical rabbits are not real? Duh f*ck, duh."

Friday, August 21, 2015

Somebody at Yahoo wrote what I think are some very good questions to ask cowardly Christian retards why they want to have a magical 2nd life in a magical paradise, while never caring that their cowardly bullshit makes terrorism possible.

What is the point of heaven?

I don't get the point of heaven or the appeal of it. Sure, the idea of "happily ever after" may seem nice at face value, but what about after happily ever after? If you're there for eternity, what do you do? You'd eventually get bored. Even if you don't get bored for the first 5 trillion years, it will happen, because you have forever. You would eventually run out of things to experience. Once you do everything there is to do in the universe, you get to spend 3 billion more years there. What's the point of being happy ALL the time. The only reason we're able to appreciate good is because there's bad. What's the point of living without any conflict? We wouldn't watch tv if there wasn't conflict, cus that's what makes it interesting. Life without conflict would be boring and pointless. What's the end goal in heaven? Nothing. All you do is exist. That existence is completely pointless. You have an existence that's devoid of meaning for all eternity. And then you get to do the same thing for trillions of more years. No conflict, no pain. Nothing to do. No reason for existence, but you exist anyway. Then after you've spent all eternity without conflict, you do the same for 1,000 years. Then spend eternity there again. Then 15 trillion more years of pointless existence because it never ends. Why does that seem fun? I think the only reason humans believe in heaven is cus they're afraid of death or nothingness. Do you believe in heaven? Why or why not? What is the point of heaven?

Stock market. Most people are doing it wrong.

A nice thing about being a conservative dividend investor is I don't have to fear market crashes. Instead I love the buying opportunities. While other people panic I have a wonderful time increasing my dividend income.

I buy shares of corporations who have a very long history of raising the dividend every year, even during the worst recessions. I'm in it only for the dividends. I buy and hold for the rest of my life so I don't care if the price goes up or down. I sleep well at night.

Most people are doing it wrong in my opinion. Hoping for capital gains is gambling, not investing.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

At the Wall Street Journal a comment I wrote about Jeb Bush and what he said about immigration.

I like the man with the wrong last name.
Jeb Bush quotes about immigration:
"more investment in high-tech surveillance mechanisms like drones, advanced sensors and radar"
"Cracking down on sanctuary cities, deporting immigrants who've overstayed their visas and installing more bases at the border."
"new roads are needed on the border to secure access to remote and rugged terrain to interdict smugglers."
"We have the ability because of immigration to be an emerging country again, to be full of optimism, to believe that our future is brighter than our present. But we have to fix a broken immigration system and do it in short order."
"but it also means dealing with the 11 million undocumented workers that are here in this country, 11 million people that should come out from the shadows and receive earned legal status."
"This country does not do well when people lurk in the shadows. This country does spectacularly well when everybody can pursue their God-given abilities.”

At Yahoo I answered this question: "Doesn't evolution prove that God doesn't exist?"

"Doesn't evolution prove that God doesn't exist?" 

Obviously the religious implications of evolution are strong because in Idiot America and the Muslim theocracies there are millions of evolution deniers and always it's for religious reasons. 

Did Darwin kill God? Yes and I will explain why. We now know a magic god fairy's magic wand had absolutely nothing to do with the development of new species. If the fairy was not necessary for something this complex then it's ridiculous to pretend its magical powers were necessary for anything else. Therefore evolution totally kills the moronic Magic Man fantasy. 

Of course even without the science we know magical beings are not real. We know this because magic is not real. Any unbrainwashed child could figure this out. 

One more thing - From another comment: "Proof of an intelligent designer is everywhere but there is no proof of evolution." 

Imagine the brain damage required to write something this idiotic. This is what religion does to people. It makes them become uneducated morons. 

Also notice the code words "intelligent designer" as if calling magic "design" makes it less childish. The stupid, the burning out of control stupid.

Why do Christians think their "You're going to hell" threats (which is equal to terrorism) are an effective way to sell their death cult?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Another quote to add to my list of favorite quotes.

"There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dares not face this thought! Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed."
-- Bertrand Russell

At Yahoo someone wrote "Modern science has completely overtaken ancient superstitious primitive beliefs and the fact that religion has admitted evolution is real proves science wins. Modern Science has proof by the boat load while religion is still looking for the boat."

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Christian Death Cult: to justify magical fantasies more magic is invented.

"So what if there's a god, where do you get the idea it's a god that has a holy begotten son, who has a holy ghost, who has a? And on and on." 

After the magic god fairy was invented then every other magical fantasy that a moron could imagine became possible. 

It goes like this: The god fairy has unlimited magical powers therefore magic is real therefore let's invent some more magical nonsense and let's keep piling it on. Several centuries later you have countless cults, all with their own magical miracles. 

To keep all this bullsh!t from going extinct every method is used from censorship to brainwashing of small children. Most important of all is the magical heaven fantasy which is something a coward can't live without. 

I once wondered how Christian morons could justify the magical resurrection of the decomposing Magic Jeebus Man. My research showed it's not a problem for them. They just throw new magic on top of the old magic. The idea is during the 3 days Jeebus was totally dead, his internal organs magically did not decompose at all. 

For every problem with a magical fantasy the solution is more magic. And Christian scum still wonder why everyone laughs at their stupidity.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

A quote from The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins

"Evolution is a fact. Beyond reasonable doubt, beyond serious doubt, beyond sane, informed, intelligent doubt, beyond doubt evolution is a fact. The evidence for evolution is at least as strong as the evidence for the Holocaust, even allowing for eyewitnesses to the Holocaust. It is the plain truth that we are cousins of chimpanzees, somewhat more distant cousins of monkeys, more distant cousins still of aardvarks and manatees, yet more distant cousins of bananas and turnips...continue the list as long as desired...It didn't have to be true, but it is. We know this because a rising flood of evidence supports it. Evolution is a fact, and this book will demonstrate it. No reputable scientist disputes it, and no unbiased reader will close the book doubting it."

ABBIE SMITH wrote about ERVs and creationist scum.

ABBIE SMITH wrote about ERVs and creationist scum.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

At some blog I wrote about evolution and the retarded assholes who deny it.

“The 2 points that are basically like magic, are the points mentioned above, so basically creationists can pretend that the Big bang and the Abiogenesis were both initiated by a ‘Power’ that they call GOD.”
There is one little problem with that idea. It’s total bullshit. Magic is not real therefore magical beings are not real. Everything that ever happened was a natural process whether or not scientists don’t know everything there is to know about it. This is called “reality”. If we are instead going to invoke a fairy’s magic wand then we might as well pretend Harry Potter is real. We don’t invoke magic because this is the 21st century and not the Dark Ages FFS.
“There are many aspects of the universe that still cannot be explained satisfactorily by science; but ignorance only implies ignorance that may someday be conquered. To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today.” — Isaac Asimov
By the way scientists already have excellent ideas about how the Big Bang started and how the 1st simple living cells got a foothold on Earth 3.5 billion years ago. And just imagine what we will know 1,000 years from now. Your “we still know nothing” is bullshit. Please try to be current. You can look these things up.
“Mission accomplished : Creationists and Evolutionists Reconciled!”
Creationists are total morons. They know nothing. They never will know anything. They are totally wrong about everything. They contribute nothing to human progress. They just get in the way. Another thing is biologists are called “biologists”, not “evolutionists”.
You got a lot of things right. Obviously you understand how evolution works and the evidence for it, and you understand evolution is the strongest fact of science. And you understand there is no debate about the basic facts of evolution. Creationists think there’s a debate but just because they are cowardly idiots who fear scientific facts doesn’t mean there’s a debate.
“1- The concept that everything is random, 2- Natural selection that funnels the evolution of species towards the most optimal output. And by optimal output, it means having the most reproductive power and longest longevity.”
The science deniers repeatedly say evolution is random which shows they don’t know what they’re talking about. The mutations are random but the natural selection of what works is not random, and of course you already knew that. I’ve explained this to creationists many times and never once have they been able to understand even though this is basic stuff that any child could figure out. The stupidity of the god-soaked is breathtaking.

A fucking idiot tried to justify his moronic childish magic-god-fairy fantasy. I wrote this comment there.

Mr. Nelson compares Henry Ford (who everyone knows was the founder of a very successful business that still exists) to a magical being who hides "outside the universe". The comparison is ridiculous. Mr. Nelson then quotes from his Bible as if an ancient book written by people who knew nothing about science could be evidence for anything.

I'm writing this comment to help people understand why atheists are 100% certain there are no gods. This is not rocket science. It's not necessary to write a book about it. Thousands of years ago ancient people wondered why everything exists, including the Sun, our moon, and every creature including us. They knew nothing about science so they made stuff up that made sense to them. They invented a magical being and that solved every problem. Why is that there? God did it.

Today we know so much more about reality. We know how solar systems form, we have good ideas for how life can get a foothold on a planet, and we know for certain how new species, including humans, developed. With every new scientific discovery a job that God once had got thrown out.

Religious people will deny this but "god" is just another word for magic. The deity magically creates stuff like this planet. That's one heck of a magic trick. So we have this big question: Is magic real? Any child could figure it out. Of course magic is not real. It's ridiculous to pretend magic is real. Therefore magical beings can't be real.

Religious people desperately looking for a hiding place for their god of the gaps will invoke it to explain the beginning of the universe just like ancient people invoked the same magical being to explain everything else. This quote explains perfectly why they are wrong to do that:

"There are many aspects of the universe that still cannot be explained satisfactorily by science; but ignorance only implies ignorance that may someday be conquered. To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today."  -- Isaac Asimov

The stupid. The burning out of control stupid. I wrote a comment at a lunatic anti-science website.

"Many museum placards are propagandistic: 'Since Darwin died in 1882, findings from many fields have confirmed and expanded on his ideas. We learned that Earth is old enough for all known species to have evolved.' That ignores all the research showing that even 4.5 billion years is not enough, given the multi-mutation features that require multiple components to kick in to provide some survival advantage."

If Mr. Olasky knew what he was talking about he would have known the first simple living cells did not get a foothold on Earth until about 3.5 billion years ago, not 4.5 billion years.

That ignores all the research showing that even 4.5 billion years is not enough"

What research shows more than 3 billion years is not enough? Mr. Olasky does not provide a link because he knows he just made that up. 3.5 billion years is an extremely vast amount of time. For example it took only about 7.5 million years for our species to develop from our ancient ape ancestors.

The countless thousands of evidences for macroevolution from DNA sequencing are more powerful than Darwin could have imagined possible. In the 21st century evolution by natural selection (macro, micro) has become the strongest fact of science. Mr. Olasky (who obviously knows next to nothing about science) is wrong. The two best museums in America are right. “Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology. There is no scientific controversy about whether evolution occurred or whether it explains the history of life on earth.” They are not making this up. A biologist would have to be a biology denier to deny the established truth of evolution.

At, over 900 Ph.D. scientists have signed a statement agreeing that “we are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.”
Virtually none of those science deniers are biologists. Many people on that list are dead. Many people on that list are not even scientists. And these incompetent people are an extremely tiny fraction of the scientific community.

But of course science is not a democracy. Scientists don't vote on what is right and what is wrong. The only thing that matters is the evidence which for evolution is overwhelming. I have read 5 books about the evidence for evolution. To give you an idea of how much evidence there is, there was virtually no overlap in the 5 books. They all discussed different evidences, and still there is more evidence none of books talked about. Every day new evidence from DNA sequencing is making macroevolution stronger. It has become ridiculous to be an evolution denier.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

New study predicts the slow, inevitable death of the universe.

“In about 5 billion years the sun is going to swell up and swallow the Earth; in about 10 billion years it’s going to collide with the nearest [major] galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy; and in about 100 billion years the universe will be so expanded and producing so little light that we basically won’t see anything."
New study predicts the slow, inevitable death of the universe

Wikipedia: Human extinction. We got one billion years left, and probably less than that.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Science Daily is excellent.


In biology, evolution is the change in the inherited traits of a population from generation to generation.
These traits are the expression of genes that are copied and passed on to offspring during reproduction.
Mutations in these genes can produce new or altered traits, resulting in heritable differences (genetic variation) between organisms.
New traits can also come from transfer of genes between populations, as in migration, or between species, in horizontal gene transfer.
Evolution occurs when these heritable differences become more common or rare in a population, either non-randomly through natural selection or randomly through genetic drift.
Natural selection is a process that causes heritable traits that are helpful for survival and reproduction to become more common, and harmful traits to become more rare.
This occurs because organisms with advantageous traits pass on more copies of these heritable traits to the next generation.
Over many generations, adaptations occur through a combination of successive, small, random changes in traits, and natural selection of those variants best-suited for their environment.
In contrast, genetic drift produces random changes in the frequency of traits in a population.
Genetic drift arises from the role chance plays in whether a given individual will survive and reproduce.
One definition of a species is a group of organisms that can reproduce with one another and produce fertile offspring.
However, when a species is separated into populations that are prevented from interbreeding, mutations, genetic drift, and the selection of novel traits cause the accumulation of differences over generations and the emergence of new species.
The similarities between organisms suggest that all known species are descended from a common ancestor (or ancestral gene pool) through this process of gradual divergence.
The theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed roughly simultaneously by both Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, and set out in detail in Darwin's 1859 book On the Origin of Species.
In the 1930s, Darwinian natural selection was combined with Mendelian inheritance to form the modern evolutionary synthesis, in which the connection between the units of evolution (genes) and the mechanism of evolution (natural selection) was made.
This powerful explanatory and predictive theory has become the central organizing principle of modern biology, providing a unifying explanation for the diversity of life on Earth.