Saturday, October 29, 2011

What is magical intelligent design creationism?

Evolution deniers deny evolution because of the religious implications. They agree that if evolution is true then Darwin killed their god. To solve this problem, instead of growing up and throwing out their childish cowardly fantasies, they throw out more than 150 years of scientific progress so they can continue to live in their everything-is-magic fantasy world.

It's not enough for these idiots to deny science. They have to attack science and most importantly they have to attack science education. They vote for politicians who are like themselves, superstitious uneducated morons. Those politicians pass unconstitutional laws to dumb down science education to accommodate their Christian voters. In the most backward hick-infested states virtually every elected politician is a science denier. An example is Louisiana where virtually the entire state government voted for a law to give incompetent Christian biology teachers a legal excuse to spread lies about the foundation of biology, also known as evolution.


Repealing the Louisiana Science Education Act

Louisiana Legislature Keeps Science Education Act

In 2008, the Louisiana legislature voted, with only one dissenting vote, to enable the Science Education Act. This allowed science teachers to include supplemental material that put forth opposing viewpoints to scientific evidence for evolution and global warming, among other things.

Recently, Democratic Senator Karen Carter-Peterson from New Orleans submitted a bill to the Education Committee to repeal this Act. The effort was spearheaded by high school student Zack Kopplin. The repeal was supported by 40 Nobel Prize winners, who agreed these types of "alternative" explanations, like Intelligent Design and Creationism, have no place in a science classroom.

Only one committee member voted to repeal, and the bill died in the committee. The original Act was proposed by the conservative Christian group Louisiana Family Forum, which reportedly has a heavy hand in suggesting legislation in the state of Louisiana.

So is it right for religious based groups to push an agenda for education, and specifically science education?


The answer to the question is NO. Not only is it not right for Christian assholes to tell biology teachers how to do their jobs, but it is also treason, worse than terrorism, and the Christian subhumans should be put in prison for it.

Sooner or later there will be a federal trial in Louisiana like there was in Pennsylvania in 2005 and the Christian scum will be forced to throw out this unconstitutional bullshit, and Louisiana voters will get stuck with a million dollar legal bill, as were the voters in Dover, Pennsylvania.

Please notice the Christian assholes ignored 40 Nobel Prize winners. They also ignored the scientific discoveries of all the world's biologists. All this so they could get away with letting science deniers teach their magical fantasies instead of science. This is not equal to terrorism. It's worse than terrorism. When a Muslim subhuman flies an airplane into a building, the building can be replaced. When Christian subhumans destroy the minds of thousands of students with religious brainwashing, there usually is no cure for it. But there is a way to cure the Christian war against science education. Kill all Christians. (Just joking Google, you cowardly wimps don't have to vaporize my entire blog without warning like you did last time.)

Since killing stupid assholes is against the law, the alternative solution is to attack these drooling morons with relentless ridicule, and that is one of the reasons for this blog.


There have been a few Supreme Court rulings against teaching magic in science classrooms, most recently in 1987. The 2005 trial was decided by a federal judge and the judge's decision, which was Christians are breathtakingly stupid, was not appealed to the Supreme Court.

After the Supreme Court ruled in 1987 that creation science was not science but instead it was a childish Christian belief in magic and therefore biology teachers could not be forced to teach it, some professional Christian assholes got together to discuss how to continue their Christian war against science education despite being shown to be science deniers who were trying to get away with violating the Establishment Clause of our constitution to defend their dead Jeebus.

Their solution was stupid and unsuccessful. They simply renamed creation science to intelligent design. They renamed their god fairy to designer. They renamed supernatural magic to design. And to make their bullshit sound more fancy they called their magic intelligent.

They never fooled anyone, including the Christian scum who were only interested in preventing their children (and everyone else's children) from learning anything about science. Christians knew the whole thing was dishonest but since Christian scum have no moral values they don't have any problem with dishonesty.

In 2005 a federal judge ruled that intelligent design was not science but instead it was a childish Christian belief in magic and therefore biology teachers could not be forced to teach it.

By the way after the trial the federal judge and his family required police protection because they received death threats from Christian thugs.


What is magical intelligent design creationism?

Magical intelligent design creationism is identical to magical Bible creationism. The Christian assholes who say they believe in magical intelligent design creationism are (usually) careful to not thump their Bible in public but they're all Bible thumpers and they all believe in Genesis.

Intelligent design creationists hide the truth about magical intelligent design creationism which is the obvious to everyone fact that intelligent design is identical to Jeebus-waved-his-magic-wand-to-create-all-creatures-out-of-nothing. Hiding this truth is necessary to sneak it into biology classrooms which they tried to do in Dover.

They failed completely of course. The biology teachers at Dover refused to cooperate so they had a school administrator interrupt a science class to read some bullshit about intelligent design magic and lie about evolution. I saw a video of this speech which was read to students, and I wish I was there so I could have kicked that idiot so hard he never would have been able to walk again. I wanted to cause great physical harm to this subhuman because my moral values require me to never tolerate lying to young people. I would give the same treatment to a terrorist and these Christian assholes are worse than terrorists.

Every biology teacher in Dover was angry. One biology teacher quit his job. A large number of parents were even more angry. They took the dishonest Christian assholes to court. The Christian scum lost. When the voters of Dover received the one million dollar legal bill they were extremely angry and they voted to remove all the Christian imbeciles from the Dover school board.

Please see ID creationism adherents believe in ID creationism because they haven't considered, or don't want to consider, the possibility that they're just retarded. Well, it's time for them to consider it.


Magical intelligent design creationism and magical Bible creationism are identical concepts.

What is magical creationism?

According to the creationism religious belief every creature, both living and extinct, was magically and instantly created out of nothing by a supernatural god with unlimited magical powers. Even the Harry Potter of a children's book of fiction did not have the magical skills of this fictional god monster.

How much stupidity is required to believe this creatures-were-magically-created-out-of-nothing bullshit?

The average moron couldn't believe it. It's not enough to be merely stupid. The science denier has to be one of the most retarded persons in human history.

Guess what, there's millions of these idiots in Idiot America. They are about half our population, and most of the other half isn't much better because they pretend to accept evolution but they pollute it with their dead Jeebus, as in Jeebus invented or used or guided evolution, as if natural processes need an inventor or user or a god's magic wand. These theistic evolutionists are no less stupid and no less insane than the Bible thumpers who deny all of science. There's nothing theistic in science and it's an insult to the world's biologists to use the worthless word theistic for biology.


What is evolution?

Jerry Coyne's definition from Why Evolution is True:

evolution: Genetic change in populations, often producing changes in observable traits of organisms over time.

Can anything else be said about evolution?

Yes, zillions of things. This is one of my favorites, author unknown:

The theory of evolution is a staggeringly beautiful and rather clever concept that aims to describe how animals, plants, bacteria and all other living things have adapted, and continue to adapt, to their surroundings. The theory allows mankind to perceive life's history down the eons and understand how and why all living things came to be.

Evolution is the grand unifying theory of biology. It is a solid core running through all modern research from molecular biology to genomics to ecology. Where once biology was a disjointed group of subjects whose main role seemed to be just to classify life into neat categories, it is now at the forefront of scientific research. Indeed, the study of heredity - genetics - is said to be leading mankind into a biotechnological golden age with ever-more potent pharmaceuticals, cleaner fuels and improved crops.


Is there any evidence for evolution?

Yes, there's tons of it. When biologists say the evidence for evolution by natural selection is overwhelming they are not exaggerating but apparently the science deniers of Idiot America think they are lying. The science deniers could of course study the evidence themselves but their motto is Science hard, hurts brain. God easy, no think.

Does this blog have any posts about the evidence for evolution?

Yes, I have a large collection of this evidence. Please see my 78 posts about the evidence for evolution.

Also please see Endogenous Retroviruses (8 posts) and human chromosome two (10 posts).

"Even without fossils, we have evidence of human evolution from comparative anatomy, embryology, our vestigial traits, and even biogeography. We've learned of our fishlike embryos, our dead genes, our transitory fetal coat of hair, and our poor design, all testifying to our origins. The fossil record (22 posts) is really the icing on the cake."
-- Jerry Coyne

I used to encourage America's Christian science deniers to study this evidence for science, but I noticed they are not able to understand anything. Christians are Christians for a good reason, and that reason is Christians are just plain stupid.


Christians vote for politicians and school board members who want to destroy America's science education to defend their dead Jeebus.

Are there any other methods used by Christians to attack science education?

Yes. One method they use has been very effective. They harass and threaten biology teachers who have the nerve to teach biology in their biology classrooms.

Please see These cowardly Christian assholes harassed, threatened, and yelled at an elderly female biology teacher.


Why are Christians terrified of evolution?

They have a problem with the religious implications. Evolution by natural selection makes their childish fantasies even more idiotic, including magical creationism and their cowardly belief in a magical heaven.

Perhaps what makes them most mentally disturbed is the idea that people not only descended from ancient apes, but we are still an ape species. Of course these are not just ideas. Our evolutionary relationship with the other Great Apes and the fact that we are one of the Great Ape species are the strongest facts of science.

Christians think the whole thing is a joke. They think calling a person an ape is an insult even though we're all apes. They refuse to even consider the possibility the world's biologists know what they're talking about. They won't study the evidence for evolution because they think it's a waste of time to study something that couldn't possibly be true.

Christians believe their species is special, magically created to be completely separate from the rest of nature. This might explain their not caring about endangered species and not caring about the destruction of habitats. They think the entire universe was magically created just for them and if they want to trash the planet they live on that's perfectly OK because that's what their god intended.

Their magical creationism disease is virtually always incurable. Stupid can't be fixed.

I wrote some comments for some Christian assholes.

I wrote two comments for some Christian assholes at This website which is infested with Christian assholes. My 2nd comment was for a Christian tard who invoked the boring dishonest Christian bullshit called "atheists murdered millions".


Another quote from Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, author of the American Declaration of Independence, and our 3rd president:

And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
-- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823.

If a brilliant man like Thomas Jefferson was alive today, 152 years after Darwin's Origin of Species, he most certainly would have been an atheist (also known as a normal person).

You Christian theocrats who want to make America a theocracy like Iran can find more quotes from Jefferson about your idiotic Christian Death Cult here:

You can find out what I really think of you Christian scum here:


Ian McKerracher, you're a liar. You're mixing up atheism, which means "not theism", with 20th century dictators. Do you know any atheist dictators here in America? I sure don't. But I noticed virtually every conflict in this world right now is a religious conflict.

Atheists don't threaten biology teachers like you Christian scum. Atheists don't fly airplanes into buildings like your terrorist friends who share your childish beliefs in magical creationism and a magical heaven.

Take your cowardly fantasies and shove it, you uneducated moron.

Another day, another religious atrocity made possible by the magical heaven fantasy. This time 13 Americans were murdered.

CAUTION: IF YOU'RE A LOONEY LIBERAL THIS POST MIGHT MAKE YOU CRY, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE ONE OF THE WIMPS WHO INFEST PZ'S BLOG. THIS COMMENT IS FOR ONE OF THOSE WIMPS: Walton, you fucking retard, grow up and get a life. Crybabies like you remind me of some deranged Bible thumpers I have met. We've been in Afghanistan about ten years. Osama is dead and our federal government is hopelessly in debt. So for what reason do we continue to waste taxpayer money and American lives there? I know the reason. President Obama thinks he has to look like a tough guy for the election next year. He doesn't care that he's sacrificing the lives of other people. The childish cowardly heaven fantasy has been used as a very effective weapon by Muslim idiots every single day since the 9/11/2001 religious atrocities. Christians don't care that they share this idiotic fantasy with terrorists. KABUL, Afghanistan — At least five American soldiers, eight American contract workers and four Afghans were killed when a Taliban suicide car bomber attacked an armored shuttle bus in Kabul on Saturday, a military official said. The Taliban asshole is dead. He wanted to die. His plan was to trade this life for another life in a supernatural paradise. Now he's nothing more than worm food so he never found out his magical fantasy is bullshit. He is unable to warn the thousands of other Muslim scum waiting in line to kill themselves to defend their way of life which is a lifetime of being a stupid asshole. We're still there for what? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also please see Afghanistan: Suicide attack kills 13 foreign personnel. There has been an increase in militant attacks across Afghanistan in recent months, despite the presence of more than 130,000 foreign troops. I suggest it would be more correct to say There has been an increase in militant attacks across Afghanistan in recent months, BECAUSE OF the presence of more than 130,000 foreign troops. I might be wrong about this but I would bet when we finally remove ourselves from our two religious wars in Afghanistan and Iraq those worthless countries will become much less violent. If I'm wrong who cares? The life of just one American soldier is worth more than the world's entire population of Muslim scum. (This is where wimpy cowards, also known as liberal loons, start crying. I'm talking about you Walton, you fucking cowardly asshole.) Also, we can no longer afford to waste taxpayer money on never ending wars. That alone is a good reason to declare victory and get out now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WALTON, the crybaby of PZ's blog, actually defended Catholic priests who fuck little boys. I wouldn't be surprised if the wimpy effeminate Walton does inappropriate things with little boys himself.

A young woman in a room full of theist idiots called everyone there an idiot.

Is it rude to call an idiot an "idiot"?


Should normal people call idiots "idiots" anyway?

If they're religious idiots then most definitely yes, it would be immoral to not call these idiots "idiots". It would be immoral to be quiet about the idiocy of theist idiots because all of these idiots are responsible for the world's out of control religious stupidity and religious violence.

The young woman in this video called religious idiots "idiots" because those idiots were talking about their cowardly idiotic belief in a magical heaven, the childish fantasy that makes terrorism possible.

Their reaction showed beyond any doubt the young lady was correct. The religious scum she was insulting really were idiots.

If you're a religious idiot, get used to the ridicule. There's no excuse for your childish cowardly fantasies, especially not after the 9/11/2001 religious atrocities your idiotic fantasies made possible.

Atheist Calls Religious People 'Idiots' On British Debate Show


The young lady in the video, Kate Smurthwaite, has a blog.



The link to the video came from Sandwalk which I highly recommend. This blog is owned by a University of Toronto scientist. His posts include some excellent information about science and his criticism of anti-science religious idiots.

An example is The "Intelligent Design" Version of Creationism where he wrote a comment to respond to a creationist idiot.
Larry Moran said...

Joe Jenson says,

You're good at hurling insults, and picking holes in lightweight ID positions, but until you actually address the strong evidence against random evolution, they will always be there.
Papers like the following:
Or the argument in Behe's "edge of evolution". These are strong evidence for the limitations of evolution, with on condescension.

So many IDiots, so little time.

You're right, I haven't refuted all of the stupid things that the IDiots have said over the years. But others have done a good job on covering the topics I've missed.

Do you honestly believe that Behe, Gauger, and Axe have discovered that evolution by fixation of random mutations is impossible? Do you honestly believe that after 100 years of massive amounts of research on genetics and population genetics nobody noticed that evolution was impossible?

You must be expecting a Nobel Prize any year now for for those amazing IDiots, right? Or are you going to tell me about some massive conspiracy of scientists to prevent the truth from coming out?

Think about it for a minute. Even if you know nothing about genetics and biochemistry you'll have to wonder why Behe's book didn't have an impact on the scientific community. Neither did any of the papers by Douglas Axe. Is it because all scientists are really, really, stupid or is it because the IDiots are wrong?

What's the most reasonable explanation?


In his blog Sandwalk Larry Moran asked a good question -- Is it because all scientists are really, really, stupid or is it because the IDiots are wrong?

IDiots of course means intelligent design idiots, also known as creationist idiots.

All science deniers should be asked this question. Is every biologist in the world stupid or is every Christian in the world stupid?

Christians have no evidence for their magical intelligent design creationism fantasy and virtually all of them know nothing about biology. Biologists have an incredibly massive amount of evidence for evolution and of course biologists understand biology better than anyone. Do you Christian scum want to deny this obvious truth?

Not completely off topic

This post is about my favorite TV show about zombies and this is not completely off topic because Christian idiots believe their dead Jeebus was resurrected into a zombie.

Zombies, including the Jeebus zombie, are not real, but even though their existence is impossible I never watched a zombie movie I didn't like. A weekly TV show on AMC about zombies is excellent. It's called The Walking Dead which is the name they prefer to use for zombies. They also call zombies walkers because that's what they do. They walk, usually in large groups, looking for a normal human to eat. It's important to never let zombies take a bite out of you because then you are infected, doomed to die a slow painful death and then probably become a zombie yourself.

In The Walking Dead a group of living humans find themselves virtually alone in a world of zombies, desperately doing whatever is necessary to survive. They have learned the only way to permanently eliminate a zombie threat is to shoot it in the head or repeatedly stab it in the head with a knife or something sharp. Shoot it anywhere else and it keeps coming after you.

A big problem is when they are confronted with a large number of zombies. There's so many it's impossible to kill them all before it's too late. The solution is to run or hide.

Of course the whole thing is a fantasy as is the Christian Death Cult, also known as the zombie religion.


On another blog some looney liberals, also known as atheist wimps, wrote about Islamophobia as if there's something wrong with not being in love with terrorists. I wrote this comment there.



Since Islam is a terrorist organization, why would Islamophobia be a bad thing?

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but virtually all 21st century terrorists are Muslims. If moderate Muslims (as if being insane is moderate) had any moral values they would have thrown out their terrorist organization immediately after the 9/11/2001 religious atrocities.

If Muslims are too cowardly to grow up and throw out their idiotic violent cult, then they have my total contempt.

The resurrection of the dead Jeebus is bullshit.

Sorry about the disgusting picture of a dead human ape but I wanted to demonstrate to Christians what their dead Jeebus would have looked like after decomposing for three days.

Christians, your resurrection fantasy is bullshit for many reasons, including the fact that dead human apes who look like the corpse in the picture stay dead. And thank goodness they stay dead. This planet has enough problems without zombies.

You gullible Christians believe in the resurrection of Jeebus anyway because you believe in magic. Making a decomposing ape return to life is one fantastic magic trick.

There can be nothing more childish than believing in magic. It's so childish even children don't believe in magic, unless of course they were brainwashed by morally corrupt Christians.

It's ridiculous I have to tell you Christians what should be obvious to any five year old. There is no magic in the universe. Period. No exceptions. There is reality and nothing else. Magic is not reality. The supernatural magic you believe in is bullshit.

UPDATE: 1/9/2012
I noticed this is one of my most popular posts, thanks to google searches for decomposing bodies. You people are disgusting.

UPDATE 11/01/2011:

I visited a Christian's blog today and I asked him a question about his magical resurrection of the dead Jeebus fantasy. Here's the entire thread up until I decided to not waste any more of my time with his burning stupidity. I gave up on this idiot after he warned me to not call his dead Jeebus "Jeebus" as if I should respect the childish fantasies of an uneducated moron. The asshole wrote about wanting a "mature discussion" as if there's something mature about believing every single bit of bullshit that tard was brainwashed to believe.

Every single time I pretend to be nice to Christian scum I eventually regret it. Burning insanity can't be fixed. There is no cure for stupid.

Human Ape said...
Sorry, this is off-topic but I noticed in the left column you wrote "I believe he descended to the grave and on the third day he rose again."

The "rose again" part -- that's impossible. But you believe it anyway.

Why? You are probably a victim of religious brainwashing but why not, now that you're no longer a gullible child, think about this fantasy. For example you might want to consider the fact that after three days the internal organs have decomposed more than enough to make them worthless. Your god fairy must have been waving its magic wand like crazy to make this bullshit work.

Christians would be much better off if they learned how to think. Maybe you could try that.
John K said...
Before you accuse someone else of not thinking, I need you to answer me one thing. The whole premise of existence rests on this one question; how did everything in the universe, meaning the elemental atoms and molecules, come into existence? If you can explain this, with solid evidence for your answer, then we can talk about the rest of it.
Without an answer to that question, you are on no more solid ground than I.
Human Ape said...
The whole premise of existence rests on this one question; how did everything in the universe, meaning the elemental atoms and molecules, come into existence?

Cosmologists, including the famous Stephen Hawking, claim they have worked it out. No magic was required.

Whether or not Hawking's ideas are correct doesn't matter. For every scientific problem there is a natural process that explains it. Just because not every problem is solved is no excuse to childishly stick a god of the gaps in there.

Some quotes for you to consider:

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.
-- Charles Darwin

If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator.
-- Jerry Coyne

Science is a philosophy of discovery, intelligent design is a philosophy of ignorance.
-- Neil deGrasse Tyson

You believe in magic. You might call your magic "a miracle" or "god" but it's still magic and it's still childish.

21st century scientists do not invoke magic to solve scientific problems. Instead they do research. When they fail, they keep trying. They don't say "I can't figure this out, therefore nobody else can figure it out, and future generations for the next several thousand years won't be able to figure it out, therefore the Magic Man Did It."

That's what you do. You give up and invoke your god fairy and your fairy's magic wand.

By the way, from "god made the universe" to "the dead Jeebus rose from the dead"? That makes a whole lot of sense to you?

If you want to continue with your excuses to not explain how those worthless decomposing organs did not get in the way of the magical resurrection of the dead Jeebus, just let me know and I will waste my time elsewhere.
John K said...
"...I will waste my time elsewhere."
One thing I insist on in a mature discussion is civility. If you insist on using terms like, "Jeebus" I will invite you to carry out your above threat.

Having said that, your quotes are nothing more than the opinions of those who agree with you. Logically speaking, you are appealing to argument from authority, which is meaningless. The same goes for your assertion that cosmologists claim to have, "worked it out." They have nothing more than theories; theories they must have if they are to deny the existence of God. In other words, they have developed their theories to fit their own presuppositions.

Finally, if there is a being powerful enough to create the universe, it is certainly powerful enough to prevent a body's decay for three days. That was my point there.
Human Ape said...
You wrote "If you insist on using terms like, 'Jeebus' I will invite you to carry out your above threat."

Not to worry because I refuse to waste my time with someone who expects me to respect their dead man-god, as if your childish fantasies deserve respect.

Sorry but after the 9/11 religious atrocities it has become immoral to respect religious insanity and I refuse to suck up to it.

"Finally, if there is a being powerful enough to create the universe, it is certainly powerful enough to prevent a body's decay for three days."

Your magic man's magical powers are unlimited, so your problem and all other problems are solved.

Just imagine if scientists invoked your lazy excuse to not think. We would all still be living where you're hiding, the Dark Ages.

Of course I won't be back. I just hope, for your sake, you give up your excuses to not think. Your insane "god can do anything, perform any magic trick, no matter how ridiculous and disgusting it is." is pathetic.

One more thing. I would bet my life savings you're an evolution denier. You probably prefer your fairy's magical creation of every creature out of nothing, instead of more than 150 years of scientific progress. I wonder if you also believe in the Easter Bunny.


UPDATE: 4/25/2012

I visited the tard again at The Lord is Risen and I wrote this comment:

Human Ape said...
Your MAGIC JEEBUS MAN has risen. A stinking decomposing corpse became a zombie, and you worship it.

Your stupidity burns out of control.

You're equal to a terrorist. Equally retarded and equally insane.

Subhumans like you need to be eradicated. Fuck off tard boy.





What is prayer? Prayer is personal communication with God – talking and listening to Him. He loves and cares for us. He wants to hear what we have to say. He is delighted when we pray.


What prayer really is:

An opportunity for deranged assholes to show off how holy they are.

What prayer is good for:

Seeing a moron pray is an easy way to identify an idiot.

The ridiculously obvious:

There is no magical god creature to pray to, it couldn't hear you even if it existed, and if it was real it wouldn't give a shit about you.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Christians are the best possible advertisement for atheism.

I wrote a comment at a website infested with idiots.

"The Bible tells us that we will all stand before the Lord in judgment and what happens there will be based on the decisions we made in life,” the Rev. Jeff Schofield, co-lead pastor at the church, told Akron Beacon Journal. “We want to encourage people to choose a relationship with Christ.”

The stupidity burns. There is no better advertisement for being normal (AKA atheist) than the cowardly gullible insane Christian idiots who would become even more mentally disturbed if they accepted reality instead of their childish Christian fantasies.

Reverand Schofield wants to keep his worthless job and that's why he's selling the afterlife bullshit which is the only fantasy that keeps his idiotic death cult from going extinct.

There is no other fantasy that is more dependent on wishful thinking than the ridiculous impossible idea there's a magical soul that magically flies to a magical paradise. It's 100% pure bullshit for cowardly feeble-minded morons.

It's interesting that morally corrupt Christians never care about the terrorism their insane heaven fantasy makes possible. There is absolutely no difference between a Muslim terrorist and a Christian coward. They're both way beyond crazy.

Every day on PZ's blog there is a post from one of his minions about why they are normal (not a theist).

All of these posts can be found here:

I wrote a comment at a post written by Jim Mader. He wrote about an interesting example of his own altruism and he wrote about the idiotic Christian idea that people will only be good if a god is watching.

Why I am an atheist – Jim Mader

Human Ape says:

Many thanks to PZ for publishing these excellent Why I am an atheist testimonials. Jim Mader’s post was one of the best so far.

Christians often justify their death cult by pretending people would be uncivilized barbarians unless they believe in the dead Jeebus and accept the moral values of an ancient book which is full of genocide, slavery, and insanity. It’s obvious to me Christians are Christians because they’re just plain stupid.

I have occasionally done big favors for strangers who because of no fault of their own need help. I have helped blind people, old people, and people stranded on a highway because of car problems.

What I get out of these experiences is I remember them for a lifetime. I remember the times I was actually good for something. It’s a great feeling. So I benefit from helping these people even more than the people being helped.

My point is altruism is a natural characteristic of the human ape species as it is for our closest cousins the chimpanzee apes. Our species doesn’t need the fake moral values of an idiotic religion to want to be altruistic.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This is what America would look like if the world's idiots didn't believe in the childish cowardly heaven fantasy which makes terrorism possible.

Only gullible, stupid, and cowardly people who have no moral values are still theists or agnostics after 9/11/2001.

If you have a childish belief in a god, or if you are so feeble-minded you're unable to completely rule out its existence, you are part of the religious violence problem and you're no better and no less insane than a terrorist.

God is just another word for magic. If you believe in magic you're an idiot. Grow up or get off my planet.

Some Christians are so wacked out it would be pointless to help them grow up.

I found this batshit crazy blog: Blogging For The Lord

It belongs to an incurably insane airhead who loves the dead Jeebus.

In a post she wrote "The Bible says that we must believe in Jeebus to be saved."


"If you're not a gullible moron my invisible fairy will torture you."

What's funny is there was a friendly comment there from a Jew who will most certainly get the torture treatment for not being a Christian tard. I decided to warn him.
Pete said...

Very, good blog, well written and telling only the truth.

It's the catholic church also who are responsible for so many so called believers turning against Israel

I will be praying for you and for those who believe the lies and traditions of man that somehow G-d would speak to them and that they would understand and grasp the truth of the words of Yeshua and see the urgency of getting right with G-d before it is too late

Human Ape said...

"The Bible says that we must believe in Jeebus to be saved."

Hey Pete, according to this blog you won't be saved because you're Jewish.



Both the airhead and the not-too-bright Pete wrote more comments. The airhead called me Satan, and Pete, fortunately for the reputation of the Jewish people, said he was not a Jew. See Blogging For The Lord if you're interested in their bullshit.

I wrote a 2nd comment there. Here it is.

Human Ape said...

Pete, OK, I stand corrected. But I wonder why you call your fairy G-d instead of plain old God. I thought that was a Jewish thing.

Child of God, your "The Bible says that we must believe in Jesus to be saved." shows that you have a cowardly belief in a magical heaven. You're willing to believe any childish nonsense if it makes you feel good. Also, you should have figured out by now your heaven fantasy makes terrorism possible. You believe in it anyway, perhaps because you're morally corrupt and don't care about the world's out of control religious violence.

Another problem: anyone who has been brainwashed like you but brainwashed to believe a different religious cult, is going to be tortured for it according to your fantasies. Also, the vast majority of the world's scientists, the world's most brilliant people, have enough common sense to not believe in supernatural fairy tales. For that, according to you, they will be tortured by your invisible friend. This is more evidence for the idea that you and other Christians have no moral values.

You and Pete have not one shred of real evidence for your fantasies. Normal people, also known as non-theists, don't believe in idiotic things that have no scientific evidence just because it might make them feel good.

It is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science. -- Darwin

In Lab, Clues To How Life Began

We are descendants of a long path that started with some molecules that are doing exactly what Gerry's molecules have done, which is replicate and acquire functionality.

This looks interesting.


Also, there's an interesting video at


Another excellent blog at R3v0LuTION.

Christian assholes need to learn how to mind their own business.

This post is about a subject which is boring for me. I'm not interested in it. I'm writing about it anyway because of something I just read in the New York Times which is an excellent example of Christian assholes who can't mind their own fucking business.

In 1992 American voters could choose one of three people for President, Bill Clinton or the first President Bush (the father of the 2nd President Bush) or Ross Perot. The most insane debate for this election was the one debate between the candidates for Vice-President, Al Gore, Dan Quayle, and James Stockdale (Perot's running mate). Gore and Quayle acted like idiots. Stockdale was the only adult.

At the debate James Stockdale was asked his position on abortion and it's legality. His reply was perfect and short. He said "I believe that what a woman does with her own body is her business, period." When the moderator looked at him as if to ask, "Is that IT?" he repeated the word "period!"

It's not necessary to say anything more about it (but I will anyway). Whether or not a person thinks abortion is right or wrong, whatever that person's opinion is doesn't matter because it's not their business to make decisions about the private lives of other people. I have an idea that might sound a bit extreme to wimpy people but I think it should be legal to kill anyone who sticks their nose into somebody else's private life. My idea will never be legal but it sure would be the quickest solution to the problem.

My opinion about abortion, which doesn't matter because it's none of my business, is who cares? I'm not interested in decisions other people make about their private lives.

However there is one thing I'm concerned about. Going back once again to 1992, I took time off work in downtown Chicago to be at a massive rally for presidential candidate Bill Clinton. I was able to get in front of hundreds of thousands of people thanks to a pass given to me by a neighbor at the bus stop that morning. When Mr. Clinton talked about the importance of keeping abortion legal the crowd roared. I thought that was a bit much. Everyone was so fanatical about it I was waiting for someone to yell "kill the fetuses".

My point is, and it's what I'm concerned about, is the intelligent people of America seem to be in love with abortion. Meanwhile America's massive retard population, as known as Christian morons, are reproducing like rabbits. If you saw the 2006 movie Idiocracy you might understand what I'm worried about which is artificial selection for stupidity.

Back to the subject of this post which is Christian tards need to learn how to mind their own fucking business.

For an example of out-of-control morally corrupt Christian assholes who have nothing better to do than force everyone else to obey their fake moral values please see The Christian assholes of the most backward uneducated state of Idiot America want to put young women in prison for making their own decisions about their private lives.

“I view it as transformative,” said Brad Prewitt, a lawyer and executive director of the Yes on 26 campaign, which is named for the Mississippi proposition. “Personhood is bigger than just shutting abortion clinics; it’s an opportunity for people to say that we’re made in the image of God.”

The same uneducated morons who deny the overwhelming evidence for evolution and who believe the disgusting resurrection of the dead Jeebus fantasy, also want to force everyone else to obey the rules of their zombie religion. This is another example for why the Christian Death Cult should not be tolerated. Religious insanity in Idiot America must be eradicated.


PZ wrote about this Christian tard problem at Mississippi’s shame.

This is interesting:

As for supporting life, Mississippi’s infant mortality rate is the worst of any state in the nation. The number of babies who die as infants in Mississippi is double the number of abortions annually.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another totally off topic post. Gabriel Faure: Pavane, Op. 50

Before I discovered this priceless music I never imagined something this beautiful was possible.

Gabriel Faure: Pavane, Op. 50

The Pavane in F-sharp minor, opus number 50, was a composition for orchestra and optional chorus written by the French composer Gabriel Fauré in 1887.


Hey visitors, while you're listening to 19th century music, you might want read this stuff from the 19th century. It's interesting that the New York Times was not quite ready to accept evolution in 1860.

It makes no sense to expect a Christian who believes in a magical heaven to accept evolution.

The only correct way to convince a Christian to accept evolution (without sticking Jeebus in there somewhere) is to first convince the idiot to throw out the Christian death cult.

My point is if a Christian accepts evolution, even if he or she accepts evolution without supernatural magic as one of its mechanisms, that Christian is still a science denier because his Christian beliefs are anti-science fantasies, including the heaven and god myths.

Also, if evolution is true then heaven is bullshit. Even if a god with unlimited magical powers was real, why would it give special treatment to human apes and not chimpanzee apes? Since even the most insane fundamentalist doesn't believe in a heaven for chimps why should anyone believe in a heaven for the chimpanzee's closest cousins, us humans.

In a letter to the editor at the New York Times a Harvard biologist explained why if Christians throw out magical creationism they should also throw out all other supernatural fantasies.


To the Editor:

Karl W. Giberson and Randall J. Stephens would prefer evangelicals to embrace secular knowledge and science. This seems a tall order. For example, evangelicals should reject the notion “that humans and dinosaurs lived together,” while presumably holding firm to the central Christian tenet that humans have a life after death.

The secular status of both propositions is the same: There is no evidence in favor of the idea, and it conflicts with everything science knows about the nature of human life. On what basis should someone reject one of these notions and embrace the other?

Unfortunately, the only theology that doesn’t require daily contortions and contradictions is what the Op-Ed writers describe as “little more than a quiet voice on the margins”: to reject all supernatural fairy tales and superstitions, whether they come from an ancient book or not.

Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 18, 2011

The writer is a professor of biology at Harvard.


The Harvard biologist was talking about a New York Times article by some Christian idiots who wrote "Americans have always trusted in God, and even today atheism is little more than a quiet voice on the margins."


Here's another letter to the editor at the New York Times which was written by a professional asshole who has made mentally abusing thousands of children his career.


To the Editor:

We found “The Evangelical Rejection of Reason,” by Karl W. Giberson and Randall J. Stephens (Op-Ed, Oct. 18), to be condescending. As evangelical Christians and creationists, we don’t reject science and reason. Scientific discovery can provide great benefits. In fact, we employ many scientists with Ph.D.’s at our Creation Museum.

Accepting the Bible as God’s literal truth doesn’t mean that we discount science. It does mean that we interpret scientific evidence from the biblical viewpoint. We evaluate the same evidence as evolutionists, but they interpret it from their viewpoint. Evidence isn’t labeled with dates and facts; we arrive at conclusions about the unobservable past based on our pre-existing beliefs. This exercise also involves reason.

We accept the writers as fellow Christians, but we totally reject the way they portrayed us.

Chief Communications Officer
Creation Museum
Petersburg, Ky., Oct. 20, 2011


It's interesting that this asshole wrote "As evangelical Christians and creationists, we don’t reject science and reason."

Translated that means:

As science deniers, we don’t reject science.

Of course that makes no sense but this bullshit is exactly what I would expect from an idiot who abuses children with anti-science fantasies.

Hey Christians, if you're a creationist you're a science denier. You can't honestly say in the same sentence that you believe in magical creationism and still don't reject science. Of course you don't understand because you pretend (or maybe you stupidity believe) evolution is not science which would be a big surprise to the world's biologists.


What Idiot America needs is a war against idiocy. For example the assholes who work for Kentucky's magical creationism museum should not be tolerated. Nobody would tolerate physical violence against children. Teaching magical creationism while spreading lies about evolutionary biology is mental violence and it's even worse than physical violence because the brain damage is often permanent. The victims are likely to remain stupid their entire lives.

By war I mean full scale war. No more tolerance of any religious stupidity, including the idiots who pretend they accept evolution while at the same time believing in a magical heaven which makes terrorism possible and which makes children cowardly idiots.

The religious stupidity must end. All theists and agnostics need to be ridiculed relentlessly and treated with total contempt.


The Evangelical Rejection of Reason

Can Science and Faith Exist Together?

Monday, October 24, 2011

A thirteen year old future biologist answers stupid questions from a creationist idiot.

All creationists are idiots. I can't even imagine how much stupidity is required to believe their everything-is-magic bullshit.

At this website a very young person writes about their misconceptions and dishonest quote mining. There's plenty of good information there. This brilliant person knows what he's talking about.

A different 15 questions for Evolutionists

By the way, creationist retards, biologists are not called evolutionists. Biologists are called biologists. You imbeciles should practice saying biologists a few times to help you remember.

I wrote a comment for a fucking idiot.

If you look at the comments you will notice the evolution denier refused to answer a simple question which was does he believe people and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Most likely he's ashamed to be an idiot. The comments are an excellent example of the stupidity of theists.

Human Ape said...

Peter Pike said: Human Ape, You are not allowed to use profanity here. This is your only warning.

Hey Pike, where did I use profanity? I looked for it and I couldn't find it. Perhaps you censored it.

Whatever. By the way, are you a nun? You sure do act like one.

I wrote that anyone who believes people and dinosaurs lived at the same time is insane. I stand by that statement. It's not enough to be stupid to believe that nonsense. A person has to be out of their mind.

I would say the same thing about flat-earthers.

You believe in a magic god fairy, don't you? Do you also believe in a tooth fairy? Easter bunnies? Santa Claus? Those fantasies have more evidence than your magical god.

Please consider the advantages of growing up instead of being a gullible idiot.

"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

Fine with me if you love censorship. I just ask that you read it and consider growing up. Anyone gullible enough to believe in a magical god is equal to a terrorist, equally stupid, equally gullible, and equally insane. That's right, insane. It's like believing a monster lives under your bed. Unable to think or maybe afraid to think. Where's the evidence besides your cowardly wishful thinking?

Religion is brain damage.

PZ has recently been publishing some excellent posts. They are excellent because PZ didn't write them. The posts are being written by several people who explain why and how they were able to throw out their religious indoctrination. Eventually there will be more than 400 of these posts.

They are all here:

I wrote a comment at Why I am an atheist – Kristen G:

My new favorite quote: Religion is brain damage.

Thank you Ms. Kristen G.

From a previous comment: Parts of the US sound as backward as Somalia or Afghanistan.

All of Idiot America is infested with idiots, but in some states the religious insanity is completely out of control, including Florida where I live and the rest of the Deep South from the east coast to Texas.

Even up north there’s a never ending Christian war against science education. For example the Dover trial was in Pennsylvania.

Congratulations to Ms. Kristen for escaping this insane asylum.


There's a bit more people who visit PZ's blog than my blog. I have good reasons to believe PZ gets several dozen visitors a minute which is about what I get in one year.

By the way the world famous PZ actually wrote a comment at one of my off-topic posts. He wrote about my dream to be a better leech at How to be wealthy.

Did this quote come from an Alabama preacher man or the Encyclopedia Britannica?

The authority of this kind of test is overwhelming; each of the thousands of genes and thousands of proteins contained in an organism provides an independent test of that organism’s evolutionary history. Not all possible tests have been performed, but many hundreds have been done, and not one has given evidence contrary to evolution. There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms.

Please see Undeniable evidence for evolution, explained by the Encyclopedia Britannica.

If you are a preacher or some other know-nothing science denier and you think you understand molecular biology better than every molecular biologist in the world, write a comment at this post
if you enjoy making a fool out of yourself.

The game is over for Christians. Magical creationism is bullshit. Evolution polluted with supernatural intervention is bullshit.
Evolution by natural selection is a fact. Thanks to 21st century science the Christian Death Cult is doomed. Just wait until the 22nd century, then the 23rd century. Evolution gets stronger every day and the childish Christian fantasies look more ridiculous every day. How much longer can the human race tolerate the religious bullshit of the Dark Ages? Certainly not much longer despite the never ending religious brainwashing of innocent children. Christians can't keep the anti-science stupidity of their disgusting cult a secret forever.

Christians and terrorists are equally insane.

I wrote a comment at a Christian Taliban website.

Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead 17-year-old Christian

"Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead 17-year-old Christian".

OK, that's not very nice.

These idiots are barbaric subhumans but guess what. Their religious fantasies are identical to the childish nonsense Christians believe, including a magical heaven and magical creationism. All religious people believe in supernatural magic. Some religious nuts are very violent, but all religious people are insane. All religious people, including Christians, are part of the religious violence problem because they share their idiotic fantasies with the terrorists.

The solution? Fight terrorism by setting a good example and that means throwing out all religious stupidity including the idiotic idea there's a god hiding somewhere with unlimited magical powers. In other words, grow up and stop being gullible cowards.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Maybe this is why Christians are terrified of science.

I was just reading this bullshit from a professional Bible thumper at According to their deeds.

He's a minister from Britain so apparently Idiot America isn't the only country infected with the Christian disease.

After numerous Bible quotes, as if that idiotic book of fantasies has any value, he wrote this insane nonsense:

The Biblical teaching on the day of judgement is that Jeebus Christ will examine our lives for hard evidence that we really belong to him. It will be done with God's perfect knowledge of hidden actions and motivations and mitigating circumstances, and it will be shown that those who have truly put their faith in Christ have behaved differently, and they will be graciously welcomed in to God's eternal reward — not for the merit of works that they have done, but by the grace of the one who put that faith and love into them in the first place. Those who do not have this faith and love will be sent into eternal punishment.

It must be noted that Jeebus' only purpose in this judgement is to discover those who have true faith. In this context, he will not judge in order to show that “all the world is guilty before God” — that is the purpose of the law, and it is already complete (Romans 3:19). Jeebus will not expose the works of his followers in order to put them to shame, but exactly the opposite. It is true that some believers will 'suffer loss' on that day (1 Corinthians 3:15) — the scrutinising fire of that day will expose that there was less evidence than they thought of real love for Jeebus, though they will be saved themselves. But Jeebus' purpose is to show, with perfect impartiality, the reality of the faith and love of his disciples, the vast change that he has produced in the hearts of his own.

This part is very interesting: Those who do not have this faith and love will be sent into eternal punishment.

This nutjob believes in a magical hell, a place where dead scientists go to be tortured for not believing in the dead Jeebus.

Could this be why it's impossible for a Christian to accept the facts of evolutionary biology?

I know some of the slightly less insane Christians think they accept evolution, but since they virtually always stick their dead Jeebus in there somewhere they are really batshit crazy creationists. Therefore all Christians are science deniers.

A brainwashed Christian has two choices:

1. Continue being a gullible idiot and be rewarded in a magical heaven.

2. Grow up, face facts, and be tortured for it in a magical hell.

Christians are cowards, they're insane, they're unable to understand anything that doesn't make them feel good, so of course they will always choose number one which is believe in a magical Jeebus who will magically send them to a magical heaven to reward their stupidity, as if eternal boredom can be called a reward.

The same British minister wrote a post about one of my favorite evidences for our evolutionary relationship with our chimpanzee ape cousins at Human chromosome 2 - a creationist response.

Please notice that the Bible thumper calls biologists evolutionists. Christians, biologists are called biologists. Please try to remember that to avoid being laughed at.

Also please notice that science deniers never provide evidence for magic. Instead they always provide bullshit evidence against science, as if that would be evidence for magic. Even if their misconceptions were correct that wouldn't be evidence for their fantasies. They don't provide any evidence for their bullshit creation myth because there is no evidence for it. How could a childish fantasy possibly have any evidence? So they attack science and then they say "therefore magic is true." Science doesn't work that way, Christian subhumans. You can't provide fake evidence against something and expect that to be evidence for something else.

My blog has a post which is a collection of excellent easy to understand explanations of Human chromosome 2 and chimpanzee chromosomes 2p & 2q. It's impossible for a person who isn't insane to study the evidence in this post and still be a science denier.

The British minister has two problems (besides being an imbecile). His part time minister job depends on his not understanding any scientific evidence that conflicts with his disgusting Bible, and he is convinced he will be tortured if he makes any attempt to understand why every single biologist in the world accepts and loves evolution (because of the overwhelming powerful evidence).

So what does the cowardly brainwashed minister do when he writes about one of the countless extremely powerful evidences for the proven beyond any doubt fact we share an ancient ape ancestor with chimps?

What the minister does is very easy for an uneducated moron. He doesn't understand and makes no attempt to understand the point of this evidence which is biologists made predictions about human chromosome two which had to be correct if evolution is true, and by the way those predictions were spectacularly beautifully correct in extreme detail.

Instead the minister writes bullshit like I'm mainly looking at this from an explicitly creationist perspective, but some of this may apply to some intelligent design positions.

Wow minister. Why don't you try looking at this evidence from a reality perspective instead of a magic perspective? Obviously he has decided even before looking at this undeniable evidence for evolution that it couldn't possibly be true. He has completely ruled out the possibility the evidence is correct because that would mean his Christian Death Cult is bullshit. So he writes this ridiculous excuse for not wanting to understand science: The problem with the conclusion, and with much of the discussion, is that it mingles the evidence with the explanation--so the conclusion, as stated, assumes that there was a common ancestor between apes and humans, which makes it difficult to use it as evidence for a common ancestor.

You fucking idiot. Of course every scientist in the world assumes evolution is true. It's been an established basic scientific fact for more than a century you pathetic uneducated moron.

Also, the whole point of the predictions made about human chromosome two is those predictions had to be correct or else biologists would have to throw out 150 years of scientific progress and praise your dead Jeebus. And they were correct. Their predictions could not have been more perfectly correct. There's a beautiful match between human chromosome two and chimpanzee chromosomes 2p and 2q. It's a wonderful scientific discovery but you call the whole thing magic.

Idiots will always be idiots. There is no cure for Christian insanity.


One more thing. If you liked Human Chromosome Two and why it shows evolution is true, you will love ERVs. Please see Endogenous Retroviruses make Jeebus cry.

Do not read this post.

Do not read this off-topic post unless you're very interested in chess.

By the way, if you're not very interested in chess there's something seriously wrong with you.

There used to be an empire called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which included Russia and several eastern European countries. They used an inferior economic system called Communism, but they had some things going for them including a strong emphasis on scientific progress. While Americans were learning how to praise the dead Jeebus, Russians were learning math and science. While Americans were learning how to swing a bat to hit a ball, Russians were learning how to play chess.

Chess was extremely popular in the Soviet Union and the government promoted it as one way to show they were superior to stupid Americans. For several decades the world's best chess grandmasters and the World Chess Champion were from the Soviet Union and they were national heros. Then a young boy in New York City learned how to play chess and he became fanatical about it, spending every waking hour playing and studying the game. He learned the Russian language just to be able to understand Russian chess books. In 1958 at age 14 he became the USA chess champion. Fourteen years later in 1972 he became the World Chess Champion by defeating the strongest grandmasters of the world including the previous champion Boris Spassky. At this time there was a Cold War going on between the United States and the Soviet Union and so this was a great victory for America.

Bobby Fischer was brilliant. His chess games were masterpieces and they will be studied for the next several centuries. It's fair to say he was the best chess player in history.

Unfortunately he was a bit eccentric. His future was unlimited, he could have easily made millions of dollars from his fame and his skills but instead he became reclusive and poor. However in 1992 he made a few million dollars in a rematch with Spassky. He didn't much care for paying income taxes and so he couldn't live in America anymore even though he was an American hero. In 2008 he died in Iceland (site of the 1972 chess match) at age 64.

I wrote this post mostly to have place to save an excellent google video (36 minutes) about Bobby Fischer and his defeat of the Soviet Union in 1972.

BBC Documentary with various interviews from well-known chess enthusiasts regarding the 1972 World Chess Champion match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky.

The Bobby Fischer Defense by Garry Kasparov

1972: Chess champ Bobby Fischer on 60 Minutes

The chess games of Robert James Fischer

When Bobby Fischer was only 13 years old: After the Fischer-Byrne game, Mikhail Botvinnik, the reigning world champion, reportedly said, "We will have to start keeping an eye on this boy".

I wrote this about Bobby Fischer:

Who is your favourite chessplayer of all time ?

Bobby Fischer. He always played to win, even with the black pieces against grandmasters. And he often won every single game of a match or tournament.

There's something about Mr. Fischer's style of play that makes his games much more interesting than other grandmasters. There's nothing tedious about studying Fischers brilliant games.

In America where I live Fischer made chess more popular than ever imagined possible. And he alone made it possible for grandmasters to make a living from the game. Now World Champions can win more than one million dollars from a championship match which was unheard of before Fischer changed everything.

Bobby Fischer had problems, but those problems are insignificant compared to his brilliant chess games which will still be studied by every serious chess player a thousand years from now.

Please see to read my other posts about chess.

Another totally off topic post about chess: the Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation.

This is my 3rd post about chess and my 30th off-topic post.

People who don't play chess don't know what they're missing. There's no better exercise for the brain, and there's no better way to waste time. Chess is a gift from 6th century India. Why not take advantage of it?

In a previous post about chess I wrote about my favorite ending in which the player with two bishops has a small advantage over the player with one bishop and one knight.

This post is about my favorite opening which also is the favorite opening of many grandmasters. It's called the Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation.

I play only on the black side of this opening. The white side requires the chess player to be a fan of violent attacks against the king. I prefer the black side of the Najdorf because it requires the chess player to be a fan of squeezing out a win from a small advantage in the endgame after successfully defending against violent attacks in the middle game.

Here are the moves in descriptive notation.

1. P-K4 P-QB4
2. N-KB3 P-Q3
3. P-Q4 PxP
4. NxP N-KB3
5. N-QB3 P-QR3

Black's 5th move, P-QR3, is what makes this opening the Najdorf Variation.

As black I try to make opening moves which threaten white's king pawn, not that I would ever want to grab a pawn early in the game which would make this dangerous opening even more unsafe for my king. My goal is to gain a bit of time when white has to defend that pawn.

Black has to expect piece sacrifices when white attacks the black king because white often has excellent opportunities to do this in the Najdorf. I try to make moves which discourage these sacrifices because I prefer a more peaceful game.

If with the black pieces I survive the opening and if I survive the middle game, this opening often results in a slightly superior position for black in the endgame which is my favorite part of chess. I have quite a few books about endgames. My favorite is Capablanca's Best Chess Endings by Irving Chernev. Capablanca was from Cuba and he was the world chess champion from 1921 to 1927. He was famous for his skills in the endgame. The book helped me understand how he made moves in the middle game to give him enough small advantages to win the endgame. Studying this one book improved my game tremendously.

At I wrote the following comments about the Najdorf:
Najdorf is called the Cadillac of chess openings for a good reason. I suggest play the Najdorf and learn by losing then figuring out why you lost. Expect to lose constantly for a long time but it's worth it.
White often wins by sacrificing one or more pieces. I try to avoid the violence by making moves that discourage those sacrifices.
If Black survives the middle game (usually with both defensive and offensive moves) Black often has enough of an endgame advantage to squeeze out a win.
An interesting thing about the black side of the Najdorf: It often pays to postpone castling. Then you can avoid castling into a king side attack by not castling at all or castling on the queen side.
In the najdorf I learned black should play P-K3 when white's 6th move is B-QB4 or B-KN5. For all other 6th moves by white, black should play P-K4.
When black plays 6..... P-K4, if white's knight retreats to KB3 I develop black's queen bishop to QN2. If white's knight retreats to QN3 I develop black's queen bishop to K3.
I love the black side of the Najdorf (and I love descriptive notation).

Please see to read my other posts about chess.

Christian faith requires rejecting science. Accepting science requires throwing out supernatural bullshit.

I was a bit late arriving at this website which is 4 months old: Christian Faith Requires Accepting Evolution by Jonathan Dudley

It has 4,821 comments, a bit more visitors than I get, and comments are closed. This post is what I would have written there.

I don't know if Dudley is a Christian or an atheist wimp who sucks up to Christians. Whatever he is he gets everything wrong except for a nice summary of some of the evidence for evolution.

He makes idiotic claims like "Christians must accept sound science, not because they don't believe God created the world, but precisely because they do."

It would be nice if Christians were not science deniers but what's this bullshit about god created the world? Where's your evidence Dudley? Are you forgetting scientists have already figured out the formation of solar systems and they don't invoke a fairy's magic wand to explain it.

What you need to understand, Dudley, or what you may already understand but you think being dishonest is a good way to convince idiots to grow up, is 21st century science has made every god ever invented unnecessary. A god did not create this planet. It didn't create the universe. It didn't create anything and it didn't invent anything including all natural processes.

Perhaps Dudley, since you're so good at describing the evidence for evolution, you could provide evidence for the god fantasy which I think you know is bullshit.

Too many suck-ups think being dishonest is a good way to convince Christian morons to accept science. Their problem is Christians might be stupid but they can recognize a liar when they see him.

Another problem I have with Dudley is he talks about theistic evolution as if that's a good thing, a compromise for cowards who don't want to throw out their invisible friend and their magical heaven fantasy which makes terrorism possible. Dudley, I think you know theistic-anything is bullshit. Attaching the superstitious word theistic to any branch of science just pollutes it, and it's an insult to the world's scientists.

Christians have a choice, they can accept evolutionary biology as pure science without any magic or magical inventor, or they can continue living in the Dark Ages, disgracing their country and being part of an organization responsible for the extremely immoral brainwashing of innocent children, and the out of control religious stupidity and religious violence.

The choice is contributing to human progress or getting in the way. Idiots who use the worthless adjective theistic for the foundation of biology are just getting in the way.

If people believe in a god, or if other people have not completely ruled out a possibility of a god, those people are insane and they need to be told they're insane.

Believing in a magical god or not ruling it out is equal to believing in a magical Easter Bunny, equally childish, equally stupid. Theists and agnostics are idiots and they need to grow up.

Christianity is a death cult.

Christianity is a religion obsessed with death and magic. Jeebus died on a cross. The dead Jeebus was magically resurrected into a stinking zombie. The dead Jeebus magically flew up to a magical heaven. The magical soul of Christian idiots, when they drop dead, magically flies up to a magical heaven where Christian retards magically live again even though their stinking corpses are decomposing. The genocidal asshole god of the Christian Bible magically murders babies in the magical Noah's Ark fantasy. Slavery is justified by Christian assholes because the magical god of the Bible says it's OK.

If you Christian tards would just once in your pathetic wasted lives try to understand why everyone points at you and laughs with contempt at your incredible stupidity, then maybe you might figure out it's in your best interest to grow up.

Thomas Jefferson, author of America's Declaration of Independence and our 3rd president, predicted the eventual extinction of the Christian Death Cult.

And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jeebus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.