It's not enough for these idiots to deny science. They have to attack science and most importantly they have to attack science education. They vote for politicians who are like themselves, superstitious uneducated morons. Those politicians pass unconstitutional laws to dumb down science education to accommodate their Christian voters. In the most backward hick-infested states virtually every elected politician is a science denier. An example is Louisiana where virtually the entire state government voted for a law to give incompetent Christian biology teachers a legal excuse to spread lies about the foundation of biology, also known as evolution.
Repealing the Louisiana Science Education Act
Louisiana Legislature Keeps Science Education Act
In 2008, the Louisiana legislature voted, with only one dissenting vote, to enable the Science Education Act. This allowed science teachers to include supplemental material that put forth opposing viewpoints to scientific evidence for evolution and global warming, among other things.
Recently, Democratic Senator Karen Carter-Peterson from New Orleans submitted a bill to the Education Committee to repeal this Act. The effort was spearheaded by high school student Zack Kopplin. The repeal was supported by 40 Nobel Prize winners, who agreed these types of "alternative" explanations, like Intelligent Design and Creationism, have no place in a science classroom.
Only one committee member voted to repeal, and the bill died in the committee. The original Act was proposed by the conservative Christian group Louisiana Family Forum, which reportedly has a heavy hand in suggesting legislation in the state of Louisiana.
So is it right for religious based groups to push an agenda for education, and specifically science education?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The answer to the question is NO. Not only is it not right for Christian assholes to tell biology teachers how to do their jobs, but it is also treason, worse than terrorism, and the Christian subhumans should be put in prison for it.
Sooner or later there will be a federal trial in Louisiana like there was in Pennsylvania in 2005 and the Christian scum will be forced to throw out this unconstitutional bullshit, and Louisiana voters will get stuck with a million dollar legal bill, as were the voters in Dover, Pennsylvania.
Please notice the Christian assholes ignored 40 Nobel Prize winners. They also ignored the scientific discoveries of all the world's biologists. All this so they could get away with letting science deniers teach their magical fantasies instead of science. This is not equal to terrorism. It's worse than terrorism. When a Muslim subhuman flies an airplane into a building, the building can be replaced. When Christian subhumans destroy the minds of thousands of students with religious brainwashing, there usually is no cure for it. But there is a way to cure the Christian war against science education. Kill all Christians. (Just joking Google, you cowardly wimps don't have to vaporize my entire blog without warning like you did last time.)
Since killing stupid assholes is against the law, the alternative solution is to attack these drooling morons with relentless ridicule, and that is one of the reasons for this blog.
There have been a few Supreme Court rulings against teaching magic in science classrooms, most recently in 1987. The 2005 trial was decided by a federal judge and the judge's decision, which was Christians are breathtakingly stupid, was not appealed to the Supreme Court.
After the Supreme Court ruled in 1987 that creation science was not science but instead it was a childish Christian belief in magic and therefore biology teachers could not be forced to teach it, some professional Christian assholes got together to discuss how to continue their Christian war against science education despite being shown to be science deniers who were trying to get away with violating the Establishment Clause of our constitution to defend their dead Jeebus.
Their solution was stupid and unsuccessful. They simply renamed creation science to intelligent design. They renamed their god fairy to designer. They renamed supernatural magic to design. And to make their bullshit sound more fancy they called their magic intelligent.
They never fooled anyone, including the Christian scum who were only interested in preventing their children (and everyone else's children) from learning anything about science. Christians knew the whole thing was dishonest but since Christian scum have no moral values they don't have any problem with dishonesty.
In 2005 a federal judge ruled that intelligent design was not science but instead it was a childish Christian belief in magic and therefore biology teachers could not be forced to teach it.
By the way after the trial the federal judge and his family required police protection because they received death threats from Christian thugs.
What is magical intelligent design creationism?
Magical intelligent design creationism is identical to magical Bible creationism. The Christian assholes who say they believe in magical intelligent design creationism are (usually) careful to not thump their Bible in public but they're all Bible thumpers and they all believe in Genesis.
Intelligent design creationists hide the truth about magical intelligent design creationism which is the obvious to everyone fact that intelligent design is identical to Jeebus-waved-his-magic-wand-to-create-all-creatures-out-of-nothing. Hiding this truth is necessary to sneak it into biology classrooms which they tried to do in Dover.
They failed completely of course. The biology teachers at Dover refused to cooperate so they had a school administrator interrupt a science class to read some bullshit about intelligent design magic and lie about evolution. I saw a video of this speech which was read to students, and I wish I was there so I could have kicked that idiot so hard he never would have been able to walk again. I wanted to cause great physical harm to this subhuman because my moral values require me to never tolerate lying to young people. I would give the same treatment to a terrorist and these Christian assholes are worse than terrorists.
Every biology teacher in Dover was angry. One biology teacher quit his job. A large number of parents were even more angry. They took the dishonest Christian assholes to court. The Christian scum lost. When the voters of Dover received the one million dollar legal bill they were extremely angry and they voted to remove all the Christian imbeciles from the Dover school board.
Please see ID creationism adherents believe in ID creationism because they haven't considered, or don't want to consider, the possibility that they're just retarded. Well, it's time for them to consider it.
Magical intelligent design creationism and magical Bible creationism are identical concepts.
What is magical creationism?
According to the creationism religious belief every creature, both living and extinct, was magically and instantly created out of nothing by a supernatural god with unlimited magical powers. Even the Harry Potter of a children's book of fiction did not have the magical skills of this fictional god monster.
How much stupidity is required to believe this creatures-were-magically-created-out-of-nothing bullshit?
The average moron couldn't believe it. It's not enough to be merely stupid. The science denier has to be one of the most retarded persons in human history.
Guess what, there's millions of these idiots in Idiot America. They are about half our population, and most of the other half isn't much better because they pretend to accept evolution but they pollute it with their dead Jeebus, as in Jeebus invented or used or guided evolution, as if natural processes need an inventor or user or a god's magic wand. These theistic evolutionists are no less stupid and no less insane than the Bible thumpers who deny all of science. There's nothing theistic in science and it's an insult to the world's biologists to use the worthless word theistic for biology.
What is evolution?
Jerry Coyne's definition from Why Evolution is True:
evolution: Genetic change in populations, often producing changes in observable traits of organisms over time.
Can anything else be said about evolution?
Yes, zillions of things. This is one of my favorites, author unknown:
The theory of evolution is a staggeringly beautiful and rather clever concept that aims to describe how animals, plants, bacteria and all other living things have adapted, and continue to adapt, to their surroundings. The theory allows mankind to perceive life's history down the eons and understand how and why all living things came to be.
Evolution is the grand unifying theory of biology. It is a solid core running through all modern research from molecular biology to genomics to ecology. Where once biology was a disjointed group of subjects whose main role seemed to be just to classify life into neat categories, it is now at the forefront of scientific research. Indeed, the study of heredity - genetics - is said to be leading mankind into a biotechnological golden age with ever-more potent pharmaceuticals, cleaner fuels and improved crops.
Is there any evidence for evolution?
Yes, there's tons of it. When biologists say the evidence for evolution by natural selection is overwhelming they are not exaggerating but apparently the science deniers of Idiot America think they are lying. The science deniers could of course study the evidence themselves but their motto is Science hard, hurts brain. God easy, no think.
Does this blog have any posts about the evidence for evolution?
Yes, I have a large collection of this evidence. Please see my 78 posts about the evidence for evolution.
Also please see Endogenous Retroviruses (8 posts) and human chromosome two (10 posts).
I used to encourage America's Christian science deniers to study this evidence for science, but I noticed they are not able to understand anything. Christians are Christians for a good reason, and that reason is Christians are just plain stupid.
Christians vote for politicians and school board members who want to destroy America's science education to defend their dead Jeebus.
Are there any other methods used by Christians to attack science education?
Yes. One method they use has been very effective. They harass and threaten biology teachers who have the nerve to teach biology in their biology classrooms.
Why are Christians terrified of evolution?
They have a problem with the religious implications. Evolution by natural selection makes their childish fantasies even more idiotic, including magical creationism and their cowardly belief in a magical heaven.
Perhaps what makes them most mentally disturbed is the idea that people not only descended from ancient apes, but we are still an ape species. Of course these are not just ideas. Our evolutionary relationship with the other Great Apes and the fact that we are one of the Great Ape species are the strongest facts of science.
Christians think the whole thing is a joke. They think calling a person an ape is an insult even though we're all apes. They refuse to even consider the possibility the world's biologists know what they're talking about. They won't study the evidence for evolution because they think it's a waste of time to study something that couldn't possibly be true.
Christians believe their species is special, magically created to be completely separate from the rest of nature. This might explain their not caring about endangered species and not caring about the destruction of habitats. They think the entire universe was magically created just for them and if they want to trash the planet they live on that's perfectly OK because that's what their god intended.
Their magical creationism disease is virtually always incurable. Stupid can't be fixed.