Monday, September 26, 2011

Stupid can't be fixed.

A typical complaint about science (especially evolutionary biology) from Christian tards is "Science refuses to acknowledge the supernatural." They say science is "materialistic" as if that's a bad thing.

How can a normal person communicate with people who are so hopelessly stupid they think scientists should invoke supernatural magic to solve scientific problems? It's impossible. Incurable insanity can't be fixed.

Then what should be done with America's vast population of idiots, especially the Christian scum who think they're qualified to tell biology teachers how to do their jobs?

Insult them and ridicule them relentlessly. Make sure they understand that every single time they threaten a biology teacher or try to pass legislation to dumb down science education, they will be ridiculed, laughed at, and treated with the contempt they deserve. These retarded assholes for Jeebus need to know they will never be allowed to get away with anything.

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