Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Darwin killed God. Good riddance. Unfortunately not everyone got the memo.

Many magic god fairies have been invented. Always these gods were childish ideas.

Today people (who are not insane) know a god with magical powers is not just an idiotic concept. Thanks to more than a century of scientific discoveries we know there is no need for any magic in the universe. No magic equals no gods. The god of the gaps has run out of hiding places thanks to scientists from the 18th century Darwin to the 21st century Stephen Hawking.

I didn't write this post to explain the ridiculously obvious, which is scientific progress has repeatedly made the god hypothesis obsolete. In this post I will give a few examples for why religious beliefs, including the god fantasy, are not just harmless hobbies for morons. Religion, also known as magical bullshit, is extremely harmful to the idiots who believe in it and everyone else.

Some examples for why religions make people stupid assholes and/or dangerous assholes.

There are the science deniers also known as creationists because they invoke a creator to explain what has already been explained by established scientific facts like evolution. If you want to include the Christians who pretend they accept evolution but think a supernatural creator is one of its mechanisms, the percentage of Americans who are science deniers is 84%, a disgracefully high percentage. Their problem is not just scientific illiteracy. It's what they replace science with, a magic fairy who creates creatures out of nothing. There's no nice way to say this. These creationists are extraordinarily stupid and way beyond batshit crazy. Perhaps they weren't very bright to begin with, but religious indoctrination (also known as child abuse) has made them even more retarded.

What a waste of a life to believe in magic instead of accepting the actual extremely interesting history of new species developing naturally the past four billion years. To live an entire life never knowing what they are or where they came from, I can't imagine anything more disgusting.

Virtually all god nuts believe in a magical heaven. That's the whole point. They wouldn't bother with the god bullshit unless there was some reward for it. The reward is not something a normal person would wish for, but religious people, besides learning how to be stupid, also learn how to be cowards, willing to believe any bullshit to avoid reality. The reality is dead people stay dead. They don't have magical souls that magically fly up to the clouds or wherever their magical paradise is. There is no wishful thinking more ridiculously impossible and childish than the life after death fantasy, but the vast majority of Idiot America believes in it anyway.

A magical heaven is an extremely harmful idea. Many people who are convinced it's not just a childish fantasy often waste their one real life. They live unhealthy lifestyles, not caring about dying earlier than necessary, because they think they're going to a better place. Meanwhile the morally corrupt religious industry does all they can to promote the heaven fantasy (and the equally disgusting hell fantasy) because without the life-after-death bullshit they would have to get real jobs.

Then of course there's the never ending suicide bombings, often several of these atrocities in one day, which would be impossible without the magical heaven insanity which both Christian tards and Muslim terrorists share.

The 9/11 attacks, which cost Americans thousands of lives and billions of dollars, would have been impossible without a belief in heaven. It's fair to ask was religion worth this disaster? For America's cowardly assholes apparently it was worth it because they have never even considered growing up and facing facts.

My point is everyone's goal should be the complete eradication of the human race's greatest mistake (the idea that god did it) as soon as possible. The god nuts older than about 20 years are incurable but everything possible must be done to convince young people to not let themselves become infected with this terrible mental illness, or to convince them to recover from their disease if they are already infected.

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