Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Christian stupidity in Alabama

I wrote the following comment at this Alabama news website but the stupid assholes (AKA Christian retards) censored it. I published my comment again and it was censored again because Christians are cowards.


"Have we been so beguiled by the years of prosperity to actually believe our prominence as a nation was achieved without God’s help?"

Ed J. Mulvaney Jr., a better question would be "
Will you ever grow up and throw out your childish fantasies?" There's not a shred of evidence for your magic god fairy. Your idiotic belief in a magical god is a mental illness.

Also, Ed J. Mulvaney Jr., if you have a problem with the Establishment Clause of our constitution then you need to get out of my country. Go live in Iran if you want to live in a theocracy.

One more thing, Ed J. Mulvaney Jr.. Your "
intelligent design" are just fancy words dishonest Christians use when they really mean "god's magic wand". Do you really think biology teachers should be forced to teach magic in their science classrooms?

Your problem, Ed J. Mulvaney Jr., is you're an uneducated moron and a superstitious idiot.


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