Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Someone else wrote this and I agree with the whole thing. It's about religious brainwashing, also known as child abuse.

"Children should be taught how to think and not what to think. Childhood indoctrination is what causes people to become religious scumbags, which is the last thing we need more of. Religion is brain cancer and destructive to society. They try to influence politics with their crap and try to ban science to replace it with their magic such as creation. There is no integrity to religion whatsoever, it is just made up magic stories which has no evidence to support it. Credible fields use evidence to come to the truth, physicists, chemists and biologists perform experiments, mathematicians devise mathematical proofs, historians analyze historical documents. In religion they just make up things and say that it is true and force you to believe it with no reason to. This is why religitards don’t want their children to know how to think, for if they do they will be too smart to fall for their religious crap, so instead they indoctrinate them (which is serious child abuse)."

-- Oddreidar

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