Thursday, March 18, 2021

I saved this stuff before everything was vaporized.

I asked this question:

"500 dead witnesses are not evidence for anything. How can anyone believe in the magical resurrection of the dead Magic Jeebus Man?"


This Jesus character was crucified by the Romans for being a troublemaker... everything else after that point is a pure fabrication by the early clergy.


Not even '500 dead witnesses'. Just a claim by Paul who admitted himself he was not there. The whole story is twaddle.


A more appropriate phrasing would be "500 alleged witnesses" as none of them left any surviving record of what they witnessed and there are no independent, contemporary collaborating records.


However, it is not just the resurrection, but there isn't any contemporary, objective evidence of Jesus' existence. People may claim "changed lives" or similar, but we see similar claims from various other religions.

Plus, that's a person's claim who's writing the story.

It's fictional nonsense, like the rest of the Bible.


One person who wasn't there made an unsupported claim that 500 people had witnessed something. The fact that Christians accept that as valid evidence shows how pathetically low their standards for evidence are.


"Bcuz millions of ppl get warm fuzzies when dey think about him!!! Hurrdurr!!!"

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