Monday, September 21, 2020

I found something from 12 years ago. "What are the advantages of being atheist?"

What are the advantages of being an atheist?

I was just wondering why people choose to be an atheist? Does it bring certain advantages in life in which a believer does not have? Does it greatly improve the quality of your life? Do you feel enlightened? What would a religious person stand to gain if he/she were to drop their faith and become an atheist?


"What are the advantages of being atheist?"

The immediate decrease in Paranoia, Delusion and other insanities.

"I was just wondering why people choose to be atheist"

One does NOT 'choose'; it's not like picking a sport.

One arrives at the conclusion of a-theism when one realises that invisible sky critters are part of an elaborate hoax played on the peasants to enable to the rulers to control-manage them by the best management tool ever invented - FEAR.

"Does it bring certain advantages in life in which a believer does not have?"

Yeah – relaxation and less ulcers.

"Does it greatly improve the quality of your life?"

Yeah; you put more effort into this one.

'Do you feel enlightened?"

Not as dumb - I dunno about being enlightened.

I mean, what is there to know? After spring comes the summer.

"What would a religious person stand to gain if he/she were to drop their faith and become an atheist?"

One can not 'become' an atheist by any other means than actually applying some logic to the invisible sky critter thingie.

It's superstitious nonsense, is what it is - nothing more.

Monsters under the bed.

Monsters in the closet.

Monsters lurking behind the cloudies.

Monsters with flashing eyes and magic wands swooping about in outer space doing mayhem on this speck of dust on the edge of a minor galaxy.

Yeah, it’s all very ‘HarryPotteresque’, huh?

-- Everard J

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